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Wilson, Raymond (ed.): The Beaver Book of Funny Verse Kranz, Sheldon, Louis Dienes, Nancy Starrels, Nat Herz, Martha Baird, Rebecca Fein, Eli Siegel: Personal & Impersonal: Six Aesthetic Realists Williams, Hugo (ed.): London Magazine Poems 1961-1966. London Magazine Editions 6/6
Anderson, John, John Ashberry, Louise Bogan, et al: Ecco Pocket Poetry Robinson, G., D. G. Jenkins, J. L. Duff, F. W. Farris, D. Stark (eds.): A Stanford Book of Verse: 1912-1916 Snyder, Emile, Jack Hirschman (eds.): Hip Pocket Poems, No. 1
Swallow, Alan (ed.): PS: Poems And Stories. Number Seven Messerli, Douglas (ed.): 50: A Celebration of Sun & Moon Classics Slade, Caroline: Sterile Sun
Osers, Ewald, J. K. Montgomery (ed.): Modern Czech Poetry: An Anthology Vines, Sherard (ed.): Whips & Scorpions: Specimens of Modern Satiric Verse 1914-1931 Owen, Guy, Mary C. Williams (ed.): Contemporary Southern Poetry: An Anthology
Godine, David R. (ed.): Lyric Verse: A Printer's Choice Ferlinghetti, Lawrence: After The Cries of the Birds Cold Mountain Press; Ryan Petty: Catalogue Two
Hall, J. N: Tales Of Pioneer Practice: Being Reminiscences of the Ways and By-Ways of the Early-Day Medical Fraternity in Colorado, U.S.A Benet, William Rose: The Great White Wall: A Poem Smith, Bess Foster (ed.): Sunlit Peaks: An Anthology of Idaho Verse
Corrington, John William, Miller Williams (ed.): Southern Writing In the Sixties: Poetry Chisholm, Hugh: The Prodigal Never Returns Housman, Laurence: Trimblerigg: A Book of Revelation
Sergeant, Howard, Dannie Abse (ed.): Mavericks: An Anthology James, J. G., N. R. Wayte (ed.): The Resuscitator: Poetry, Criticism, Short Stories, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 1964 Grigson, Geoffrey (ed.): The Cherry Tree: a Collection of Poems
[Four Seas Company.]: Stuff: An Anthology of Verse Derleth, August (ed.): Fire And Sleet and Candlelight Shenderovich, Matvej O: Vsesojuznaja poligraficheskaja vystavka. Sbornik pervyj
Berkovits, Eliezer: Faith after the Holocaust Hemingway, Ernest; Randa Haines (Director); Warner Brothers: "Wrestling Ernest Hemingway" Press Materials Dana, Carol (ed.); Donald S. Johnson: Outdoor America, Summer 1987 Vol. 52, No. 3. "Hemingway's Fishing Apprenticeship" by Johnson on page 6
Denham's, The Sussex Auctioneers: The Hemingway Centennial Auction, 30th September 1998 Pindar, Peter: Bozzy And Piozzi: or, the British Biographers. A Town Eclogue Pindar, Peter: A Poetical and Congratulatory Epistle to James Boswell on his Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with the Celebrated Doctor Johnson. Bozzy And Piozzi: or, the British Biographers. A Town Eclogue
John Carter Brown Library: The British Look at America During the Age of Samuel Johnson: an Exhibition of Books, Maps and Prints Metzdorf, Robert F: The First American "Rasselas" and Its Imprint. Reprint from The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Vol. 47, Fourth Quarter, 1953 Bennett, Charles H: Review of Johnsonian Gleanings by Aleyn Lyell Reade. Reprint from The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, July 1936
Couric, Katie: "Secret Benefactors: And You Thought Sevens Only Painted Buildings." Ciardi, John, Carlo Levi, et al: Hemingway: A World View. Special Hemingway Issue of Saturday Review, July 29, 1961 Elliott, Osborn (ed.): Newsweek, July 2, 1962
Walsh, Francis J: The Simple, Declarative Sentence. From Wednesday Journal of Oak Park & River Forest, July 4, 1984, Vol. 4, No. 50 Hemingway, Ernest: Miss Mary's Lion. In Sports Illustrated, December 29, 1971 Gray, Edward E. (ed.): Trophy Fishing. Gray's Sporting Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 2
Womack, H. Lynn (ed.): Cuba Today: Photo Factual Report. Winter Quarter, 1964 Issue of Current History Library Alexander, Roy (ed.): Time: The Weekly News Magazine, May 8, 1964, Vol. 83, No. 19 Hemingway, Ernest; Zack Taylor (ed.): "Letters To Outdoor Pals", in Sports Afield, June 1986
Hemingway, Mariel, Malcolm Cowley, et al: "Spring And the Traveler", in Saturday Review, March 11, 1967 Ward, Jack: "Hemingway's Idaho", in Venture: The Traveler's World, Vol. 5, No. 7, September, 1968 Hemingway, Ernest; Frank Braden; Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows: Circus Magazine & Program: 1953 Edition
Salt, Waldo: Hemingway: Screenplay, First Rough Draft Sawyer-Laucanno, Christopher: The Continental Pilgrimage: American Writers in Paris, 1944-1960 Land, Myrick: The Fine Art of Literary Mayhem: a Lively Account of Famous Writers and Their Feuds
Hemingway, Ernest; Kurt Singer (ed.); Pearl Buck, Joseph Conrad, Eric Ambler and others: The Secret Agent's Badge of Courage: the World's Greatest Spy Stories Hemingway, Ernest, William Kozlenko(ed.); T. E. Lawrence, William Faulkner, Winston Churchill, Rudyard Kipling and others: Men At War: the Best War Stories of all Time Hemingway, Ernest: Afrikas Grona Berg (Swedish translation of Green Hills Of Africa)
Hemingway, Ernest: The Dangerous Summer McLaughlin, Michael; Chris Westphal (ed.): The Southern California Anthology, 1985 Peters, Rachel, & Eero Ruuttila (ed.): Sitting Frog: Poetry Of Naropa Institute
Plimpton, George & Peter Ardery (ed.): The American Literary Anthology 2: the Second Annual Collection of the Best from the Literary Magazines Stevenson, Lionel (ed.): Best Poems of 1958. Borestone Mountain Poetry Awards 1959: A Compilation of Original Poetry Published in Magazines of the English-Speaking World in 1958 Landis, Paul (ed.): Illini Poetry 1924-1929
Phillips, J. J., Ishmael Reed, Gundars Strads, & Shawn Wong (ed.): The Before Columbus Foundation Poetry Anthology: Selections from the American Book Awards 1980-1990 Hall, Jill (ed.); Galway Kinnell: Poems To Be Read and Sung Sergeant, Howard (ed.): These Years: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry
Krooth, Ann Baxandall (ed.): Poets & Players Mackworth, Cecily (ed.): A Mirror For French Poetry, 1840-1940: French Poems with Translations by English Poets Gullan, Marjorie; Clive Sansom (ed.): The Poet Speaks: An Anthology for Choral Speaking
Kemp, Harry (ed.): The Bronze Treasury: an Anthology of 81 Obscure English Poets Together with their Biographical Portraits Allred, Stevan, Cris Colburn, Dan Mosser (ed.): Burnt Fish: The 1970 Dolphin North Carolina Poetry Society: A Time for Poetry: an Anthology of the North Carolina Poetry Society 1966
Baro, Gene (ed.): Modern American Stories Hogan, Homer (ed.): Poetry Of Relevance 2 Welby, T. Earle (ed.): The Silver Treasury of English Lyrics
Jones, James, John Lehman, Norman Mailer, et al: New World Writing: Second Mentor Selection Howell, Anthony (ed.): Erotic Lyrics Phillips, William, Philip Rahv (ed.): The Avon Book of Modern Writing
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