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Macauley, Robie (ed.): Gallery Of Modern Fiction: Stories from The Kenyon Review
Morris, Wright; Sam Caner: Photographs
Witkin-Berley, Ltd: Wright Morris Portfolio
Morris, Wright: Two For The Road: Man And Boy & In Orbit
Morris, Wright: Writing My Life: An Autobiography
Morris, Wright: Green Grass, Blue Sky, White House
Madden, David: Wright Morris
Morris, Wright (pref.); Alan Boye: The Complete Roadside Guide to Nebraska
Knoll, Robert E. (ed.): Conversations With Wright Morris. Critical Views and Responses
Roth, Philip: Our Gang: Starring Tricky And His Friends
Roth, Philip: Gdy Byla Porzadna Dziewczyna
Ayme, Marcel; Saul Bellow; Alberto Moravia, et al: Stories In The Modern Manner: From The Partisan Review. AT-61
Bellow, Saul; Gabriel Josipovici (intr.); Edith Tarcov (ed.): The Portable Saul Bellow
Bus, Heiner: Die Figur Des "Helden" In Saul Bellow's Roman "Herzog." [Dissertation]
Palmer, R. Barton (ed.): Studies In the Literary Imagination: Philosophical Dimensions of Saul Bellow's Fiction. Vol. XVII, No. 2
Pifer, Ellen: Saul Bellow: Against The Grain
Bellow, Saul: The Coblins, a Story. Appearing in The Sewanee Review, Autumn 1951, Vol. LIX, No. 4
Morris, Wright: Man & Boy
Morris, Wright: The Works of Love
Morris, Wright: Amore Tra I Cannibali
Morris, Wright: O Amor Entre Canibas
Morris, Wright: How I First Met Joseph Mulligan, Jr. In the February 1970 issue of Harper's Magazine
Morris, Wright: Here Is Einbaum, in the June 26, 1971 issue of The New Yorker
Morris, Wright: Made In U.S.A., in the Autumn (Vol. 29, No.4) issue of The American Scholar.
Anderson, David D. (ed.): Midamerica VIII: The Yearbook of the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature
Alinder, James (ed.); Mid-America Arts Alliance; Wright Morris (intr.): Twelve Photographers: A Contemporary Mid-America Document
Morris, Wright; Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska: Structures And Artifacts: Photographs 1933-1954
Moore, Richard; Perspective Films: The Writer In America: Wright Morris
Simpson, Lewis P.; Donald E. Stanford (eds.): The Southern Review. Winter 1970
McCleery, David; Kira Gale (eds.): Resource Guide To Six Nebraska Authors
Morris, Wright; John Hollander (intr.): The Home Place
Edwards, Lee; John Hicks; Mary Heath (eds.), et al: The Massachusetts Review. Winter 1978. Photography Issue
Westminster College Alumni Association: Westminster College Alumni Directory, 1974-1975
Ford Motor Company; Wright Morris (contributor): Ford Times., September 1972. "Babe Ruth's Pocket", a story by Morris, included
Morris, Wright: Three Easy Pieces. Review Copy
Morris, Wright: Writing My Life: An Autobiography. Review Copy
Morris, Wright: Two For The Road. Review Copy
Wolff, Geoffrey: Review Of "A Wright Morris Reader" in an issue of Newsweek, January 12, 1970
Morris, Wright: Privacy As A Subject For Photography, in an issue of Magazine Of Art, February, 1951, Vol. 44, No. 2
Morris, Wright: "Green Grass, Blue Sky, White House" in an issue of The New Yorker, October 25, 1969
Morris, Wright: "Lover, Is That You?" in an issue of Esquire, March, 1966
Howard, Leon: Wright Morris. University Of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers, No. 69
Sacks, Sheldon, et al (eds.): Critical Inquiry, September 1974, Vol. 1, No. 1
Morris, Wright: Earthly Delights, Unearthly Adornments: American Writers as Image-Makers. Uncorrected Proof
Morris, Wright: Time Pieces: Photographs, Writing, And Memory. Aperture Writers and Artists on Photography
Morris, Wright: Plains Song: For Female Voices. Large Type
Morris, Wright; Keith Botsford (intr.): Ceremony In Lone Tree
Chametzky, Jules; John Hicks (eds.), et al: The Massachusetts Review. Autumn/Winter 1964-65
Morris, Wright: Trick Or Treat. In an Issue of Quarterly of Review Literature, Vol. XVIII, Nos. 3-4, Double Prose Issue
Louys, Pierre and Tsuguharu Foujita: Les Aventures du Roi Pausole
Morris, Wright: The Art Of Fiction CXXV, in The Paris Review, No. 120, Fall 1991
Morris, Wright; Jane Livingston; Mark Power: Time Pieces: Photographs, Writing, And Memory. Exhibit Catalogue March 16-May 15, 1983 at the Corcoran Gallery of Art
Morris, Wright (afterword); Richard Henry Dana, Jr: Two Years Before The Mast
Brecht, Bertolt; Kurt Weill; Maguy Marin; Wright Morris: Les Sept Peches Capitaux
Morris, Wright: National Book Award Address, March 12, 1957, in an issue of Critique: Studies In Modern Fiction, Winter 1961-1962, Vol. IV, No. 3
Morris, Wright: Fire Sermon. Publisher's Prospectus With Printer Specifications
Morris, Wright: Cause For Wonder. Publisher's Prospectus With Printer Specifications
Morris, Wright: Collected Stories 1948-1986. Unbound Proofs
Morris, Wright; Granville Hicks: Novelist Wright Morris, an article by Granville Hicks; and an excerpt of Ceremony In Lone Tree, by Wright Morris. In a copy of American Illustrated, No. 102, published for distribution in the Soviet Union by the United States Information Agency
Morris, Wright; Granville Hicks: Review by Granville Hicks of Ceremony In Lone Tree, by Wright Morris. In a copy of Saturday Review, July 9, 1960
Morris, Wright; Granville Hicks: Article about Wright Morris, Author of the Month. In a copy of Main Line Magazine, June 1951
Dolansky, Julius; Parolek, Radegast: O Dostojevskem: sbornik stati a materialu = On Dostoevsky: A Collection of Articles
Hrenov, I. A.; Birman, M. A: Institut Slavjanovedenija: kratkie soobshchenija, No. 28
Kropotkin, P. A.; Borovoj, A. A: Dnevnik P. A. Kropotkina. (Dokumenty po istorii literatury i obshchestvennosti). Vypusk 4. S predisloviem A. A. Borovogo = P. A. Kropotkin's Diary
Ivanovich, St. (V. I. Talin): Krasnaja armija = Red Army
Ivanov, Georgij: Peterburgskija zimy = Petersburg Winter
Ivanov-Razumnik, R: Devjatisotye gody. Istorija russkoj obshchestvennoj mysli; chast' VIII, izd. 5 pererabotannoe = Nineties. Part 8, 5th edition
Ivanov-Razumnik, R: Russkaja literatura ot semidesjatyh godov do nashyh dnej; izdanie shestoe pererabotannoe = Russian Literature, 6th edition
Bulwer, E. L: Rienzi, The Last Of The Tribunes In Two Volumes
Bunin, I. A: Mitina ljubov'. Solnechnyj udar
Nizan, Paul: Trojanskij kon'. Perevod s francuzskogo Č. Litaučr; serija 22-23 = Trojan Horse
Central Party Committee: Istorija vsesojuznoj kommjunisticheskoj partii (bol'shevikov). Kratkij kurs = History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Grand Lodge Of California: The Monitorial Work of the Three Degrees of Masonry; Revised and Approved by the Grand Lodge of California. At its Annual Communication in 1899
Carter, Susan; Eda Carter Williams: A Joke On The Sun. A Marionette Play in Four Scenes. Junior League Puppet Plays
Goodwyn, Louise: Jaybird's Dream. An Original Marionette and Puppet Play. Junior League Puppet Plays
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