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Abacus Bookshop Books
Parker, Beulah: The Evolution of a Psychiatrist: Memoirs of a Woman Doctor
Prebble, John: The Lion in the North: One Thousand Years of Scotland's History
Miller, Michael M: Therapeutic Hypnosis
Bron, Pierre & Philip L. Condax: Le Flash Photographique: Breve Histoire Illustre
Bron, Pierre & Philip L. Condax: Der Foto-Blitz: Seine Geschichte
von Matt, Leonard & Umberto Zanotti-Bianco: Magna Graecia (Hellenic Art in Southern Italy)
Cameron, Julia Margaret: Victorian Photographs of Famous Men & Fair Women
Strommenger, Eva: 5000 Years of the Art of Mesopotamia
Bugli, Maria (ed.): Apparecchi Fotografici Italiani 1839 / 1911
Luschnath, H: Zeppelin-Weltfahrten - Vom ersten Luftschiff 1899 bis zu den Fahrten des LZ 127 "Graf Zeppelin" 1932
Blume, Martin: Feinste Photographien
Blume, Martin: Die Veranderung der Wirklichkeit schafft Wahrheit
Willsberger, Johann: Clocks & Watches: Six Hundred Years of the World's Most Beautiful Timepieces
Willsberger, Johann: Zauberhafte Gehause der Zeit: Die schonsten Uhren aus sechs Jahrhunderten
Spiteris, Tony: The Art of Cyprus
Francesch, J.P.; M. Bovis & J. Boucher: Les Appareils Photographiques Francais
Dimond, Frances & Roger Taylor: Crown & Camera: The Royal Family and Photography, 1842-1910
Friedman, Jeffrey (editor): Milestones in Motion Picture and Television Technology: The SMPTE 75th Anniversary Collection
Mrazkova, Daniela with Pavel Scheufler (eds.): Co Je Fotografie: 150 Let Fotografie / What Is Photography: 150 Years of Photography
Elger, Dietmar: Gerhard Richter: A Life in Painting
Burg, Nancy et al: Kathe Kollwitz: Jake Zetlin Bookshop and Gallery, 1937
De Bono, Edward: The Greatest Thinkers: The Thirty Minds That Shaped Our Civilization
Wallace, Joseph: A Gathering of Wonders: Behind the Scenes at the American Museum of Natural History
Cummings, Paul: Artists in Their Own Words: Interviews
Van Hensbergen, Gijs: Gaudi
Nadel, Ira B: Various Positions: A Life of Leonard Cohen
Hope, Charles: Titian
Pfanz, Harry W: Gettysburg: The Second Day
Stever, Guy: In War and Peace: My Life in Science and Technology
Woodall, James: The Man in the Mirror of the Book: A Life of Jorge Luis Borges
Drexler, Arthur: The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright
Rakoff, David: Half Empty
(Wait, T.B.): State Papers and Publick Documents of the United States from the Accession of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency (7 Volumes)
Gross, Harry I: Antique and Classic Cameras
Freiherrn von Hubl, Arthur: Three-Colour Photography: Three-colour Printing and the Production of Photographic Pigment Pictures in Natural Colours
Montaigne, Michel de: Essais de Montaigne: Suivis de sa Correspondance et de La Servitude Volontaire D'Estienne de a Boetie. Edition Variorum (4 Vols)
Pascal, Blaise: Pensees de Pascal, sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets. Nouvelle edition
Shevelow, Kathryn: Women and Print Culture: The Construction of Femininity in the Early Periodical
Lockley, Ronald: Orielton: The Human and Natural History of a Welsh Manor
Stoff, Sheldon; Jesse A. Stoff & Lorraine M. Stoff: Universal Kabbalah: Dawn of a New Consciousness
Bannister, Robert C: Jessie Bernard: The Making of a Feminist
Ordonez, Javier: Ideas & Imventos de un Milenio 900-1900
Pflieger, Pat: Beverly Cleary
Bronner, Simon J. (editor): Consuming Visions: Accumulation and Display of Goods in America, 1880-1920
Toy, Maggie: Practically Minimal: Simply Beautiful Solutions for Modern Living
Ackerman, Walter: Out of Our People's Past: Sources for Study of Jewish History
Palmer, Rose A: The North American Indians: An Account of the American Indians North of Mexico, Compiled from the Original Sources
Wetmore, Alexander; Gerrit S. Miller & James W. Gidley: Warm-Blooded Vertebrates, Part I: Birds & Part II: Mammals
Hoyer, Daniel: Culinary Mexico: Authentic Recipes and Traditions
Palmer, Brooks: A Treasury of American Clocks
Heller, Steven & Anne Fink: Less Is More: The New Simplicity in Graphic Design
Borsi, Franco & Ezio Godoli: Paris 1900: Architecture and Design
Hitchings, Henry: The Secret Life of Words: How English Became English
Audubon, John James: Writings and Drawings
Shannon, William H: Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story
Horgan, Paul: Whitewater
Fewkes, Jesse Walter: Hopi Kachinas Drawn by Native Artists
Furst, Peter T. & Jill L. Furst: North American Indian Art
Feder, Norman: American Indian Art
Bartlett, Peter C: Arts of Oceania, Shells of Oceania: An Exhibition Sponsored by the Bowers Museum Foundation
Metzger, Inge & Heinz Kuzdas: Stone Rubbings of Ancient America
Anton, Ferdinand: Art of the Maya
Schele, Linda & Mary Ellen Miller: The Blood of Kings: Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art
Demetrion, James T. (ed.): Clyfford Still: Paintings 1944-1960
Stanley, Dave & George G. Ross (eds.): The Golfers Own Book
Banks, Russell: A Permanent Member of the Family
Harris, Harry: Pele: His Life and Times
Broder, Patricia Janis: Hopi Painting: The World of the Hopis
Wyatt, Gary (introduction): Kiwa: Pacific Connections - A Northwest Coast Perspective
Pearsall, Ronald: Collecting Mechanical Antiques
Vogel, H.W: Photographische Kunstlehre oder die kunstlerischen Grundsatze der Lichtbildnerei fur Fachmanner und Liebhaber
Frizot, Michel: La Chronophotographie: Avant le Cinematographe
Martin, Rupert (editor): Floods of Light: Flash photography, 1851-1981
Heiszler, Vilmos; Margit Szakacs & Karoly Voros: Photo Hapsburg: Frederick Hapsburg and His Family
Mathews, Oliver: Early Photographs and Early Photographers: A Survey in Dictionary Form
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