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Hebert, Walter H: Fighting Joe Hooker Cerrito, Joann (ed.): Contemporary Artists Porter, Bert: The Same Boat: The Passion of Chico Mendes
Schumann, Peter: Uprising of the Beast After the Good Life Fails Holleley, Douglas: Better Things: An Annotated Visual Essay of Photographs Interpreting the Collection of the Memorial Art Gallery Lipman, Jean & Tom Armstrong (eds.): American Folk Painters of Three Centuries
Hail, Barbara A. & Gregory C. Schwarz: Patterns of Life, Patterns of Art: The Rahr Collection of Native American Art Witzling, Mara R: Mary Cassatt: A Private World - Illustrations from the National Gallery of Art Eisenman, Robert: The New Testament Code: The Cup of the Lord, the Damascus Covenant and the Blood of Christ
Ives, Colta; Susan Alyson Stein & Charlotte Hale: The Lure of the Exotic: Gauguin in New York Collections von Saldern, Axel: Glas: Antike bis Jugendstil - Die Sammlung im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg Husband, Timothy B: The Luminous Image: Painted Glass Roundels in the Lowlands, 1480-1560
Falk, Dean: Finding Our Tongues: Mothers, Infants and the Origins of Language Adler, Carol: Arioso Lawson, Carol S. (ed.): Chrysalis: Journal of the Swedenborg Foundation, Volume VI (3 Issues)
Lawson, Carol S. (ed.): Chrysalis: Journal of the Swedenborg Foundation, Volume VII (3 Issues) Beardsley, John: Gardens of Revelation: Environments by Visionary Artists Nye, Naomi Shihab: Red Suitcase
Barkow, Al: The History of the PGA Tour Updike, John: The Same Door: Short Stories Oudemans, A. C: The Great Sea-Serpent: An Historical and Critical Treatise with the Reports of 187 Appearances the Suppositions & Suggestions..
SEAD: Second Story: Rochester's Monroe Avenue (Above the First Floor) Through the Eyes of Twenty-Five Area Photographers Sordo, Salvador: Santis y Santas Shoemaker, Fred with Pete Shoemaker: Extraordinary Golf: The Art of the Possible
Ribot, Th: The Pychology of the Emotions Kis, Danilo: Early Sorrows (For Children and Sensitive Readers) Acton, Harold: Great Houses of Italy: The Tuscan Villas
Beren, Phyllis (ed.): Narcissistic Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Diagnosis and Treatment Lister, Richard G. & Herbert J. Weingartner (eds.): Perspectives on Cognitive Neuroscience Allen, John S: The Lives of the Brain: Human Evolution and the Organ of Mind
Ingram, Rick E.; Zindel V. Segal & Jeanne Miranda: Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression Meyer, Franz: Alberto Giacometti: Eine Kunst Existentieller Wirklichkeit Thring, Brynhild Wooldridge: Flying Saucer: Gurdjieff Revisits Earth
Judkins, Russell A. (editor): Iroquois Studies: A Guide to Documentary and Ethnographic Resources Montale, Eugenio: Otherwise: Last and First Poems of Eugenio Montale Tolkien, J.R.R : The 1991 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar
Tolkien, J.R.R : J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar 1995 Tolkien, J.R.R : Tolkien Calendar 2002 with poster Tolkien, J.R.R : The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - A 16-Month 2003 Calendar
Tolkien, J.R.R : The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, A 16-Month 2004 Calendar Tolkien, J.R.R : The Lord of the Rings: A 16-Month 2009 Calendar Schmalenbach, Werner: Paul Klee: the Dusseldorf Collection
Meyenburg-Campbell, Bettina Von & Dagmar Hnikova (eds.): Die Sammlung der Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung Curtil, Sophie: Alberto Giacometti: Grand Femme, II Koch, Ed: Terrestrial Fishing: The History & Development of the Jassid, Beetle, Cricket, Hopper, Ant & Inchworm on Pennsylvania's Letort
Middleton, John (ed.): From Child to Adult: Studies in the Anthropology of Education Sanks, T. Howland: Salt, Leaven and Light: The Community Called Church Parker, Chris (ed.): B Flat, Beebop, Scat: Jazz Short Stories and Poems
Burchard, Peter: Frederick Douglass: For the Great Family of Man Singh, Bhagwan B: The Self and the World in the Philosophy of Josiah Royce Scheler, Max & Matthias Harder (Eds.): Herbert List: The Monograph
Orchid, William C: The Technique of Porcupine-Quill Decoration Among the North American Indians McCallen, Brian: Golf Magazine's Top 100 Courses You Can Play Mekas, Jonas (ed.): Film Culture, no. 38 (Fall 1965) - Slavko Vorpapich issue
Mekas, Jonas (ed.): Film Culture no. 26 (Winter 1962) Hadleigh, Boze: Bette Davis Speaks Deas, Malcom; Efrain Sanchez & Aida Martinez: Tipos y Costumbres de la nueva Granada / Types and Customs of New Granada: La Collecion de Pinturas Formada en Columbia ..
Guarente, Lenny: Ageless Quest: One Scientist's Search for Genes That Prolong Youth Seymour, P. H. K: Human Visual Cognition: A Study in Experimental Cognitive Psychology Oates, Joyce Carol: Unholy Loves
Sagrak, Darko: Dr. Milan pl. Sufflay: Izabrani eseji, rasprave, prikazi, clanci i korespondencija - II. Dio Waters, Michael: Parthenopi: New and Selected Poems Brookhouse, Christopher: Fog: The Jeffrey Stories
Andrews, William G. & Stanley Hoffman (eds.): The Fifth Republic at Twenty Susanka, Sarah: Home by Design: Transforming Your House Into Home Evans, Tamara S. (ed.): Alberto Giacometti and America
Giacometti, Alberto: Alberto Giacometti: Dessins, Estampes, Livres Hohl, Reinhold & Dieter Koepplin: Alberto Giacometti: Zeichnungen und Druckgraphik Gambrill, Eileen: Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice Improving the Accuracy of Judgements and Decisions About Clients
Giacometti, Alberto et al: Alberto Giacometti: Dessins, Estampes, Livres Illustres, Sculptures Ward, Hannah & Jennifer Wild (eds.): The Doubleday Christian Quotation Collection Barrett, Andrea: Schiffsfieber: Erzahlungen (Ship Fever and Other Stories)
Barrett, Andrea: Skeppet Narwhals Resa (The Voyage of the Narwhal) Barrett, Andrea: Narhvalens Rejse (The Voyage of the Narwhal) Barrett, Andrea: Le voyage du Narwhal
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