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Frost, Sarah Annie: Frost's Humorous Exhibition Dialogues
Metcalf, John: Freedom From Culture
Frost, Robert, Carl Sandburg, Conrad Aiken, et al: A Miscellany of American Poetry 1922
Fiedler, H. G. (ed.): The Oxford Book of German Verse
Pater, Alan F. (ed.): Anthology Of Magazine Verse for 1937, and Year Book of American Poetry
Ellmann, Richard (ed.): The New Oxford Book of American Verse
Untermeyer, Louis (ed.): Modern American Poetry And Modern British Poetry: Combined Mid-Century Edition
David Wright (ed.): The Mid Century Poetry, 1940-1960
Cotton, John; John Daniel, et al: Poetry Introduction 1
Fraser, G. S. (ed.): Poetry Now
Bantock, Gavin; John Birtwhistle, et al: Twelve Poets
Heuvel, Katrina Vanden (ed.): The Nation 1865-1990: Selections from the Independent Magazine of Politics and Culture
Boatwright, James (ed.): Shenandoah: The Washington and Lee University Review, Vol. XXXV, No. 2-3, 1984
Selwyn, Victor (ed.): More Poems Of the Second World War: The Oasis Selection
Harris, Max (ed.): Australian Poetry 1967
Peckham, H. Houston: Present-Day American Poetry And Other Essays
Wollman, Maurice (ed.): Poems Of Twenty Years: an Anthology, 1918-1938
Bertholf, Robert J. (ed.): Credences: Canadian Poetry Festival. A Journal of Twentieth Century Poetry and Poetics. New Series, Vol. 2 & 3--Fall/Winter 1983
Rajan, B., Andrew Pearse (ed.): Focus One
Sklar, Morty, & Jim Mulac (ed.): Editor's Choice: Literature & Graphics from the US Small Press, 1965-1977
Jaspert, Reinhard: Lyrik Der Welt: Lyrik und Weisheit des Auslandes
Miles, Josephine (ed.): The Poem: A Critical Anthology
Brown, Ivor (ed.): The Bedside Guardian 4: a Selection by Ivor Brown from the Manchester Guardian 1954-1955
Brown, Ivor (ed.): The Bedside Guardian 5: a Selection by Ivor Brown from the Manchester Guardian 1955-1956
Gregory, Horace, Josephine Miles, Howard Nemerov (ed.): Riverside Poetry 4: An Anthology of Student Poetry, 63 New Poems by 52 Poets
Nist, John, Yolanda Leite (ed.): Modern Brazilian Poetry: An Anthology
Amoore, Susannah, Shirley Bell, et al: Poetry Introduction 6
Mason, Kenneth A. (ed.): An Anthology of Animal Poetry
Kuzma, Greg (ed.): Poems For the Dead
Maloney, Dennis (ed.): The View From Cold Mountain: Poems of Han-shan and Shih-te
Bourjaily, Vance (ed.): Discovery No. 5
Chapman, R. W. (ed.): The Letters of Samuel Johnson: With Mrs. Thrale's Genuine Letters to Him. Three Volumes
Boswell, James; Samuel Johnson; Clement Shorter (ed.): The Life Of Samuel Johnson. Temple Bar Edition, Ten Volumes
Wimsatt, W. K: Philosophic Words: A Study of Style and Meaning in the Rambler and Dictionary of Samuel Johnson
Moore, Thomas: Tom Crib's Memorial To Congress. With A Preface, Notes and Appendix
Mallock, W. H: Verses
Landa, Louis A., Henry Knight Miller, Eric Rothstein, & G. S. Rousseau (ed.): The Augustan Milieu
McLaren, Moray: The Highland Jaunt: A Study of James Boswell and Samuel Johnson Upon Their Highland and Hebridean Tour of 1773
Winsatt, W. K: Samuel Johnson on Shakespeare
Craig, Maurice James (ed.): The Legacy of Swift: a Bi-Centenary Record of St. Patrick's Hospital, Dublin
Grisar, Harmann: Der mamertinische Kerker und die römischen Traditionen vom Gefängnisse und den Ketten Petri
Barker, Gerard A: Grandison's Heirs: The Paragon's Progress in the Late-Eighteenth-Century English Novel
Simmonds, James D. (ed.): Milton Studies IX
Sitwell, Edith (ed.): Swinburne: A Selection
Van Doren, Carl: Swift
Leslie, Shane: The Skull of Swift: an Extempore Exhumation
Cook, Richard I: Jonathan Swift As a Tory Pamphleteer
Vieth, David M. (ed.): Essential Articles For the Study of Jonathan Swift's Poetry
Clark, John R: Form And Frenzy in Swift's Tale of a Tub
Jeffares, A. Norman (ed.): Fair Liberty Was All His Cry: a Tercentenary Tribute to Jonathan Swift 1667-1745
Savile, George; H. C. Foxcroft (ed.): The Life and Letters of Sir George Saville, Bart. First Marquis of Halifax. Volume I
Foot, Michael: The Pen & The Sword
Sitwell, Edith: Alexander Pope
Zimmerman, Everett: Defoe And the Novel
Rivers, Isabel: The Poetry of Conservatism: 1600-1745, a Study of Poets and Public Affairs from Jonson to Pope
Hardy, Evelyn: The Conjured Spirit: Swift, a Study in the Relationship of Swift, Stella, and Vanessa
Gaussen, Alice C. C: Percy: Prelate And Poet
Hitchman, Francis: The Runnymede Letters
Bullett, Gerald: George Eliot: Her Life And Books
Motherwell, William: Minstrelsy, Ancient And Modern; With an Historical Introduction and Notes. Volume I
Motherwell, William: Minstrelsy, Ancient And Modern; With an Historical Introduction and Notes. Volume II
Swift, Jonathan; Arthur E. Case (ed.): Gulliver's Travels
Swift, Jonathan; Jan Kott (ed.): Podroze Gulliwera
Swift, Jonathan; John Heath-Stubbs (ed.): A Selection of Poems by Jonathan Swift
Leavis, F. R. (ed.): Mill On Bentham and Coleridge
Koshko, A. F: Ocherki ugolovnago mira carskoj rossii
Sojuza Pisatelej SSSR: Druzhba narodov = [Friendship of Peoples]. March 1989
Sojuza Pisatelej SSSR: Druzhba narodov = [Friendship of Peoples]. October 1988
Sojuza Pisatelej SSSR: Druzhba narodov = [Friendship of Peoples]. April 1989
Uzbekistan SSR Ezuvchilar Soyuzi: Zvezda vostoka = [Star of the East]. June 1988
Ivanov, I., et al: Mezhdunarodnaja Zhizn'. March 1989
Sojuza Pisatelej SSSR: Zvezda: = [Star: A Monthly Literary and Political Magazine]. August 1988
Sojuza Pisatelej SSSR: Zvezda: = [Star: A Monthly Literary and Political Magazine]. October 1988
Sojuza Pisatelej SSSR: Druzhba narodov = [Friendship of Peoples]. February 1989
Soyuz Kinematografistov SSSR: Kenoscenarii = [Screenplays Literary Almanac]. January 1989
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