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Kilian, Cecelia S: The World of W. Edwards Deming Ring, George C: Religions of the Far East: Their History to the Present Day Williams, John A. & Charles F. Harris (Eds.): Amistad 2: Writings on Black History and Culture
Taylor, Paul Beekman: Shadows of Heaven: Gurdjieff and Toomer Franks, Kenny A. & Paul F. Lambert: Early Louisiana and Arkansas Oil: A Photographic History, 1901-1946 Watterson, Barbara: The Egyptians
Fisher, Clive: Cyril Connolly: The Life and Times of England's Most Controversial Literary Critic Ettin, Andrew Vogel: Speaking Silences: Stillness and Voice in Modern Thought and Jewish Tradition Launius, Roger D. & Linda Thatcher (Eds.): Differing Visions: Dissenters in Mormon History
Hughes, Judith M: From Freud's Consulting Room: The Unconscious in a Scientific Age Spiegel, John & Pavel Machotka: Messages of the Body Baten, Lea: Playthings and Pastimes in Japanese Prints
Mckenna, George L: Prints 1460-1995: The Collections of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Kirkwood, Tom: Time of Our Lives: The Science of Human Aging Aesop: Bewick's Select Fables of Aesop, Together with the Life of Aesop by Oliver Goldsmith
Amabile, George: Blood Ties Roth, Samuel (Ed.): American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy-Free (Vol. 2, #8) Baker, Pearl: The Wild Bunch at Robbers Roost
Betti, Liliana: Fellini: An Intimate Portrait Ranke, Winifried, et al: Kultur, Pajoks und Care-Pakete: Eine Berliner Chronik 1945-1949 Jablonski, Edward: Irving Berlin: American Troubadour
Brown, Laurence et al. (Eds.): Modern Spiritualities: An Inquiry Hallam, Elizabeth & Andrew Prescott (Eds.): The British Inheritance: A Treasury of Historic Documents Kohn, Eugene: Religion and Humanity
Carlisle, Janice: John Stuart Mill and the Writing of Character Garber, Marjorie: Vice Versa: Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life Moss, Stanley: Asleep in the Garden: New and Selected Poems
Alldritt, Keith: W.B.Yeats: The Man and the Milieu Hopps, Walter: Jacob Kainen Bruno, Leonard C: The Tradition of Technology: Landmarks of Western Technology in the Collections of the Library of Congress
Scott, Russell T. & Ann Reynolds Scott (eds.): Eius Virtutis Studiosi: Classical and Postclassical Studies in Memory of Frank Edward Brown (1908-1988) Thistlethwaite, Frank: The Great Experiment: An Introduction to the History of the American People Nutting, Wallace: Maine Beautiful
Chesterton, G.K: Seven Suspects Rumer, Thomas A: The American Legion: An Official History, 1919-1989 Douglas, William O: Exploring the Himalaya
Lathen, Emma: Going for the Gold Kostrzewa, Robert (Ed.): Between East and West: Writings from Kultura Ustinov, Peter: Add a Dash of Pity and Other Short Stories
Yap, Yong & Arthur Cotterell: The Early Civilization of China Orpen, Neil: Airlift to Warsaw: The Rising of 1944 Spence, Jonathan D: The Question of Hu
Horgan, Paul: Mexico Bay Bulloch, James D: The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe or How the Confederate Cruisers Were Equipped Tanenhaus, Sam: Whittaker Chambers
McDonald, Walter: The Digs in Escondido Canyon Karp, Vickie: A Taxi to the Flame Summers, Claude J. (Ed.): The Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage: A Reader's Companion to the Writers and their Works, from Antiquity to the Present
Alexander, Adele Logan: Homelands and Waterways: The American Journey of the Bond Family, 1846-1926 Scheidig, Walther: Rembrandt's Drawings Jisl, L.; V. Sis & J. Vanis: L'art Tibetain
Fox, David Scott: Mediterranean Heritage Stannard, Martin: Evelyn Waugh: The Later Years, 1939-1966 Tartaglini, Domenico: Nuova Descrizzione Dell'antichissima Citta Di Cortona
Annan, Noel Gilroy: Leslie Stephen: His Thought and Character in Relation to His Time Dillon, Edward: The Arts of Japan Grange, Roger T., Jr: Fort Robinson: Outpost on the Plains
Eisenschiml, Otto; Ralph Newman & E.B. Long: The Civil War (2 Volumes) Myerson, Paul Graves: Childhood Dialogues and the Lifting of Repression: Character Structure and Psychoanalytic Technique Silverstein, Charles (Ed.): Gays, Lesbians and their Therapists: Studies in Psychotherapy
Donovan, Dennis M. & G. Alan Marlatt (Eds.): Assessment of Addictive Behaviors Zander, Alvin: Making Groups Effective Ginzburg, Natalia: The City and the House
Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe: Millennium: A History of the Last Thousand Years Kaplan, Gilbert (Ed.): Surrealist Prints Severin, Timothy: The Golden Antilles
Finlayon, Iain: Denim: An American Legend Safford, Carleton L. & Robert Bishop: America's Quilts and Coverlets Slesin, Suzanne & Stafford Cliff: English Style
Newman ,Teresa; Ian Tod & Ray Watkinson: William Morris Today Wigoder, Geoffrey (Ed.): Jewish Art and Civilization (Two Volumes) Kampf, Avram: Contempoary Synagogue Art: Developments in the United States, 1945-1965
Ginsberg, H.L. (Intro): The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation Aldington, Richard: A Wreath for San Gemignano Moreas, Jean: Oeuvre en Prose: Morceaux Choisis
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