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Ellis Parker Butler, B/W FRONTISPIECE WITH TISSUE GUARD, Illustrated in B/W by Rea Irvin: Philo Gubb: Correspondence-School Detective, correspondence School, The adventures of a correspondence school detective who hangs wallpaper when not solving crimes, Seventeen short stories that feature the first correspondence-school Detective Mary Graham M. G. Bonner, B/W Illustrated by Jonathan David: Dugout Mstery ;: Illustrated by Jonathan David (Borsol books for young people) NOT EX-LIBRARY BUT there?s Random House Reading Program Pocket on front Endpaper with laminated Vocabulary List, DETAIL List that Says ROBERT GRAVES , Orange & White Rockwell Kent running streamer man ENDPAPERS WITH BOOKPLATE ATTACHED ,: I, Claudius, From the Autobiography of Tiberius Claudius , ML#20 ,1937, The book is a stated First ML printing, rear panel notes 246 titles. From the Autobiography of Tiberius Claudius
BY F.SCOTT FITZGERALD, ~ HAND SIGNED By AUTHOR in Pencil, From F. Scott Fitzgerald, Autograph GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC, Blank Endpapers Small A STAMP & Light FoX, Soil: THIS SIDE OF PARADISE BY F.SCOTT FITZGERALD, ~ HAND SIGNED By AUTHOR, Vintage Edition, This Edition Was Published in 1920, the Same Year as the First Edition. F. Scott Fitzgerald's First Novel, This Side of Paradise, Became the Novel That Defined an Era a by Christopher Morley, 5 audio CDs, Summary by J. M. Smallheer, These Compact disks will play on any ordinary CD player, no MP3 player and/or computer is required: The Haunted Bookshop, by Christopher Morley, 5 audio CDs with the Yellow & Black picture of man Lurking front of Bookstore on face of each, Format:CD Mystery Thriller, 5 Compact Disks, Length:Unabridged, These audio books CDs will play on any ordinary SHELLEY WINTERS, SIGNED & Inscribed & Dated 7/30/80 by Author, Inner DJ Flap Original price Intact $14.95, Plain Red Endpapers, Illustrated B/W Photos,: SHELLEY Also Known as Shirley, ( SHELLEY WINTERS, HOLLYWOOD ACTRESS, Biography of the Academy Award winning Movie actress & studied with Lee Strasberg at the Actors Studio
Little black sambo Doll: Little Black Sambo SEATED CLOTH Doll & about 7 1/2 ? tall & is seated holding CLOSED beige umbrella with wooden handle & has on red jacket with 3 Little round cloth buttons, Inscribed Compliments of H. I. Club To Mr. Frank Braudon ? Special Inspector Indian Service , BUT NOT SIGNED, Dated 11/25/ 1923, Officers President, Mrs. G. H. Beaulieu,: H. I. CLUB OR H. I. Study Club, Small Pamphlet, Study for year, History North American Indians, First annual Announcement of Club of Pawhuska 1923-1924, Program of Listing of various Dates MAX LUCADO, with Jenna, Andrea & Sara Lucado, Color Illustrated by Liz Bonham ,with damaged CD Present featuring 2 heartwarming Songs & Story Read by Jodi Benson, with $17.99 Intact on DJ BACK: The Crippled Lamb, Collector?s Edition, ,with CD Present featuring reading of the Story by Jodi Benson & 2 heartwarming Songs , God has Special Place
LLOYD COE, Written & Illustrated in B/W & Green, Blank Endpapers slight Fox, EX-Library Usual wear # Stamps etc ,: CHARCOAL, Cute, black sheep story. This is Coe's first written and illustrated book. A black sheep tries to become white like his cousins so he will not have any more mischievous, black-sheep Thoughts Hope, Laura Lee , FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper, Illustrated by Gloria Singer in B/W, Inner DJ Flap Original price Intact $7.95: The Bobbsey Twins: the Blue Poodle Mystery #1 in Blue Dustjacket of 4 children on Front & guy in Red shirt Running in background with Poodle, Don?t Stop Dancing Nan Whispers to Jackie, Emmanuelle Arsan, Translated from French of Anselm Hollo, Inner DJ Flap Original price Intact $7.95: Emmanuelle II , Erotica; fiction, The sequel to Emmanuelle, an erotic novel that due to France's censorship laws could not be advertised but nonetheless sold a half a million copies
Edward Shanks, born in 1892, in London English author and poet, Blank endpapers Former Owner Name: THE RICHEST MAN in Blue & Yellow Dustjacket of 2 String Puppets on stage 1 in Top Hat & Tails & other in Officers Uniform with Hat & Mustache, As Fresh & Jolly a Tale James Justinian Morier, Decorative Fritz Kredel DJ , Kent Grey & White endpapers; binding #8; Introduction by Richard D. Altick. $1.45 ON front INNER DJ FLAP,: THE ADVENTURES OF HAJJI BABA OF ISPAHAN: ML# 289, Stated FIRST MODERN LIBRARY EDITION, 1954. COLOR DJ of man on blue horse in white turban & Red long coat & Prophet standing on Ground Edited & Illustrated by George Du Maurier, INNER FLAP 95 CENTS,, With an introduction by his cousin Lady ("Madge Plunket") Introduction by Deems Taylor: PETER IBBETSON, IN BEIGE & GREEN LINES AT TOP & BTM DJ OF MAN & WOMAN IN GARDEN HOLDING HANDS & HER IN LONG DRESS WITH Floral HAT STRUNG AROUND her arm, 1932, STATED 1ST MODERN LIBRARY , 210 bks listed back of DJ,
by Ann Sheldon, , who was writer for Edward Stratemeyer Syndicate, Inner DJ flap Original Price Intact $8.95, DJ Design Rebecca Tachna, DJ Illustration by John Speirs: The Ghost Town Treasure, Linda Craig Series #6, in Green Dustjacket with Cowgirl riding Palomino Horse , this one finding our heroine 16 yr. old Sleuth, Linda & , her friends, Translated from the original Russian of Dmitri Merejkowski by Bernard Guilbert Guerney, with a foreword / introduction by him. a biographical sketch and notes,: The Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci, 1st Edition Stated Modern Library in very Early DJ with 159 Titles on Back of DJ & Pre ZipCode Coupon, Walt Disney 3D POSTCARD: Rare COLOR 1966 PINOCCHIO Disney 3-D Lenticular THICK POSTCARD 3 D Unposted ( NO POSTAGE STAMP ON BACK ) , AUTHORIZED Walt Disney Licensee W.C. Jones publishing , La Brea Ave, Los Angeles , Ca 90036, Father with paint Brush, & Son, Puppet & Cat on Bench
EUGENE O?NEILL, Winner of Nobel Prize for 1936, , Original Introduction by Lionel Trilling, INNER DJ FLAP ORIGINAL Price intact of 95 Cents. Orange & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers,: The Emperor Jones, Anna Christie and The Hairy Ape , THREE PLAYS, Modern Library #146, DJ HAS PICTURE OF Scowling HITLER on Front Left OF BLUE & WHITE DJ, Copyright page states "First Modern Library Edition 1937. Inside the dust jacket 246 titles are MARCO POLO, (1254-1329), Introduction by Manuel Komroff, Orange & White Running streamer Man, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf , Revised from Marsden's translation: TRAVELS OF MARCO POLO ML# 196 , When Marco Polo arrived at the court of the Great Khan, Pekin had just been rebuilt and made the capital of China. Kublai Khan was at the height of this glory. Marco Polo rose rapidly in Favour Theophile Gautier (1811 ? 1872) FRENCH WRITER, Orange & White Rockwell kent Endpapers, INNER DJ FLAP 95 CENTS Intact, Preface,: Mademoiselle de Maupin IN GREEN DJ WITH GREEN LINES AT TOP & BTM & HAVE MAN HOLDING FIGHTING JOSTING SWORD ON FRONT, 1933, ,210 titles mentioned on the back of the dust jacket,, A shocking tale of sexual deception
EDITED Introd Arthur B. Reeve, BERNHARD ENDPAPERS, Inner DJ flap 95 Cents: The Best Ghost Stories, ML title #73 of 86 titles , 1929, Early Edition, 150 TITLES ON BACK OF DJ WITH PRE ZIPCODE DJ, Contains 13 ghost stories by authors such as ,Daniel De Foe, Bulwer-Lytton and Ambrose Bierce, ETC Spyri, Johanna , Color ILLUST HELEN B. DOLE, Frontispiece Never in His Life had he seen anything so Splendid in Color: LITTLE MISS GRASSHOPPER by Owen Fox Jerome, EX- CIRCULATING LIBRARY FAINT STAMPS, WEAR ETC, Inner DJ Flap $2: The Hand of Horror by Owen Fox Jerome in Blue, Yellow & Purple Dustjacket of Creepy Hand. Mystery solved by Philip MacCray includes Sinister Figure of Doctor Dax who floats thru
UNCLE MILTON, ILLUSTRATED IN COLOR by M.D.S. , Blank Endpapers former Owner Inscription in Pencil FOXED: FOUR WEE MICE A STORY FOR CHILDREN 4, Ullman?s Blue - Line series, Well I Declare said Tad, the Mouse, that gave me an awful Frigt. I wonder what made such a Noise in that Big Thing against the Wall Randy Shilts, Book is SIGNED Inscribed To ..., Keep the dream alive. Warmly Randy Shilts FEB 27 '82. San Francisco, DJ Design Andy Carpenter ,: Mayor of Castro Street, The- Life & Times of Harvey Milk,1st edition Author Inscribed, Shilts wrote for the San Francisco Chronicle and was the author of The Mayor of Castro Street, about Harvey Milk Sir Richard Burton Translator, chosen & arranged by Bennett A. Cerf, Inner DJ Flap 95 Cents, with many of Burtons Notes Complete & Unabridged, introductory essay Ben Ray Redman: Arabian Nights Entertainment or book of thousand Nights & a Night, The 1932, STATED 1st Modern Library Edition on copyright pg,, HAS 210 TITLES ON BACK DJ HAS BLUE LINES TOP / BTM ILLUST IN MIDDLE WITH AN ADULT SELECTION
SIGNED & Inscribed by Basil Woon,From Material Supplied by Mme. Pierre Berton, Inscribed on half-title page by WOON: Author please! Basil Woon with a Paris street address and dated June 1928: The Real Sarah Bernhardt Whom Her Audiences Never Knew, SIGNED BY BASIL WOON Immanuel Kant, Edited, with Brilliant Interpretive Introduction by Carl J. Friedrich to the 12 essays in This Volume, ($1.25 on front inside DJ flap), Grey & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers: Philosophy of Kant , Modern Library No. 266 in original unclipped BEIGE printed jacket Outlined in Green. Immanuel Kant's Moral and Political Metaphysical Writings, 1949, Stated First Modern Library Edition Count Leo Tolstoy 1828 - 1910 ; Translated by Constance Garnett. Blank Endpapers Fox, $1.10 ON INNER DJ FLAP , BACK FLAP LISTS THRU THE POSSESSED: ANNA KARENINA, 1937, #G-23 Illustration on BROWN DUSTJACKET is of Greta Garbo, Hollywood Actress as she appeared in the 1935 movie of Anna Karenina. inside of the dust jacket features 245 titles
CHARLES J. DUTTON, inner DJ Flap priceClipped, BLANK ENDPAPER FOX INK WRITING Name: STREAKED WITH CRIMSON, Detective Story Weird Fantastic Crime which Hartley Manners,a young Professor of Abnormal Psychology stumbled Upon. Sinister Bloody Murder, Lost in the Fog & Rain , CHARLES J. DUTTON, inner DJ Flap priceClipped, BLANK ENDPAPER FOX INK WRITING Name , DJ is ATTACHED to the book at the front inside cover: POISON Unkown, Detective Story , very scarce dust jacket , 1st Man to Enter a new Station brings Murder on His Heels is an Old Police Saying. & Timothy Rogan was No Exception. His 1st assignement to watch the House of Wealthy CHARLES J. DUTTON, Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped: CROOKED CROSS ,DETECTIVE FICTION of clleverly twisted Clews & Situations by a famous criminology writer, in brown DJ WITH BLUE & WHITE FACES of Men & white Titles, Detective Story
CHARLES J. DUTTON, Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped: THE SHADOW ON THE GLASS, Uncommon In very scarce dust jacket with Silhouette of Man in Hat. "A Baffling Mystery Story, Involving the Theft of a Rare Book". John Bartley, a famous detective, is invited to the wedding Sgt. Sergeant Thomas P. Connors & Lt. Lieutenant Paul Glaser , INNER FLAP $2.75 , Introd By Stephen P. Kennedy, POLICE COMMISSIONER , NYC , small stamp Blank Endpapers: John Benton Rookie Policeman , Great little book for young kids back in the 1950's. Benton joins the police force in a great city, inspire by his uncle?s tales of mighty Detective Deeds in never ending fight against Crime Randy Shilts, Book is SIGNED Inscribed To ..., Keep the dream alive. I?ve Heard about your Good work Warmly Randy Shilts NOV 13 '85. San Francisco, FORMER OWNER STAMPS Back Blank Fyleaf: Mayor of Castro Street, The- Life & Times of Harvey Milk,1st edition Author Inscribed, Shilts wrote for the San Francisco Chronicle and was the author of The Mayor of Castro Street, about Harvey Milk Story of Militant Gays
Rudolph Valentino, B/W Glossy Frontispiece of Valentino in Open White Shirt Pensive Mood, Back Blank Endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMP Foxing, Inner DJ Flap 2- NET Price, Introduction,: Day Dreams ( Poems ) DayDreams In RARE Purple & White DustJacket of with 3 Headshots of Rudolph Valentino from The Sheik, Blood & Sand & Monsieur Beaucaire, Poetry and philosophical musings from Valentino, EDITED Introd Arthur B. Reeve, Grey & White Rockwell Kent ENDPAPERS Address Sticker Stamp, Inner DJ Flap 95 Cents, authors such as ,Leopold Kompert, Montague Rhodes James and Ambrose Bierce, Algernon Blackwood ETC: The Best Ghost Stories, ML #73, Early Edition, 275 TITLES ON BACK OF DJ WITH PRE ZIPCODE DJ & 95 cents, 13 ghost stories by authors such as ,Leopold Kompert, Montague Rhodes James H. L. MENCKEN, Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped but 95 cents Intact, Green & white Rockwell Kent Endpapers light edge Scuff: Selected Prejudices, ML#107, in Beige Printed Dustjacket with Red Lines at Top & Btm, STATED 1ST Modern Library EDITION, 1930,SELECTION OF BEST of , includes Prohibition, Politics,
TASHA TUDOR, INNER DJ FLAP $1.75, Illustrated in Lovely Water Color by author, The book is SIGNED "Tasha Tudor 1994" on the front endpaper. A rare title. Pictorial CROW Endpapers Foxed: EDGAR ALLAN CROW, SIGNED BY TASHA TUDOR ,A charming story of a crow wanting to Be usful to his adopted human family. Based on the true tale of the author's Family RAYMOND CHANDLER,1888-1959. Original $2.45 price intact DJ EDGE CREASE. Beige White Rockwell Kent Endpapers, He died in La Jolla , CA: Farewell, My Lovely and The Lady in the Lake , A collection of two of the better Philip Marlowe novels, Feb. 1967, States 'First Modern Library PAUL ADER, Signed & Dated 1977 , NOT an ex-library book, Inner DJ flap $10: How to Make MIllion at the Track Paul Ader HC w/ DJ Signed Horse Racing Betting, reference, research, analysis, application or just enjoyment, [the author] explains his revolutionary approach
Mark Shulman, Full color Illustrations by Philip Fickling , original dust jacket FLAP priced at $14.95: Fillmore And Geary Take Off! The Adventures of a Robot Boy and a Boy Boy! Build Your Own Rocket" KIT is Present. IN DUSTJACKET Local boys Fillmore and Geary have a problem. They built a robot dog TRAVEN, B. Dustjacket is unclipped, but the original $2.45 price is crossed out in black ink & Printed ML 389 tiny corner Crease. Green ML Decorated Endpapers: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. [ML, No. 389] States "MODERN LIBRARY EDITION, February 1969 Andrew J. Fenady, SIGNED & Inscribed BY CA. AUTHOR, INNER DJ FLAP $25.95: A Night in Hollywood Forever, ( Cemetery on Santa Monica Blvd ) SIGNED a, (Five Star First Edition Mystery) Edgar Award-winning author ,Alex Night moves out of the private eye business
Theophile Gautier (1811 ? 1872) FRENCH WRITER, $1.10 ON BACK OF DJ & on Inner DJ flap above price sticker reads As of April 15, 1947, the price of The Modern Library in U.S.A. is $1.25 a copy, Grey & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers: Mademoiselle De Maupin and One of Cleopatra's Nights, Mademoiselle De Maupin, a controversial Modern Library title involving bisexuality and cross-dressing. Appears to be a First Edition, EARLY ISSUE, Tasha Tudor , Inner flap Priceclipped but Price Code INTACT 30-60 with small crease, Calligraphy by Hilda Scott, Plain endpapers Light fox,: Dorcas Porkus , First Enlarged Edition, 1963, in Orange & White DJ of 2 kids wit Pig in Barrel ,Dorcus was an unusual Pig, SIGNED and Dated (9-7-1996) by Editor, Russell Schroeder with Drawing of Mickey Mouse on Yellow Endpapers, Introduction written by Diane Disney Miller.,: Walt Disney, "His Life in Pictures" SIGNED by Russell Schroeder, This very intriguing book traces Walt Disney's life from his boyhood in Missouri through his beginnings in Hollywood,
Illustrated by Walt Disney in B/W & Color, Plain ue Endpapers small scuff mark, with price code 5050 on DJ Flap,: Snow White & Seven Dwarfs from Famous Picture by Walt Disney, paper covered boards (floral background with color illus. of Snow White and four of the dwarves playing musical instruments on front cover) Marjorie Fleming, DIED AT 8 YRS. OLD, , by L. MacBean, INTRODUCTION CLIFFORD SMYTH , Green & white Horace Brodzky endpapers: MARJORIE FLEMING'S BOOK THE STORY OF PET MARJORIE TOGETHER WITH HER JOURNALS AND HER LETTERS by L. MacBean, Boni Liveright Modern Library #93.1, 1st edition, Illustrated, by Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, Venetian adventurer & Author; Edited by Madeleine Boyd, Introduction by Ernest Boyd, Not Illustrated,: MEMOIRS OF JACQUES CASANOVA, #165, STATED 1st Modern Library Edition on copyright pg, Mentions 159 books on back of DJ & 95 cents a Copy
Words & Color pictures JULIE DURRELL, born in Springfield, MASS. INNER DJ Flap Priceclipped, Sparkling 4 color Illustrations: MOUSE TAILS ( TALES ) , A small mouse asks the reader to guess what animals with tails he is describing. Flaps reveal the complete animals.Four-Line Verses, Gertrude Stein, introduction by Carl Van Vechten, Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but 95 Cents Intact ,Great DJ design by Reichl !, Orange & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers: 3 Lives Three Lives,1933, Stated First ML Edition on Copyright pg, a series of three (3) short stories The Good Anna, Melanctha and The Gentle Lena, MODERN LIBRARY #211.1, It is the central story, that of Melanctha, SIGMUND FREUD, Translated by Dr. A.A. Brill. Inner DJ Flap priceclipped, FORMER OWNER Inscription Half Title Pg, In Beige Printed Dustjacket Design by Sam EISENMAN, Plain White endpapers: The Interpretation of Dreams ,ML#96 . STATED 1ST Modern Library Edition on copyright pg, MARCH 1950, In Beige Printed Dustjacket by Sam EISENMAN with Dark Burgundy Titles, Freud replaced hypnotism with free Association as method of reviving buried Memorie
Carolyn Haywood , B/W pictures JULIE DURRELL, born in Springfield, MASS. Gold endpapers former Owner NAME, Inner DJ Flap $11.75: Merry Christmas from Eddie, COLOR Dustjacket by JULIE DURRELL of Santa Claus Driving Red Fire Truck engine in Snow & Children & Dog Playing with Snowman , Here Are 9 WARM & Wonderful Holiday Harriet Beecher Stowe, Inner DJ Flap $1.25 , Brilliant Introduction by Raymond Weaver of Columbia University, GREY & WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS,: UNCLE TOM'S CABIN: OR LIFE AMONG THE LOWLY, 1948, STATED 1ST ML EDITION, ML#261, Compete & Unabridged in One volume, in dark Green DJ with black Banner in Middle titled in White, Isak Dinesen, DJ unclipped (95 cents), an introduction Dorothy Canfield, Former owner's small Bookplate: SEVEN GOTHIC TALES: in B&W dustjacket lettered in black & Red & Black Letters with white background & Gold Vine Decoration, ML# 54.3: ,Stated FIRST MODERN LIBRARY EDITION, 1939. includes Deluge at Norderney, Old Chevalier, The Monkey, The Poet ETC
SIGMUND FREUD, Translated by Dr. A.A. Brill. Inner DJ Flap priceclipped but $1.25 INTACT, , Grey & White endpapers FOX, Back Inner Flap Lists 3 books: The Interpretation of Dreams ,ML#96 . STATED 1ST Modern Library Edition on copyright pg, 1950, In Dustjacket of PHOTO of Freud Holding Cigar Titled in White & Red, Freud's vast realm of investigations Harriet Beecher Stowe, Inner DJ Flap $1.25 with pencil Note, Brilliant Introduction by Raymond Weaver of Columbia University, GREY & WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS,: UNCLE TOM'S CABIN: OR LIFE AMONG THE LOWLY, 1948, STATED 1ST ML EDITION, ML#261, Compete & Unabridged in One volume, in dark Green DJ with black Banner in Middle by Bill Martin Jr. & John Archambault, Color Illustrated by Ted Rand, SIGNED & Inscribed by Archambault with Hand Drawn Indian Spirit Feather for Good Luck on Pink Endpapers,: Knots on a Counting Rope, Native American -themed story, SIGNED by John Archambault with Hand Drawn Indian Spirit Feather for Good Luck , A young Indian boy & his grandfather reminisce
Tim Egan, Inner DJ Flap $16 , GRAY ENDPAPERS: The Pink Refrigerator, Try to do as Little as Possible, this was Dodsworth?s Motto. 1 Morning on his daily trip to Junkyard he discovers refrigerator, Note on it said Paint Pictures GARTH STEIN, SIGNED on Title pg,, Inner DJ Flap $26.95 Intact: A Sudden Light , multi-generational epic of the Pacific Northwest. Garth Stein has given us another singular, soulful, and wise narrator for the ages, who tells us a story full of Mystery Mary Tavener Holmes, SIGNED on Title pg by the scholar who lives in NYC, Illustrated Jon Cannell: My Travels with Clara by Mary Tavener Holmes, SIGNED , She weighed 5,000 LBS. ate oranges & met the King of France, she was a rhinoceros & she was my friend, this is true story,
Erin Hunter, WITH ORIGINAL PRICE ON BACK CVR $16.99, COLOR & B/W Illustrated by Wayne McLoughlin: Warriors: Battle of the Clans , The warrior cats from Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling series come alive in this collectible companion book. Readers will hear the stories behind the most legendary battles in Warriors history Frances Khirallah Noble, SIGNED & Inscribed by Author who is Lawyer in Santa Monica , CA, Front flap blurb by T. Coraghessan Boyle. Dustjacket Painting by George F. Welch,: The Situe Stories, Beautifully crafted ARAB AMERICAN, Dustjacket Painting by George F. Welch, 11 short stories ,Arabic grandmother, moves in Judith Viorst, lives in Washington, DC, Illustrated by Kevin Cornell IN B.W, Inner DJ flap Original Price Intact $15.99, Dust jacket by Lane Smith,: Lulu's Mysterious Mission, series #3, Her parents are going on Vacation without her & are leaving her with terrifying Sonia Sofia Solinsky, trained Professional TO BABYSIT
Aaron Peckham, Creator of, lives in San Luis Obispo, CA, BOOK Design Diane Marsh,: Urban Dictionary Fularious Street Slang Defined, Human Interaction, Pop Culture, Everyday Urban Life, resource for parents trying to understand their kids, for language Learners Erin Hunter, WITH ORIGINAL PRICE ON BACK CVR $15.99, COLOR & B/W Illustrated by Wayne McLoughlin: Warriors: CATS of the Clans , MOSS HART, Playwright ,INNER DJ Flap Priceclipped Small scuff mark, Grey & White KENT Endpapers Running man with Streamer Nice Condition: ACT ONE, An Autobiography, 1st edition, MODERN LIBRARY 329 in Beige Dustjacket Titled in Red & Black, First Edition is determined by the number of titles on the verso dust jacket, which is 415
SIGNED BY AUTHORS NATHAN LANE & Devlin Elliot, & SIGNED BY Dan Krall ( COLOR illustrator) Inner DJ flap $17.99, DJ Design by Lizzy Bromley: Naughty Mabel by Nathan Lane & Devlin Elliott SIGNED BY THE AUTHORS & Illustrator !!! Meet Mabel, the fanciest French bulldog the Hamptons have ever seen. Mabel is many Things Isak Dinesen, DJ Unclipped (95 cents), an introduction Dorothy Canfield,Fox Blank Endpapers with tiny sticker on back ,Tiny small thin chip at DJ Fold: SEVEN GOTHIC TALES: in B&W dustjacket lettered in black & Red & Black Letters with white background & Gold Vine Decoration, ML# 54.3: ,Stated FIRST MODERN LIBRARY EDITION, 1939. includes Deluge at Norderney, Old Chevalier, The Monkey, The Poet ETC ISAK DINESEN, GREY & WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS RUNNING Streamer Man, Introd Bernardine Kielty, Penciled name and gift inscription blank flyleaf & Half Title: OUT OF AFRICA, 1952, Stated 1st modern library edition on Copyright pg, ML#23, in Green, Red , White & Blue Dustjacket with Elephant & Giraffe on Front with & African Symbols
Ellen MacGregor ,ILLUST PAUL GALDONE in B/W, Frontispiece, Ex library book with all the usual markings, Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but has code W8H12,: Miss Pickerell Goes To Mars, Science Fiction story for children, 1951, 1st edition, with #1 Intact number line copyright pg which reads 32 - MAMM -76543210 ,Yellow DJ with Red titles, Elsie de Wolfe, was an American interior decorator, Former OWNER STAMP back blank endpaper, Inner DJ Flap $3.50 ,nominal author of the influential 1913 book "The House in Good Taste,": After All , autobiography of Lady Mendl OR ELSIE DE WOLFE Cosmopoitan?s Society?s most famous Personage, exquisite FACSIMILE dust jacket portrait featuring Lady Mendl shot for Conde Nast Magazine ! SIGNED by Bette Davis in Blue Ink: BETTE Davis, Actress Signed B/W Photograph of Her with Upswept Hair wearing Oval Earrings , with Pensive Look on her Face, 2 time Oscar winner for ' Dangerous '( 1935 ) and ' Jezebel ' (1938)
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