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Stucken, Eduard: Die Weissen GöTter (2 Volumes)
Bourdaloue, Pere: Sermons du Pere Bourdaloue, de la Compagnie de Jesus Sur Les Mysteres (2 Volumes)
Bourdaloue, Pere: Sermons du Pere Bourdaloue, de la Compagnie de Jesus Pour Les Fetes Des Saints (2 Volumes)
O'Reilly, Henry: Sketches of Rochester with Incidental Notices of Western New York
Little, Carl (Essay): Debra Bermingham: Still Interiors
Weintraub, Linda & George Quasha: Raquel Rabinovich : The Dark Is the Source of Light
(Jim Dine): Jim Dine: New Paintings and Sculpture
New York. Andre Emmerich Gallery: Sculpture Out of Doors
Tuchman, Phyllis: Big Little Sculpture
Creus, Alicia: Nomads / Nomadas
Christo & Jan van der Marck: Christo: Collection on Loan from the Rothschild Bank Ag, Zurich
Suzuki, Juzo: Sharaku
Mayer, Charles S. (Intro): Bakst
Taracena, Berta: Diego Rivera: Su Obra Mural en la Ciudad de Mexico
Treasures of Early Irish Art 1500 B.C. to 1500 A.D
Guralnik, David B: The Making of a New Dictionary
Remszhardt, Godo: Aristide Maillol: Holzschnitte Zu "Dapnis und Chloe"
Roberts, Bernard: Writers and Printers in Clerkenwell
Hawes, Charles Boardman: Whaling
Beck, Horace P: The American Indian as a Sea-Fighter in Colonial Times
Fearon, Henry Bradshaw: A Narrative of a Journey of Five Thousand Miles Through the Eastern and Western States of America
Burgoyne, John: A State of the Expedition from Canada, as Laid Before the House of Commons
Strait, Newton A: Alphabetical List of Battles 1754-1900: War of the Rebellion; Spanish American War; Philippine Insurrection and All Old Wars ..
Carbone, Teresa A. & Patricia Hills: Eastman Johnson: Painting America
Hyde, Wm. L: History of the One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment N.Y. Volunteers
Curtis, Newton Martin: From Bull Run to Chancellorsville: The Story of the Sixteenth New York Infantry Together with Personal Reminiscences
Wideman, John Edgar (Ed.): My Soul Has Grown Deep: Classics of Early African-American Literature
Moser, Barry: In the Face of Presumptions: Essays, Speeches & Incidental Writings
Fokuhl, Jorg: Hotel Seventeen
Mckee, Francis: Kathy Prendergast: The End and the Beginning
Bruemmer, Fred: Glimpses of Paradise: The Marvel of Massed Animals
Barnett, Vivian Endicott & Josef Helfenstein (eds.): The Blue Four: Feininger, Jawlensky, Kandinsky and Klee in the New World
Pierce, Wesley George: Goin' Fishin': The Story of the Deep-Sea Fishermen of New England
Brennan, Herbie: Death: The Great Mystery of Life
Davis, Charles G: Ships of the Past
Moore, Alan: Sailing Ships of War 1800-1860. Including the Transition to Steam
Stafford, Kim R: Places and Stories
Weiss, Theodore: From Princeton One Autumn Afternoon: The Collected Poems of Theodore Weiss, 1950 - 1986
Richardson, Charles H: Building Stones and Clays: A Handbook for Architects and Engineers
Ffoulkes, Charles: Decorative Ironwork from the XIth to the XVIIIth Century
Schroeder, David: Mozart in Revolt: Strategies of Resistance, Mischief and Deception
Wolf, Roberta & Trudy Schlachter: Millennium Mode: Fashion Forecasts from 40 Top Designers
Karan, Donna (Foreword); Diana Edkins & Betsy Jablow (Eds.): Leg
Steele, James: Architecture and Computers: Action and Reaction in the Digital Design Revolution
Collins, Roger: Charles Meryon: A Life
Wendelberger, Axel (Ed.): Edy Brunner: Conceptualist, Artist, Photographer, Designer
Stivers, Robert: Robert Stivers: Listening to Cement
Rout, Ettie A: Maori Symbolism: Being an Account of Origin, Migration &Culture of the New Zealand Maori as Recorded in Certain Sacred Legends
Clouston, K. Warren: The Chippendale Period in English Furniture
Greenaway, Kate (Illustrator): Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes
Greenaway, Kate: Under the Window: Pictures & Rhymes for Children
Browning, Robert: The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Tatlock, R. R. et al: Spanish Art: An Introductory Review of Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Textiles, Ceramics, Woodwork, Metalwork
Williams, Frank M: Book of Plans of the New York State Barge Canal
Saint Patrick's Cathedral, New York
Alechinsky, Pierre & Eugene Ionesco (Intro): Pierre Alechinsky
Duchamp, Marcel: Affectionately, Marcel: The Selected Correspondence of Marcel Duchamp
Platzman, Steven: Cezanne: The Self-Portraits
McDermott, Catherine: Design Museum Book of 20th Century Design
Silk, Dennis: Hold Fast
Schuyler , James: A Few Days
Robinson, Elizabeth: In the Sequence of Falling Things
Jaffe, Dan: Round for One Voice
Koch, Kenneth: Days and Nights
Mcpherson, Sandra: The Year of Our Birth
Pankey, Eric: For the New Year
Ha, Kim Chi: The Middle Hour: Selected Poems of Kim Chi Ha
Bozhilov, Bozhidar: American Pages
Voltaire, Francis Marie Arouct de: Poem Upon the Lisbon Disaster
Thompson, Henry: Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Delivered at University College Hospital
Shaffer, Newton Melman: Selected Essays on Orthopaedic Surgery from the Writings of Newton Melman Shaffer
Flood, Peter (Ed.): Medical Experimentation on Man
Mason, Otis Tufton: Woman's Share in Primitive Culture
Trowbridge, John: What Is Electricity?
Pierik, Marie: The Spirit of Gregorian Chant
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