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Buchanan, Handasyde: Nature into Art: A Treasury of Great Natural History Books Quayle, Eric: Old Cook Books: An Illustrated History Edwards, George Wharton: Alsace-Lorraine
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Langland, William: Piers Plowman : A Parallel-Text Edition of the A, B, C and Z Versions (Three Volumes) Fresan, Rodrigo: The Bottom of the Sky Rowse, A. L: Sex and Society in Shakespeare's Age: Simon Forman the Astrologer
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Curry, Carolyn Newton: Suffer and Grow Strong: The Life of Ella Gertrude Clanton Thomass 1834-1907 Graham, Benjamin: The Intelligent Investor: A Book of Practical Counsel (Fourth Revised Edition) Neufeld, Michael J. & Michael Berenbaum (editors): The Bombing of Auschwitz: Should the Allies Have Attempted It?
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French, Greg: The Imperiled Cutthroat: Tracing the Fate of Yellowstone's Native Trout Brackett, D.W: Holy Terror: Armageddon in Tokyo Waskow, Arthur: Godwrestling Round 2 : Ancient Wisdom, Future Paths
Lewis, Matthew Salter, Elizabeth: Fourteenth-Century English Poetry: Contexts and Readings Burns, Norman T. & Christopher J. Reagan (editors): Concepts of the Hero in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Stanbury, Sarah: Seeing the Gawain-Poet: Description and the Act of Perception Benjamin, Walter: Selected Writings, Volume 3: 1935-1938 Nagel, Thomas: Other Minds: Critical Essays 1969-1994
Wittgenstein, Ludwig: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Whitney, Courtney: MacArthur: His Rendezvous with History Randall, Alice: Black Bottom Saints
Mann, Charles C. & Mark L. Plummer: Noah's Choice: The Future of Endangered Species Draguet, Michel et al: Catteau: Donation Claire de Pauw - Marcel Stal Kohlein, Fritz: Iris
Meredith, Roy: Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man: Mathew B. Brady (Second Revised Edition) Okada, Amina: Indian Miniatures of the Mughal Court Fowler, Sandie & Wendy Harvey: Art Nouveau Tiles, c. 1890-1914
Lanchner, Carolyn (editor): Paul Klee Chaffers, William: Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate, Illustrated with Revised Tables of Annual Date Letters Cagman, Filiz & Zeren Tanindi; translated, expanded & edited by J.M. Rogers: The Topkapi Saray Museum: The Albums and Illustrated Manuscripts
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