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Miklashevskiy, Konstantin: Gipertrofiya iskusstva = [Hypertrophy of art] Kluchevskiy, V. O: Skazanie inostrancev o moskovskom gosudarstve = [What the foreigners told of the muscovite kingdom] Shaumyan, S.K. and P.A. Soboleva: Osnovaniya porozhdaushei grammatiki russkogo yazyka = [The basis of grammar in the Russian language]
Anikst, A. Ed: Hrestomatiya po zaeubezhnoi literature XIX veka = [A guide to foreign literature of the XIX century]. Volume 1 only. Melnikova, M.A. Prof: Uchebnik russkogo yazika = [Textbook in Russian for beginner grades]. For the 4th grade Lavrin, Janko: Dostoevsky, a study by Janko Lavrin; WITH A PORTRAIT FRONTISPIECE
Erenburg, Ilya: Ne perevodya dihaniya = [Without taking a breath] Maksimov, D: Poeziya Valeriya Brusova = [The poetry of Valeriy Brusov] Finlandia spravochnik dlya inostrancev = [Finland, a guidebook for tourists]
Timofeev, L.I., Vengrov, N: Kratkiy slovar literaturovedcheskih terminov= [An abridged dictionary of literary terms] Harkins, H. William: Dictionary of Russian Literature Plehanov, G.V: Izbrannie filosovskie proizvedeniya = [selected philosophical works]. Volume 3 of 5
Plehanov, G.V: Izbrannie filosovskie proizvedeniya = [selected philosophical works]. Volume 1 of 5 Slovar' russkogo yazyka = [dictionary of Russian language]. Volume IV Nechaev, Egor: Gutari = [Gutary]
Izvestiya rossiiskoi akademii = [news of Russian academy] Marcinkovskiy, V.F: Zapiski veruushego = [notes of a believer; from the history of religious movement in soviet russia] Kariev, N: Istoria zapadnoi evropy = [History of Eastern Europe]
Svyatoe evangelie = [holy evangelist] Merezhkovskiy, D.S: Peter i Aleksey = [Peter and Aleksey] Danin, D: Neizbezhnost' strannogo mira = [There's no escaping a strange world]
Andreev, N.D: Statistiko-kombinatornie metody v teoreticheskom i prikladnom yazykovedenii = [Combined statistic methods in theoretical and applied linguistics] Steinbeck, John: Zima trevogi nashei = [The winter of our discontent] Konstantinovich, Aleko: Sochineniya = [Essays]
Korolenko, V.L: Istoriya moego sovremennika = [The history of my contemporaries] Galkin, Samuel: Stihotvoreniya = [Poems]. Translated from Hebrew Bulich, N.N: Ocherki po istorii russkoi literatyri = [Notes on the history of Russian literature]
Frank, S.L: Po tu storony pravogo i levogo = [On the opposite side of left and right] Grenfell Press (New York, N.Y.): Advertisement for Guy Davenport's The Bowmen of Shu; Coleman Dowell's The SIlver Swanne; Robert Duncan and R. B. Kitaj's A Paris Visit; William Gass's Culp David R. Godine (Boston, Mass.): Books for Young Readers & Godine Storytellers. 1987 Books and Complete Backlist
Penmaen Press (Great Barrington, Mass.): Penmaen. WInter 1983 Dragon Gate, Inc. (Port Townsend, Wash.): Dragon Gate 1985 Rebis Press (Berkeley, Calif.): New Books & a 1981 Checklist
Copper Canyon Press (Port Townsend, Wash.): Books in Print Wallace, Robert: TL Invitation to Become a Subscribing Sponsor of Bits Press Arif Society (San Francisco, Calif.): A Piano Recital by Jean Smith
City Lights Books (San Franicsco, Calif.): City Lights Books in Print Order Form. Fall 1974 City Lights Books (San Franicsco, Calif.): City Lights Books in Print Order Form. Spring-Summer 1978 Irwin T. Holtzman Library (Bloomfield Hills, Mich.): A Check List of Israeli Literature 1948-2000 in English
Arion Press (San Francisco, Calif.): Invitation to Publication Party for The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett Copper Canyon Press (Port Townsend, Wash.) and Carolyn Forché: Prospectus for The Country between Us by Carolyn Forché Robin Price, Publisher (Los Angeles, Calif.) and John Gilgun: Prospectus for The Dooley Poems by John Gilgun
Arion Press (San Francisco, Calif.): A Decade of Deluxe Limited Edition Books from the Arion Press Grenfell Press (New York, N.Y.) and William Gass: Prospectus for Culp by William Gass Erespin Press (Austin, Tex.): Prospectus for Milk Like Wine
Mad River Press (Richmond, Mass.): Prospectus for Body of a Woman by Pablo Neruda Pennyroyal (Northampton, Mass.) and Jeffrey Dwyer: Prospectus for L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Pennyroyal (Northampton, Mass.) and Jeff Dwyer: Prospectus for Anne Frank's Diary of a Young Girl
Larkspur Press (Monterey, Ky.): Prospectus for The Medusa by Guy Davenport and Other Works Petrarch Press (Oregon House, Calif.) and Peter Bishop: Petrarch Press promotional materials Red Ozier Press (New York, N.Y.): Prospectus for Careless Love and Its Apostrophes by William Bronk, with Publication List
Cheloniidae Press: Prospectus for Tortoises, Six Poems by D. H. Lawrence Padgett, Ron and Clark Coolidge: Supernatural overtones Howard, Peter B: Holtzman Library Highlights
Feldman, Walter: ALS from Walter Feldman to Nancy Kosenka, November 12, 1992 Harmer, R. W: TLS from R. W. Harmer to Nancy Kosenka, August 26, 1983 Hazo, Samuel: TLS from Samuel Hazo to Serendipity Books, November 12, 1984
Scaramazza, Paul A: TLS from Paul A. Scaramazza to Peter Howard, September 25, 1981 McMillan, Terry L: TLS from Terry L. McMillan to Serendipity Books, October 7, 1986 Harris, Mark: Photocopy TL from Mark Harris to Mr. Baker, July 18, 1970
Harris, Mark: TLS from Mark Harris to Nancy Kosenka, February 26, 1984 McAdam, Brent: ALS from Sir Brent McAdam to Nancy Kosenka, [ca. June 12, 2009] Pattison, Frederick Woodworth: ALS from Frederick Woodworth Pattison to Burton Weiss, September 7, 1987
Mearns, Jack: TLS from Jack Mearns to Burton Weiss, June 24, 1990 Buffington, George N., Jr: TLS from George N. Buffington, Jr. to Burton Weiss, March 18, 1987 Blair, Edwin James: ALS from Edwin James Blair to Burton Weiss, ca. 1980s
Train, Alan: ALS from Alan Train to Serendipity Books, December 4, 1990 Halpern, Daniel: TLS from Daniel Halpern to Peter Howard, July 23, 1987 Betts, Benjamin Franklin and Carl V. Burger: American Architect. July 1933
Miedzinski, Sanjen: Systems of Transpersonal Counseling Imagery-in-Movement Waltari, Mika, et al: Literatura na Swiecie. Meisiecznik nr. 2 (199). Mika Waltari i inni Finowie Berkov, Pavel Naumovich: Vvedenie v izuchenie istorii russkoi literatury XVIII veka = [Introduction to the Study of Russian Literature in the 18th Century]
Maeterlinck, Maurice: Polnoe sobranie sochinenii = [Complete Works]. Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Cutts, Simon: Homage to G. Seurat Overman, Jenny: I'm So White in Some Ways: Poems
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