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Padon, Thomas: Nancy Graves: Excavations in Print - A Catalogue Raisonne Poulin, A., Jr: A Momentary Order Updike, John: The Afterlife and Other Stories
Kuspit, Donald: Signs of Psyche in Modern and Postmodern Art van Roojen, Pepin & Paul Wijdeveld: Mythology Pictures / Mythologische Bilder / Motifs Mythologiques (with CD) Schaefer, Konrad: Psalms
Selgin, Peter & Paulette Licitra (editors): Alimentum: The Literature of Food: Issue Five, Winter 2008 Bettonica, Luis (editor): Feast of Spain Manea, Norman: The Lair
Morgn, Robert C. (editor): Bruce Nauman Fagg, William & John Pemberton 3rd: Yoruba: Sculpture of West Africa Anderson, Nancy K: Thomas Moran
Palfrey, John Gorham: History of New England (Five Volumes) Force, Roland W: Politics and the Museum of the American Indian: The Heye & the Mighty Brizio, Anna Maria; Maria Vittoria Brugnoli & Andrew Chastel: Leonardo the Artist
Twain, Mark: The Comic Mark Twain Reader: The Most Humorous Selections from His Stories, Sketches, Novels, Travel Books and Speeches Howes, Paul Griswold: Hand Book for the Curious Hagerty, Barbara Bradley: Life Reimagined: The Science, Art, and Opportunity of Midlife
Page, Drew: Drew's Blues: A Sideman's Life with the Big Bands Hassrick, Peter H: Charles M. Russell Crunden, Robert M: Body and Soul: The Making of American Modernism (Art, Music and Letters in the Jazz Age, 1919-1926)
Springer, Nancy: I Am Morgan le Fay: A Tale from Camelot Chambers, Colin: Peggy: The Life of Margaret Ramsay, Play Agent Anderson, Nathan Troi & J.K. Putnam: Decay (with DVD)
Bryden, P.E. et al (editors): Visions: The Canadian History Modules Project - Post-Confederation Verdi, Giuseppe: Otello: Opera Completa per Canto e Pianoforte Myers, Donald F: Your War, My War: A Marine in Vietnam
Williams, Thomas A: Tales of the Tobacco Country Cummins, Paul: The Collected Poems, 1966-2017 Turner, Charles W: Chessie's Road
Zimmer, Carl: Science Ink: Tattoos of the Science Obsessed Huisman, P. & M.G. Dortu: Lautrec by Lautrec Nelken, Halina: Alexander von Humboldt: His Portraits and their Artists - A documentary Iconography
Martin, Philippe: Hyper Nature Spufford, Francis & Elizabeth Kolbert (editors): The Ends of the Earth: An Anthology of the Finest Writing on the Arctic and the Antarctic Maron, Marc & Brendan McDonald: Waiting for the Punch: Words to Live by from the WTF Podcast
LaDuke, Betty: Africa: Women's Art, Women's Lives Beiswanger, William L: Monticello in Measured Drawings Roberts, David (editor): Rock Chronicles: Every Legend, Every Line-Up, Every Look
Oates, Joyce Carol: Hazards of Time Travel Kelly, Robert L: The Fifth Beginning: What Six Million Years of Human History Can Tell Us about Our Future Hagen, Steve: Buddhism Is Not What You Think: Finding Freedom Beyond Beliefs
Rodrigues, Teresa (revised by): Butler's Lives of the Saints: March (New Full Edition) Snead, Stella: Animals in Four Worlds: Sculptures from India Updike, John: Facing Nature
Eiseley, Loren: The Night Country (Reflections of a Bone-Hunting Man) Messer, Thomas M: Emil Schumacher: Recent Paintings Aigner, Carl (editor): Paul Zwietnig-Rotterdam: Worklist / Werkliste. Painting Sculpture Projects / Malerei Skulptur Projekte, 1953 - 2004
Perillo, Lucia: Inseminating the Elephant Kuspit, Donald: Karel Appel Sculpture: A Catalogue Raisonne Blau, Dick (photos) & Nigel Rothfels (text): Elephant House
McPhee, John: The Founding Fish Serrane, Fernand: The Serrane Guide: Stamp Forgeries of the World to 1926 Penfield, Wilder: Second Thoughts: Science; The Arts and The Spirit with a French-Canadian Epilogue
du Vigneaud, Vincent et al: The Harvey Lectures: Delivered Under the Auspices of the Harvey Society of New York, 1942-1943; Series XXXVIII Friedman, Reuben: The Emperor's Itch: The Legend Concerning Napoloen's Affliction with Scabies Rubin, Susan Goldman: Searching for Anne Frank: Letters from Amsterdam to Iowa
Rachman, Tom: The Italian Teacher Putnam, James Jackson: A Memoir of Dr. James Jackson Cooper, Page: The Bellevue story
Levenson, Dorothy: Montefiore: The Hospital as Social Instrument, 1884-1984 Calwell, H.G: The Life and Times of a Voluntary Hospital: The History of the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, 1873 to 1948 St. Mark's Church in the Bowery, New York City: Memorial of St. Mark's Church in the Bowery
Kennedy, David M: Birth Control in America: The Career of Margaret Sanger Foster, Eugene: Vaccination: Its Necessity, Control, Efficiency, and Safety Charcot, J.M. & William Stokes: Lectures on the Diseases of the Nervous System Delivered at La Salpetriere [and} Lectures on Fever
Mead, David: Yankee Eloquence in the Middle West: The Ohio Lyceum, 1850-1870 Rothman, David J: The Discovery of the Asylum: Social Order and Disorder in the New Republic Engel, George L: Fainting: Physiological and Psychological Considerations
Hanotaux, Gabriel: Contemporary France, Vol. IV (1877-1882) Hanotaux, Gabriel: Contemporary France, Vol. III (1874-1877) Hanotaux, Gabriel: Contemporary France, Vol. I (1870-1873)
Güse, Ernst-Gerhard: Emil Schumacher: Das Erlebnis des Unbekannten Ashbery, John (foreword): Joan Mitchell 1992 Scully, Sean: Resistance and Persistence: Selected Writings
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