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Johnston, William M: In Search of Italy: Foreign Writers in Northern Italy Since 1800 Mamy, Sylvie: Passeggiate musicali a Venezia dal XVI al XX secolo Pradelli, Alessandro Molinari: Osterie e locande di Firenze: Un folcloristico viaggio gastronomico tra gli antichi quartieri di Firenzi ..
Sezanne, G.B: Arezzo Illustrata: Memorie Istoriche, Letterarie e Artistiche Tassini, Giuseppe: Edifici di Venezia distrutti o volti ad uso diverso da quello a cui furono in origine destinati Stoye, John Walter: English Travellers Abroad, 1604-1667: Their Influence in English Society and Politics
Bradley, Alexander: Ruskin and Italy Dickens, Charles: Impressioni di Napoli Cima, Otto: Milano Vecchia
Mazzarosa, Antonio: Guida di Lucca e dei luoghi piu importanti del ducato Fiorino, Fulvia: Viaggiatori Francesi in Piglia dal Quattrocento al Settecento, 2: Settecento, VII Freller, Thomas: The Observing Eye: The French Artist Jean Houel in Malta
Zecchi, Giovanni: Itinerario di Bologna Brilli, Attilio (editor): Viaggio in Casentino. Una valle nello specchio della cultura europea e americana 1791-1912 Ramage, Craufurd Tait: Ramage in South Italy: The Nooks and By-Ways of Italy
Pedrocco, Filippo: Venetian Views Sacchetto, Aleardo: Il Pellegrino Viandante Itinerari Italiani ed Europeo di Francesco Petrarca Bruni, Lucia & Federico Napoli (editors); Atillio Brilli (essay): Firenze 1865: Quattro Passi nella Capitale
von Riedesel, Johann Hermann: Nella Puglia del '700 (lettera a J.J. Winckelmann) da Persico, Giovambatista: Descrizione di Verona e della sua provincia (Two Volumes in One) Brilli, Attilio: Famous Travellers in Arezzo and Its Valleys
Martinet, Marie-Madeleine: Le voyage d'Italie dans les litteratures europeennes Dallington, Robert: Descrizione dello stato del Granduca di Toscana nell'anno del Nostro Signore 1596 Carlino, Carlo (editor): Viaggiatori stranieri in Provoncia di Catanzaro
Turner, A. Richard: La Pietra: Florence, a Family and a Villa Amerighi, Guglielmo: La Citta di Firenze Jackson, Mrs. Nevill: A Student in Sicily
Hooker, Katherine: Byways in Southern Tuscany Howard, Deborah: The Architectural History of Venice Halsby, Julian: Venice: The Artist's Vision - A Guide to British and American Painters
Howard, Deborah & Henrietta McBurney: The Image of Venice: Fialetti's View and Sir Henry Wotton Beddington, Charles with Amanda Bradley: Venice: Canaletto and His Rivals Dell'Arco, Maurizio Fagiolo; Annalisa Scarpa Sonino, Ferdinando Peretti & Lloyd Nick: The Grand Tour: Landscape and Veduta Paintings - Venice and Rome in the 18th Century
Faulkner, William: Requiem for a Nun Ratcliff, Carter: Albert Paley in the 21st Century Braunstein, Susan L: Luminous Art: Hanukkah Menorahs of The Jewish Museum
Meyer, Marjorie Teetor: One Man's Vision: The Life of Automotive Pioneer Ralph R. Teetor Espinos Dias, Adela: Dibujos Europeos Del Museo De Bellas Artes De Valencia: Coleccion Real Academia De Bellas De San Carlos Mires, Charlene: Independence Hall in American Memory
Potter, Olave M: A Little Pilgrimage in Italy Whiting, Lilian: Italy: The Magic Land Harris, Credo: Motor Rambles in Italy
Rossini, Paul: Scrittori e pittori stranieri a Napoli nel XVIII e nel XIX secolo Leroux, Odette; Marion E. Jackson, & Minnied Aodla Freeman: Inuit Women Artists: Voices from Cape Dorset Feng Linhua & Huang Kangming (editors): 2007 China Jingdezhen Contemporary International Ceramics Exhibition
Wisenthal, Jonathan; Sherrill Grace, Melinda Boyd, Brian McIlroy & Vera Micznik (editors): A Vision of the Orient: Texts, Intertexts, and Contexts of Madame Butterfly Esmein, Jean: The Chinese Cultural Revolution Bishop, Patrick: The Cooler King: The True Story of William Ash: Spitfire Pilot, POW & WWII's Greatest Escaper
Strickland, Bill (editor): On Being a Writer Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journeys to the Homes of Good Men and Great Hall, D.J: The Phoenix-Flower
Glueck, Sheldon: The Nuremberg Trial and Aggressive War Hornos, Axel: Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay Houart, Victor: Miniature Silver Toys
Illetschko, Georgia: I, Michelangelo Rubenstein, Hal: 100 Unforgettable Dresses Hayes, Joy: The Australian Heritage Cookbook: A Collection of Recipes and Memories from Australian Kitchens
Chuji Kawashima: Japan's Folk Architecture: Traditional Thatched Farmhouses Arthur, Anthony: Radical Innocent: Upton Sinclair Stavans, Ilan (editor): The Schocken Book of Modern Sephardic Literature
Hungrywolf, Adolf & Beverly Hungry Wolf: Children of the Sun: Stories by and About Indian Kids Munro, Alice: The Progress of Love Edson, Russell: The Rooster's Wife
Moore, John Hammond: Wacko War: Strange Tales From America, 1941-1945 Jackson, Clarence J.-L: Kicked to Death By a Camel Breyer, Stephen: Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge's View
de Vicq de Cumptich, Roberto & Matteo Bologna: Words at Play or Another Self-Indulgent But Passionate Designer Fancy Illustrated and Made Into Pages Christopher, Nicholas: Tiger Rag Updike, John: Rabbit Is Rich
Conti - Mannoni - Montani - Pinzari - Pucci - Ricci: Marble in the World: The Stone Industry and Its Trade Knox, Frank M: Ornamental Turnery: A Practical and Historical Approach to a Centuries-Old Craft Lopera, Jose Alvarez (editor): El Greco: Identity and Transformation - Crete, Italy, Spain
Venables, Stephen: Everest: Summit of Achievement Turbow, Jason with Michael Duca: The Baseball Codes: Beanballs, Sign Stealing, and Bench-Clearing Brawls - The Unwritten Rules of America's Pastime Tapponier, Paul (text) & Kevin Kling (photos): Mountains: Masterworks of the Living Earth
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