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Redford, Bruce (ed.): The Letters of Samuel Johnson. Vol. I 1731-1772
Redford, Bruce (ed.): The Letters of Samuel Johnson. Vol. II 1773-1776
Benet, William Rose, Norman Holmes Pearson (ed.): The Oxford Anthology of American Literature
Bunge, Nancy L: Finding The Words: Conversations With Writers Who Teach
Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver's Travels: An Account of the Four Voyages into Several Remote Regions of the World
Bloom, Harold: Jonathan Swift: Modern Critical Views
Rea, Robert R: The English Press in Politics: 1760-1774
The Midnight Spy: or, a View of the Transactions of London and Westminster from the Hours of Ten in the Evening till Five in the Morning
Walden, Helen: Jean Paul And Swift. (Author's Thesis)
Banker, Lynne, Denise Levertov et al: Poets For Peace: Poems from the Fast
Ross, John F: Swift And Defoe: a Study in Relationship
Acworth, Bernard: Swift
Ehrenpreis, Irvin: Swift: The Man, His Words, and the Age. Volume One: Mr. Swift and his Contemporaries
Goldberg, Gerald Y: Jonathan Swift And Contemporary Cork
Case, Arthur E: Four Essays On Gulliver's Travels
Foster, Milton P. (ed.): A Casebook on Gulliver Among the Houyhnhnms
Swift, Jonathan: A New Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. Being the Fifth Part of the Travels into Several Remote Parts of the World by Lemuel Gulliver
Manch, Joseph: Jonathan Swift And Women
Murry, J. Middleton: Swift
Elias, A. C: The First Printing of Orrery's Remarks on Swift (1751). Reprint from Harvard Library Bulletin, Vol. XXV, Number 3, July 1977
Moore, John Robert: Swift As Historian. Reprint from Studies In Philology, Vol. XLIX, 4, October, 1952
Kelling, Harold D: Gulliver's Travels: A Comedy of Humours. Reprint from University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. XXI, 4, July, 1952
Sherburn, George: Errors Concerning The Houyhnhnms. Reprint from Modern Philology, Vol. LVI, 2, November, 1958
Kelling, Harold D: Reason In Madness: A Tale of a Tub. Reprint from PMLA, Vol. LXIX, 1, March, 1954
Moore, John Robert, and Maurice Johnson: Dryden's "Cousin Swift." Reprint from PMLA, Vol. LXVIII, 5, December, 1953
Mayhew, George P: Swift's Notes for His The History of the Four Last Years, Book IV. Reprint from Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol. XXIV, 4, August, 1961
Mayhew, George P: Swift's First Will and the First Use of The Provost's Negative at T.C.D. Reprint from Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol. XXI, 4, September, 1958
Mayhew, George P: A Portrait of Jonathan Swift. Reprint from Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol. XXIX, 3, September, 1966
Mayhew, George P: Jonathan Swift's "Prefermts of Ireland," 1712-1714. Reprint from Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol. XXX, 4, September, 1967
Mayhew, George P: Swift's Political "Conversion" And His "Lost" Ballad on the Westminster Election of 1710. Reprint from Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Vol. 53, 2, Spring, 1971
Mayhew, George P: The Early Life of John Partridge. Reprint from Studies In English Literature 1500-1900, Vol. 1, No. 3, Spring, 1961
Mayhew, George P: Some Dramatizations of Swift's Polite Conversation (1738). Reprint from Philological Quarterly, Vol. XLIV, No. 1, Spring, 1965
Mayhew, George P: [Book Review of] The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, edited by Herbert Davis. Reprint from Philological Quarterly, Vol. XLII, No. 3, July, 1963
Mayhew, George P: [Book Review of] The Poems of Affairs of State. Reprint from Modern Philology, Vol. 65, No. 1, August, 1967
Moore, John R: Was Jonathan Swift A Moderate? Reprint from South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 53, No. 2, August, 1954
Lane-Poole, Stanley (ed.): Letters And Journals of Jonathan Swift
Jackson, Robert Wyse: Jonathan Swift: Dean And Pastor
Hauff, Wilhelm: The Oriental Story Book: A Collection of Tales
Farr, Edward (ed.): Select Poetry, Chiefly Devotional of The Reign of Queen Elizabeth
Boswell, James: The Life Of Samuel Johnson: Volume III
Boswell, James: The Life Of Samuel Johnson: Volume II
Clifford, James L: Dictionary Johnson: Samuel Johnson's Middle Years
Johnson, Samuel, & George Birkbeck Hill (editor): History Of Rasselas: Prince of Abyssinia
Abbott, John Lawrence: John Hawkesworth: Eighteenth-Century Man of Letters
Grundy, Isobel (ed.): Samuel Johnson: New Critical Essays
Black, Clementina: The Linleys of Bath
Clifford, James L: Young Samuel Johnson
Gray, Thomas: Elegy Written In a Country Church-Yard
Damrosch, Leopold: The Uses of Johnson's Criticism
Pearson, Hesketh, and Hugh Kingmill: Skye High: The Record of a Tour though Scotland in the Wake of Samuel Johnson and James Boswell
Cotton, William (ed.): Sir Joshua Reynolds' Notes And Observations on Pictures, Chiefly of the Venetian School, Being Exracts from His Italian Sketch Books; Also, the Rev. W. Mason's Observations on Sir Joshua's Method of Coloring. And Some Unpublished Letters of Dr. Johnson, Malone, and others. With an Appendix, Containing a Transcript of Sir Joshua's Account Book, Showing What Pictures he Painted and the Prices Paid for them
Wheeler, David (ed.): Domestick Privacies: Samuel Johnson And the Art of Biography
Preston, Thomas R: Not In Timon's Manner: Feeling, Misanthropy, and Satire in Eighteenth-Century England
Bronson, B. H., J. R. Caldwell, W. H. Durham, B. H. Lehman, Gordon McKenzie, and J. F. Ross: Studies In The Comic
Clifford, James L: Johnsonian Studies, 1887-1950: A Survey and Bibliography
Merrill, William A: Lucretius And Cicero's Verse
Merrill, William A: The Lucretian Hexameter
Merrill, William A: The Characteristics of Lucretius' Verse and Lucubrationes Lucretianae
Johnson, Samuel: The Vulture. Reprinted From "The Idler," Number Twenty Two, in the Universal Chronicle, Saturday September Ninth, Seventeen Fifty Eight
Fontenrose, Joseph: The Meaning and Use of Sed Enim
Erdman, David V: Coleridge On Coleridge: the Context (and Text) of His Review of "Mr. Coleridge's Second Lay Sermon."
Lang, Hans-Joachim: Der Spanische Burgerkrieg Als Wendepunkt: Die Falle Koestler Und Orwell
Stone, Albert E: Mark Twain And the Story of The Hornet
Strout, Alan Lang: John Wilson's "Recreation of Christopher North: 1842
Salomon, Roger B: Wallace Stevens's "Comedian" and the Quest for Genre
Hartman, Geoffrey H: A Poet's Progress: Wordsworth And the Via Naturaliter Negativa
Jannella, Donald: "Seeing The Elephant" in Mardi
Batten, Charles (ed.): Pamela Censured (1741)
Dircks, P. T. (ed.): Midas: An English Burletta (1766). [Kane O'Hara]
Means, James A. (ed.): The Grave. A Poem (1743). Robert Blair
Coleman, Antony (ed.): Harlequin-Horace: Or, the Art of Modern Poetry. [James Miller, 1731]
Donovan, Dennis G. (ed.): The Sonnets of Thomas Edwards (1765, 1780)
Guibbory, Achsah (ed.): The Ephesian Matron. (1668; Walter Charleton)
Lock, F. P. (ed.): The Man of Taste. (1733; James Bramston)
Kinsley, William (ed.): The Art of Politicks. (1729; James Bramston)
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