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Shaw, George Bernard: The Doctor's Dilemma, Getting Married, & The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet
Shaw, George Bernard: Heartbreak House, Great Catherine, O'Flaherty V. C., The Inca Of Perusalem; Augustus Does His Bit, Annajanska
Shaw, George Bernard: Three Plays For Puritans By Bernard Shaw: The Devil's Disciple, Caesar & Cleopatra, & Captain Brassbound's Conversion
Godden, Rumer; Jean Primrose (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for Little Plum
Gipson, Fred; Burger, Carl (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for Old Yeller
Brinley, Bertrand R.; Geer, Charles (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for The Mad Scientists' Club
Blume, Judy: Dust-Jacket for Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
Lewis, C. S.; Baynes, Pauline (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
Mayer, Mercer: Dust-Jacket for Terrible Troll
Mayer, Mercer: Dust-Jacket for A Special Trick
Mayer, Mercer: Dust-Jacket for Frog, Where Are You?
Mayer, Mercer: Dust-Jacket for There's A Nightmare In My Closet
McCloskey, Robert: Dust-Jacket for Make Way For Ducklings
McCloskey, Robert: Dust-Jacket for One Morning in Maine
McCloskey, Robert: Dust-Jacket for Time of Wonder
Robertson, Keith; McCloskey, Robert (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for Henry Reed's Journey
Matsuno, Masako; Mizumure, Kazue (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for A Pair of Red Clogs
De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk; Montresor, Beni (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for May I Bring A Friend
Flack, Marjorie: Dust-Jacket for Angus Lost
Shaw, George Bernard: John Bull's Other Island and Major Barbara: also How He Lied To Her Husband
Shaw, George Bernard: Plays: Pleasant And Unpleasant. The Second Volume, Containing the Four Pleasant Plays
Clouston, J. Storer: The Man in Steel
Herbert, Frank: Dune
Wharton, Edith: Tales Of Men and Ghosts
Barrie, James Matthew: Auld Licht Idylls. Better Dead. The Novels and Sketches of J. M. Barrie
Webster, F. A. M: The Ivory Talisman
Betiero, T. J: Nedoure Priestess Of the Magi
Bonsall, Crosby; Ylla (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for I'll Show You Cats
Newberry, Clare Turlay: Dust-Jacket for Mittens
Burton, Virginia Lee: Dust-Jacket for Choo Choo: The Story Of A Little Engine Who Ran Away
Lewis, C. S.; Baynes, Pauline (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for Prince Caspian: Book 2 Of The Chronicles of Narnia
Tresselt, Alvin; Duvoisin, Roger (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for White Snow Bright Snow
Cover, Anne; Williams, Garth (illustrator): Dust-Jacket for Bread-And-Butter Indian
P. D. Eastman: Dust-Jacket for Are You My Mother?
Lionni, Leo: Dust-Jacket for Swimmy
Lionni, Leo: Dust-Jacket for Inch by Inch
Conrad, Jospeh; Edward Garnett (intr.); David Garnett (bio): Conrad's Prefaces To His Works
James, Henry; Edna Kenton (ed.): Eight Uncollected Tales Of Henry James
Ouida: Folle-Farine
Tibbits, Charles John (ed.): Folk-Lore And Legends. Germany. Oriental. Two Volumes In One
Tibbits, Charles John (ed.): Folk-Lore And Legends. Russian & Polish. North American Indian. Two Volumes In One
Wren, Percival Christopher: Dew And Mildew. A Loose-Knit Tale of Hindustan
Blackburn, John: Bound To Kill
Bourdillon, F. W: The Night Has A Thousand Eyes
Ibsen, Henrik: The Lady From The Sea
Dane, Clemence (pseudonym for Winifred Ashton): The Babyons. The Chronicle of a Family. Third Person Singular; Midsummer Men; Creeping Jenny; Lady Babyon
Wells, H. G: The Autocracy of Mr. Parham
Elder, Paul (comp.): California The Beautiful By Western Artists and Authors
Verne, Jules: Dr. Ox's Experiment, And Other Stories
Bower, B. M: The Adam Chasers
Baring, Maurice: Half A Minute's Silence and Other Stories
Squier, Emma-Lindsay: The Bride of the Sacred Well and Other Tales of Ancient Mexico
Durrant, Theo: The Marble Forest
Boothby, Guy: Dr. Nikola's Experiment. With Twenty Full-Page Illustrations by Sydney Cowell
Lawrence, D. H: The Lovely Lady
MacGrath, Harold: The Goose Girl
Holloway-Calthrop, H. C.; Lodovico Ariosto: Paladin & Saracen. Stories From Ariosto
Croly, George; Lewis Wallace (intr.); T. de Thulstrup (illustr.): Tarry Thou Till I Come. Or, Salathiel, The Wandering Jew
Morley, Christopher: The Arrow
Crayon, Geoffrey (Washington Irving): The Alhambra. Two Volumes In One
Heinlein, Robert: Beyond This Horizon
Heinlein, Robert: Glory Road. Complete Magazine Version in Three Volumes of The Magazine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction, July-September 1963
Lobel, Arnold: Dust-Jacket for Frog and Toad Are Friends
Norton, Mary; Krush, Beth & Joe (illustrators): Dust-Jacket for The Borrowers
Norton, Mary; Krush, Beth & Joe (illustrators): Dust-Jacket for The Borrowers Afloat
Newberry, Clare Turlay: Dust-Jacket for T - Bone The Baby-Sitter
de Paola, Tomie: Dust-Jacket for Charlie Needs A Cloak
Petersham, Maud and Miska: Dust-Jacket for The Rooster Grows: a Book of American Rhymes and Jingles
Politi, Leo: Dust-Jacket for The Butterflies Come
Politi, Leo: Dust-Jacket for Juanita
Rey, H. A: Dust-Jacket for Curious George Learns the Alphabet
Picasso, Pablo: Poster for The African Period
Vertue, George, after George Knapton: Nicolas Tindal
Grushka, A. A., et al: Izvestija akademii nauk = Bulletin de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS. 1930, No. 2
Amfiteatrov', Aleksandr': Liljasha. Roman' odnoj zhenskoj zhizni. Part I
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