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Yearns, W. Buck & John G. Barrett (editors): North Carolina Civil War Documentary
Hinshelwood, R. D: A Dictionary of Kleinian Thought
Harrison, Stephen; Emmanuel Ducamp & Jeannine Falino: Artistic Luxury: Faberge, Tiffany, Lalique
Schaldach, William J: Coverts & Casts: Field Sports and Angling In Words and Pictures [and] Currents & Eddies: Chips from the Log of an Artist-Angler
Salter, Mary Jo: Open Shutters
Swedenborg, Emanuel: The Apocalypse Explained, Volume II
Swedenborg, Emanuel: The True Christian Religion, Volume II
Decker, William Merrill: Kodak Elegy: A Cold War Childhood
Carter, Edward C. II; John C. Van Horne & Charles E. Brownell (eds.): Latrobe's View of America, 1795-1820: Selections from the Watercolors and Sketches
Pollard, Arthur (ed.): The Victorians
Pearson, Raymond: The Longman Companion to European Nationalism, 1789-1920
Cumming, Valerie: Royal Dress: The Image and the Reality 1580 to the Present Day
Leier, Ray; Jan Peters & Kevin Wallace: Baskets: Tradition & Beyond
Fishel, Catharine: The Power of Paper in Graphic Design
Dobyns, Stephen: Body Traffic
Perry, Barbara A: American Art Pottery from the Collection of Everson Musem of Art
Reynolds, David S: John Brown, Abolitionist: The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War, and Seeded Civil Rights
Kadare, Ismail: The Successor
Hazel, John: Who's Who in the Roman World & Who's Who in the Greek World (Two Volumes)
Limon, Jose: Jose Limon: An Unfinished Memoir
Haskell, Barbara: Georgia O'Keeffe: Works on Paper
Walton, Roger & Lucy Rix (eds.): The Big Book of Typographics: Typographics 1 & 2
Ken Jan Woo: Woo: Art of Ken Jan Woo
Sutton, James & Alan Bartram: Typefaces for Books
Jenkins, Reese V: Images and Enterprise: Technology and the American Photographic Industry, 1839-1925
Bunnel, Peter (ed.): The Photography of O.G. Rejlander: Two Selections
Paley. Albert & Davira S. Taragin: The Artist Responds: Albert Paley and Art Nouveau
Gatt, Giuseppe: Nuove Ricerche di Pino Conte: Opere dal 1961 al 1964
Long, Stephen: A Nation on the Move: Industrial Prints of America
Graves, Nancy & Phyllis Tuchman: Nancy Graves, 1970-1980
Lorda, Joaquin: Aizkorbe
Varnedoe, Kirk: Cy Twombly: A Retrospective
Stern, Lynn: Animus
O'Sullivan, Stuart: How Beautiful this Place Can Be
Rosenblum, Lawrence D: See What I'm Saying: The Extraordinary Powers of Our Five Senses
Heiligman, Deborah: Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith
Silver, Kenneth E: Making Paradise: Art, Modernity, and the Myth of the French Riviera
Hiroshi Unno, Ryu Niimi & Fritz Lischka: History of European Toilet
Magee, Judith: Art and Nature: Three Centuries of Natural History Art from Around the World
Koda, Harold: Extreme Beauty: The Body Transformed
Chevalier, Jacques M: The Corpus and the Cortex: The 3-D Mind, Volume Two
Smail, Daniel Lord: On Deep History and the Brain
Tischner, Herbert: Kunst der Sudsee
Mathy, Maurice: L'Art Populaire en Wallonie
Barron, Rosemary: Flavors of Greece
Lofting, Hugh: Doctor Dolittle's Return
Gold, Penny Schine: Making the Bible Modern: Children's Bibles and Jewish Education in Twentieth-Century America
Cullen, Cheryl Dangel: Large Graphics: Design Innovation for Oversized Spaces
Shelley, Donald A: The Fraktur-Writings or Illuminated Manuscripts of the Pennsylvania Germans
McPherson, James M. (ed.): 'We Cannot Escape History': Lincoln and the Last Best Hope of Earth
Masayuki Hara & Alexandra R. Murpjy: Masayuki Hara
Braithwaite E.R: A Kind of Homecoming
A. E. (George Russell): The House of Titans and Other Poems
English Scenery: One Hundred and Twenty Chromo Views
Van Haaften, Julia: Berenice Abbott, Photographer: A Modern Vision - A Selection of Photographs and Essays
McPhee, John: The Crofter and the Laird
Lauder, Maria Elise T.T: Legends and Tales of the Harz Mountains, North Germany
Woollcott, Alexander: The Story of Irving Berlin
Bayley, Francis: The Bailleuls of Flanders and the Bayleys of Willow Hall
Steiner, David M: Rethinking Democratic Education: The Politics of Reform
Khan, Hazrat Inayat: The Art of Being and Becoming
Kao Yu-Chen: Significant Useful Chinese Technology - Carving
Lanchester, H.V: Fisher von Erlach
Farina, Rachele et al: Duecento anni alla Scala, 1778 1998: Mostra a Palazzo Reale, Milano 1978
Zobell, Albert L., Jr: Sentinel in the East: A Biography of Thomas L. Kane
Cannon, Frank J. & George L. Knapp: Brigham Young and His Mormon Empire
Stories of the Hudson
Sandeman, Fraser: By Hook and By Crook
Medwin, Thomas: The Angler in Wales, or Days and Nights of Sportsmen (2 Volumes)
Lee, Spike as Told to Kaleem Aftab: That's My Story and I'm Sticking to It
Gretzky, Walter & Jim Taylor: Gretzky: From the Back Yard Rink to the Stanley Cup
Schulzinger, Robert D: A Time for War: The United States and Vietnam, 1941-1975
Kold, Anders; Andrew Wilson, Lars Morell & Hanne Lundgren Nielsen: Gilbert and George: New Democratic Pictures
Borja-Villel, Manuel J: Antoni Tapies: A Summers Work
de Crespigny, R. R. C: China this Century
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