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Cohn, Louis Henry: A Bibliography of the Works of Ernest Hemingway Klimo, Vernon (Jake); Will Oursler: Hemingway And Jake: an Extraordinary Friendship Schleden, Ina Mae, Marion Rawls Herzog (ed.): Ernest Hemingway As Recalled by his High School Contemporaries
Hemingway, Ernest: Den Gamle Mand Og Havet Hemingway, Ernest: In Our Time Weeks, Robert P. (ed.): Hemingway: A Collection of Critical Essays
Selkirk, Errol: Hemingway For Beginners Hemingway, Ernest: Izbrannoe Jones, Claude E: Smollett Studies
Smith, G. C. Moore: Thomas Randolph Goldberg, M. A: Smollett And the Scottish School: Studies in Eighteenth-Century Thought Rousseau, G. S., P. G. Bouce (ed.): Tobias Smollett: Bicentennial Essays Presented To Lewis M. Knapp
Thomson, David: Wild Excursions: The Life and Fiction of Laurence Sterne Traugott, John: Tristram Shandy's World: Sterne's Philosophical Rhetoric Kahrl, George M: Tobias Smollett: Traveler-Novelist
Loveridge, Mark: Laurence Sterne And the Argument About Design Price, Lawrence Marsden: Inkle And Yarico Album Hammond, Lansing Van Der Heyden: Laurence Sterne's Sermons Of Mr. Yorick
Buck, Howard Swazey: A Study in Smollet, Chiefly "Peregrine Pickle": With a Complete Collation of the First and Second Editions Pasta, Betty B., David J. Pasta, John R. Pasta: A Short Concordance to Laurence Sterne's A Sentimental Journey Through France And Italy By Mr. Yorick. Volume I Klima, Slava (ed.): Joseph Spence: Letters From The Grand Tour
Smart, Christopher; Robert Brittain (ed.): Poems By Christopher Smart Boege, Fred W: Smollett's Reputation As A Novelist Knapp, Lewis Mansfield: Tobias Smollett: Doctor Of Men and Manners
Bruce, Donald: Radical Dr. Smollett: Rehabilitation Of a Great Novelist and a Great Englishman Seidel, Michael: Satiric Inheritance: Rabelais To Sterne Mortimer, John & Penelope: With Love And Lizards
Shenstone, William: The Works, in Verse and Prose, of William Shenstone, Esq.: Vol. III. Containing Letters to Particular Friends, from the Year 1739 to 1763 Roberts, Michael; Peter Porter (ed.): The Faber Book of Modern Verse Braithwaite, William Stanley (ed.): Anthology Of Magazine Verse for 1929, and Yearbook of American Poetry
Stevenson, Lionel, et al. (ed.): Best Poems Of 1966: Borestone Mountain Poetry Awards 1967. A Compilations of Original Poetry Published in Magazines of the English-Speaking World. Nineteenth Annual Issue. Volume XIX Moore, Robert Thomas (ed.): Poetry Awards 1949: A Compilation of Original Poetry Published in Magazines of the English-Speaking World in 1948 Moore, Robert Thomas (ed.): Poetry Awards 1951: A Compilation of Original Poetry Published in Magazines of the English-Speaking World in 1950
Moore, Robert Thomas (ed.): Poetry Awards 1952: A Compilation of Original Poetry Published in Magazines of the English-Speaking World in 1951 MacGillivray, J. R. (ed.): University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. XXII, 4, July, 1953 Dobell, Percy John & A. E. (ed.): A Catalogue of Works by Dr. Jonathan Swift, Together With Works Relating to or Illustrative of the Life and Works of the Dean of Saint Patrick's, Dublin
Rowse, A. L: Jonathan Swift Harth, Phillip: Swift And Anglican Rationalism: the Religious Background of 'A Tale of a Tub' Mayhew, George P.; Herbert Davis: Rage Or Raillery: the Swift Manuscripts at the Huntington Library
Farrar, John (ed.): The Bookman Anthology of Verse [1922] Farrar, John (ed.): The Bookman Anthology of Verse: Second Series Shaw, Robert; Jon Silkin (ed.): Flash Point: An Anthology of Modern Poetry
Lodge, George Cabot: Poems And Dramas: Volume I McMullen, Mary: The Gift Horse Hogan, Ray: The Doomsday Marshal and the Hanging Judge. A Double D Western
Moody, William Vaugh: The Poems and Plays of William Vaugh Moody. With an Introduction by John M. Manly. Vol. I: Poems and Poetic Dramas Canner, Mark, & Dana Collins (ed.): The Second Berkshire Anthology Gordon, Ruth: Shady Lady: A Novel
Means, Florence Crannell: Teresita Of the Valley Means, Florence Crannell: Land Of the Torreones Harris, Ella Isabel: The Tragedies of Seneca. Rendered into English Verse
Hall, D. J: Enchanted Sand: A New Mexican Pilgrimage Wilson, Brownlow: Brian Gunn: A Story of Mystery, Villainy and Suspense. From the Highlands of Scotland to the Cattle Country of New Mexico Sylvester, Harry: Dayspring
Foster, O'Kane: In The Night Did I Sing Hall, D. J: Perilous Sanctuary Untermeyer, Louis, Robert Frost, et al: National Poetry Festival: Held In the Library of Congress, October 22-24, 1962
Sanesi, Roberto: Poeti Americani Da E. A. Robinson a W. S. Merwin (1900-1956) Simmonds, James D. (ed.): Milton Studies XVI Semple, W. H: The Latin Poems of John Milton
Grolier Club; De Vinne Press: Catalogue Of an Exhibition Commemorative of the Tercentenary of the Birth of John Milton 1608-1908: Including Original Editions of His Poetical and Prose Works, Together with Three Hundred and Twenty-Seven Engraved Portraits. Held at the Grolier Club, December 3, 1908 to January 9, 1909 Hunter, W. B., C. A. Patrides, J. H. Adamson: Bright Essence: Studies In Milton's Theology Demaray, John G: Milton And the Masque Tradition: the Early Poems, "Arcades," & Comus
Schiffhorst, Gerald J: John Milton Freeman, James A: Milton And the Martial Muse: Paradise Lost and European Traditions of War Taylor, George Coffin: Milton's Use Of Du Bartas
Hanford, James Holly: John Milton Poet And Humanist Diekhoff, John S. (ed.): A Maske at Ludlow: Essays on Milton's Comus Wittreich, Joseph Anthony (ed.): The Romantics on Milton: Formal Essays and Critical Asides
Gilbert, Allan H: On The Composition of Paradise Lost: a Study of the Ordering and Insertion of Material Conklin, George Newton: Biblical Criticism And Heresy in Milton MacCaffrey, Isabel Gamble: Paradise Lost As "Myth."
Stevens, David Harrison: Reference Guide To Milton: From 1800 to the Present Day Rajan, Balachandra (ed.): The Prison and the Pinnacle: Papers to Commemorate the Tercentenary of Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, University of Western Ontario Stein, Arnold: Answerable Style: Essays On Paradise Lost
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