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Pinkus, Philip: Grub Street Stripped Bare: The Scandalous Lives & Pornographic Works of the Original Grub Street Writers Johnson, Samuel; Arthur Waugh (ed.): Johnson's Lives Of the Poets: A New Edition Hook, Theodore: The Choice Humorous Works, Ludicrous Adventures, Bon Mots, Puns, and Hoaxes of Theodore Hook
Clifford, James L: Young Sam Johnson Whipple, Edwin P: Lectures On Subjects Connected With Literature and Life Clifford, James L: Johnson And Foreign Visitors to London: Baretti and Others
Wimsatt, William K., Frederick A. Pottle (ed.): Boswell For the Defence 1769-1774 Johnson, Samuel; Bob Barth (ed.): Samuel Johnson: Selected Latin Poems. Translated by Various Hands Naugle, Helen Harrold: A Concordance to the Poems of Samuel Johnson
Dowling, William C: The Boswellian Hero Boswell, James; Margery Bailey (ed.): Boswell's Column: Being His Seventy Contributions to The London Magazine Under the Pseudonym The Hypochondriack from 1777 to 1783, here First Printed in Book Form in England Hagstrum, J. H: The Sermons of Samuel Johnson
Metzdorf, Robert F: Johnson At Drury Lane Whibley, Leonard: Boswell Without Johnson Moody, Dorothy: Johnson's Translation Of Addison's 'Battle Of The Cranes and Pygmies.'
Bronson, Bertrand H: A Note on Gadshill, Our Setter DeMaria, Robert: Johnson's Dictionary And the Language of Learning Vance, John A: Joseph And Thomas Warton
Hoover, Benjamin Beard: Samuel Johnson's Parliamentary Reporting: Debates In the Senate of Lilliput Dowling, William C: Language And Logos in Boswell's Life of Johnson Collins, Philip: James Boswell
Brack, O. M., and Robert E. Kelley (ed.): The Early Biographies of Samuel Johnson Johnson, Samuel; James Boswell; Raymond Postgate (ed.): The Conversations of Dr. Johnson: Extracted from the Life by James Boswell Hagstrum, Jean H: Samuel Johnson's Literary Criticism
Temmer, Mark: Samuel Johnson And Three Infidels: Rousseau, Voltaire, Diderot Gray, James: Boswell's Brother Confessor: William Johnson Temple Johnson, George D: Dr. Samuel Johnson
Muir, P. H: Two Private Libraries. Part I: A Small Continental Library. Part II: The 18th Century Library of a Bibliographical Scholar [R. W. Chapman]. Catalogue Number Eighty-Eight Nussbaum, Felcitiy A: The Brink Of All We Hate: English Satires on Women, 1660-1750 Montgomery, Robert L: Terms Of Response: Lanugage and Audience in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Theory
Chapin, Chester F: The Religious Though of Samuel Johnson Sutherland, James: A Preface To Eighteenth Century Poetry Ingoldsby, Thomas: The Ingoldsby Legends: or, Mirths and Marvels. Second Series. Third Edition
Ingoldsby, Thomas: The Ingoldsby Legends: or, Mirths and Marvels. First Series. Fifth Edition Ingoldsby, Thomas: The Ingoldsby Legends: or, Mirths and Marvels. Third Series. Second Edition Hood, Thomas; Peter F. Morgan (ed.): The Letters of Thomas Hood
Landor, Walter Savage; R. H. Boothroyd (ed.): Imaginary Conversations Forster, John: Walter Savage Landor: A Biography Bronson, Bertrand H: Ritson's Bibliographia Scotica
Richardson, G. F: A Neglected Aspect of the English Romantic Revolt Super, R. H: The Publication of Landor's Works Barnes, Warner (comp.): Catalogue Of the Browning Collection
Lams, Victor J: Clarissa's Narrators Shenstone, William: The School-Mistress a Poem in Imitation of Spenser Hood, Thomas: Whims And Oddities, in Prose and Verse
Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer, (Earl of Lytton); Edward Burne-Jones: King Poppy Patmore, Coventry: The Angels In the House: the Espousals Gosse, Edmund: In Russet & Silver
Patmore, Coventry: The Angels In the House: the Betrothal Kingsley, Charles: Andromeda And Other Poems Landor, Walter Savage; Havelock Ellis (ed.): The Pentameron and Other Imaginary Conversations by Walter Savage Landor
Gosse, Edmund: Firdausi In Exile and Other Poems Hopkins, Gerard Manley; Robert Bridges (ed.): Poems Of Gerard Manley Hopkins Corbet, Richard; Octavius Gilchrist: The Poems of Richard Corbet, Late Bishop of Oxford and of Norwich. The Fourth Edition, with Considerable Additions. To Which Are Now Added, "Oratio In Funus Henrici Principis," from Adhmole's Museum, Biographical Notes, and a Life of the Author, by Octavius Gilchrist
Colvin, Sidney: Walter Savage Landor Meredith, George: Last Poems Dickens, Charles; Lola L. Szladits (ed.): Charles Dickens 1812-1870: An Anthology
Lover, Samuel: He Would Be A Gentleman: or, Treasure Trove. Being a Romantic Irish Tale of the Last Century Cockton, Henry: The Love Match Freeman, William: The Incredible De Foe
Bigland, Eileen: Mary Shelley Gunn, Peter: My Dearest Augusta: A Biography of Augusta Leigh, Lord Byron's Half-Sister Moscheles, Felix; G. Du Maurier: In Bohemia with Du Maurier
Pittock, Joan: The Ascendancy of Taste: the Achievement of Joseph and Thomas Warton Miller, Edwin Haviland: The Professional Writer in Elizabethan England: a Study of Nondramatic Literature Schaefer, William David: James Thomson (B. V.): Beyond "The City." Perspectives In Criticism 17
Alfonsi, Ferdinando: Poeti Italo-Americani: A Bilingual Anthology Saintsbury, George: Historical Manual Of English Prosody Hexham, Lionel J. F: Harry Roughton; Or, Reminiscences of a Revenue Officer
Lowell, Amy: Poetry And Poets: Essays Lowell, Amy.; John Livingston Lowes (ed.): Selected Poems of Amy Lowell Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver's Travels, A Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books, etc
Swift, Jonathan; William Alfred Eddy (ed.): Satires And Personal Writings Tennyson, Alfred: Poetical Works, Including The Plays Frost, Charles W.; James McClune: Frost's Comprehensive Calendar: Comprising Complete Annual Calendars from 1753 to 2002
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