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A Complete Collection of Postage Stamps of China: the People's Republic of China Addison & Steele; F. Prevost & F.W. Blagdon: The Spectator, in Miniature (Two Volumes Bound as One) Maignan, Guillaume-Rene (Approve Par): Paroissien Romain: Contenant L' Offices De Tous Les Dimanches, Les Messes Et Les Vepres Et Des Principales Fetes De L' Annee
Walker, Lester: American Shelter: an Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Home Izumo, Takedo: The Pine-Tree (Matsu): A Drama, Adapted from the Japanese; with an Introductory Causerie of the Japanese Theatre by M. C. Marcus Gurteen, S. Humphreys: The Arthurian Epic: A Comparative Study of the Cambrian, Breton & Anglo-Norman Versions ... & Tennyson's Idylls of the King
Davenport, Cyril: The Book: Its History and Development Pirandello, Luigi: As You Desire Me (Come Tu Mi Vuoi): A Play in Three Acts Orcutt, Samuel: History of Torrington, From Its First Settlement in 1737, With Biographies and Genealogies
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Bennett, Paul A: A Visit to the Southworth-Anthoensen Press of Portland, Maine Todd, Ruthven: A Mantelpiece of Shells Bayer, William: Peregrine
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Mcmurtrie, Douglas C: The Pacific Typographical Society & the California Gold Rush of 1849: a Forgotten Chapter in History of Typographical Unionism Gadd, E.W: Victorian Logs Pepys, Samuel; Roger Thompson (Ed.): Samuel Pepys' Penny Merriments
Vallarino, Roberto (Text); Gonzalex, Gabriela Saavedra & Adrian Burns (Photos): Apuestas Y Certidumbres Lewis, John: Anatomy of Printing: the Influences of Art and History on Its Design White, Gerald T: Baptism in Oil: Stephen F. Peckham in Southern California, 1965-66
Perry, Richard D: Blue Lakes & Silver Cities: the Colonial Arts and Architecture of West Mexico Leslie, Serge: A Dancer's Scrapbook: From the Capitol Theatre, New York City to Carnegie Hall With Doris Niles - a Chronicle, 1919-1929 Miserez-Schira, Georges: The Art of Painting on Porcelain
Alonso De Santos, Jose L. Et Al: The Image of Diversity Haberstroh, Joe: Fatal Depth: Deep Sea Diving, China Fever and the Wreck of the Andrea Doria Poulin, A., Jr: Selected Poems
Grace, Harvey: The Organ Works of Bach Mathews, William: Words; Their Use and Abuse Katsumata, Senkichiro (Ed.): Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary
Charak, Sukhdev Singh: History and Culture of Himalayan States, Volume V: Jammu Kingdom, Part II Kanze, Edward: The World of John Burroughs Paterson, John: Edwardians: London Life and Letters, 1900-1914
Johnson, George: Fire in the Mind: Science, Faith and the Search for Order Harbage, Alfred & S. Schoenbaum: Annals of English Drama 975-1700: an Analytical Record of All Plays, Extant Or Lost, Chronologically Arranged & Indexed .. West, Cornel: Restoring Hope: Conversations on the Future of Black America
Butler, Martin: Theatre and Crisis, 1632-1642 Weimann, Robert: Shakespeare and the Popular Tradition in the Theater: Studies in the Social Dimension of Dramatic Form and Function Gascoigne, George; C.T. Prouty (Ed.): George Gascoigne's A Hundreth Sundrie Flowres
Sidney, Sir Philip; Lewis Soens (Ed.): Sir Philip Sidney's Defense of Poesy Heinemann, Margot: Puritanism and Theatre: Thomas Middleton and Opposition Drama Under the Early Stuarts Pye, Christopher: The Regal Phantasm: Shakespeare and the Politics of Spectacle
Hearnshaw, J.B: The Analysis of Starlight: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Astronomical Spectroscopy Miguel Sanz, Amaya & Barrasa Yustos, Francisco: 14 Años De Edición. Antología De Los Libros Publicados Por La Junta De Castilla Y León (1883-1997) Faulkner, William: The Sound and the Fury: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism
Ferguson, Margaret W: Trials of Desire: Renaissance Defenses of Poetry Hume, Robert D: The Development of English Drama in the Late Seventeenth Century Limon, Jerzy: Dangerous Matter: English Drama and Politics in 1623/24
White, Shane: Stories of Freedom in Black New York Snyder, Robert L: Pare Lorentz and the Documentary Film Yezierska, Anzia: How I Found America: Collected Stories of Anzia Yezierska
Boyer, Patricia A. & Ronnald J. Jeffrey: A Guide for the Family Therapist Gregorian, Vartan: Islam: a Mosaic, Not a Monolith Freud, Sigmund: The Future of an Illusion
Dunning, John S. with Robert S Ridgely: South American Land Birds: A Photographic Aid to Identification Lawrence, Jerome & Robert E. Lee: The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Benedict, Edward B. & George L. Nardi: The Esophagus: Medical and Surgical Management
Sullivan, Mary C: Catherine Mcauley and the Tradition of Mercy Verrill, A. Hyatt: Strange Customs, Manners and Beliefs: a Remarkable Account of Curious Beliefs & Odd Superstitions, .. Menard, Rene: Interpretive Essays on Two Poems by Rene Char: To a Tensed Serenity & Lettera Amorosa
Wilson, Nerissa: Gypsies and Gentlemen: the Life and Times of the Leisure Caravan Asselineau, Roger (Ed.): The Literary Reputation of Hemingway in Europe (Situation no. 5) Spicer, Dorothy Gladys: The Book of Festivals
Monahan, Michael: Nova Hibernia: Irish Poets and Dramatists of Today and Yesterday Page, Jesse: David Brainerd: the Apostle to the North American Indians Thoreau, Henry B. (sic): A Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers
Carlson, Douglas: Roger Tory Peterson: A Biography Pritchard, William H: Updike: America's Man of Letters Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Uncollected Lectures
Voigt, William Jr: Born With Fists Doubled: Defending Outdoor America Duberman, Martin: Visions of Kerouac Newman, John Henry: The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman - Vol. XXXII : Supplement
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