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Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc. (Chicago, Ill.): Rare Books, Catalogue Thirty. Rare Americana
Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc. (Chicago, Ill.): Rare Books, Catalogue Twenty-Eight. Rare Americana
Atkins, Stuart: Heine and the Wreck of the Amphitrite
Ivask, George: Konstantin Leont'ev's Fiction
Aldridge, Alfred Owen: International Influences upon Biography as a Literary Genre
Kreymborg, Alfred: Privilege and Privation: [A Playful Affair]
Robinson, A. N: Epos Kievskoj Rusi v Sootnoshenii s Eposom Vostoka i Zapada = L'Épopée russe de la période de Kiev et la tradition épique de l'orient et de l'occident
Christopher Books & Tree Books (Santa Barbara, Calif.): Christopher Books & Tree Books, Spring Catalog 1972
Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc. (Chicago, Ill.): Rare Books, Catalogue Twenty-Five. Rare Americana. Atlases, Geography, Voyages and Navigation, Astronomy
Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc. (Chicago, Ill.): Catalogue 4. Latin Americana. Rare Books & Manuscripts Pertaining to Mexico, Central & South America, the West Indies
Matlaw, Ralph E: Dostoevskij and Conrad's Political Novels
Williams, William Carlos and Emanuel Romano: Emanuel Romano. 3 October/26 October 1968. Portraits of Poets & Writers
Gleason, Madeline: The Interior Castle
d'Azevedo, Erik: Garageland: Poems 1978-1984
Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc. (Chicago, Ill.): Catalogue 2. Rare Americana from the Earliest Voyages to the New World through the Overland Journeys Westward
Ahmels, Carl: Über die Renaissance Kunstdenkmäler unter Maria von Jever und ihre Entstehung
Crayon, Geoffrey: Bracebridge Hall: The Humorists
White, R. (after Godfrey Kneller): Monsieur de St. Evremont
Roxburghe Club (San Francisco, Calif.): The Roxburghe Club of San Francisco, February, 1933
Roxburghe Club (San Francisco, Calif.): An Early San Francisco Trade Card. Pascal Loomis, Artist and Engraver on Wood..
Fields, James: Prospectus for The Life and Adventures of James W. Marshall
Roxburghe Club (San Francisco, Calif.) and Zamorano Club (Los Angeles, Calif.): Invitation for 17th Joint Meeting Dinner
Heyeck, Robin: Prospectus for Marbling at the Heyeck Press by Robin Heyeck
Heyeck, Robin: Marbled Paper
Charles Campbell Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.): Ipousteguy: Drawings and Sculpture
Charles Campbell Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.): Richard Diebenkorn: 41 Etchings-Drypoints, Woodblock Prints and Several Figure Drawings
Erenburg, Ilya: Zagovor Ravnyx = [The Plot is Equal]
Aldanov', Mark A: Ogon' i Dym' = [Fire and Smoke]
Aldanov', Mark A: Biegstvo = [Flight]
Pushkin, A. S: Sochinenija = [Works]
Gorbunov, I.F: Sochineniya = [Essays]. Volume 2 only
Chernyshevskiy, N.G., Dobroluybov, N.A. Ed: Izbrannye pedagogicheskie vyskazyvaniya = [Selected pedagogical works]
Gofman, Viktor: Yazik literatury = [The language of literature]
Lyapunova, A.A., Lupanova, O.B. Ed: Kiberniticheskiy sbornik = [Cybernetic collection]
Garin, N.G: Iz dnevnikov krugosvetnogo puteshestviyak = [From the diary of round-the-world travels]
Bakhtin, MIkhail: Problems of Dostoevsky's poetics
Kunin, A.V. Comp: Anglo-russkiy frazeologicheskiy slovar' = [Anglo-Russian phrase dictionary]
Nimchuk, V.V. Ed: Leksis Lavrentiya Zizaniya = [Dictionary of Lavrentiy Zizan]
Orlov, V: Epigramma i satira = Epigram and satire]. Volume 1
Vandries, Zh: Yazyk; lingvisticheskoe vvedeniye v istoriu = [Language]
Eingorn, Erich: Osnovy fotografii = [The basis of photography]
Alekseenko, I.P: Ocherki o kitaiskoi narodnoi medicine = [Notes on traditional Chinese medicine]
Gorkiy, M. and Chekhov, A: Perepiska, stat'i, vyskazyvaniya = [Writings, articles, rhetorics]
Garin, N.G: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of writings]. Volume 1 only
Garin, N.G: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of writings]. Volume 6 only
Tolstoy, L.N: Semeinoe schaste = [Family happiness]. Parts I and II
Garin, N.G: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of writings]. Volume 7 only
Turgenev, I.S: Sobranie sochineniy = [collection of works]. In 12 volumes. Volume 10 only
Turgenev, I.S: Sobranie sochineniy = [collection of works]. In 12 volumes. Volume 12 only
Zveginceva, V.A. Ed: Novoe v lingvistike = [new in linguistics]. Book 3 of 3
Cvetaeva, Anastacia: Vospominaniya = [memories]
Florenskiy, P.A: Stolp i utverzhdenie istiny = [The pillar and affirmation of truth]. Book 1
Babushkina, A.P: Istoriya russkoi detskoi literatury = [The history of Russian children's literature]
Shishkov, Vyacheslav: Ugrum-reka = [River 'gloom']. A novel in 2 volumes. Volume 1 only
Belyaev, Aleksandr: Sobranie sochineniy= [collection of works]. In 8 volumes. Volume 5 only
Kuznecov, M: Sovetskiy roman = [soviet novel]
Tynyanov, Yuriy: Sochineniya = [essays]. Volume 3 only
Tynyanov, Yuriy: Sochineniya = [essays]. Volume 2 only
Mopassan, Gi de: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [full collection of works]. Volume 9 only
Belyaev, Aleksandr: Sobranie sochineniy = [collection of works]. Volume 3 only
Ginzburg, Evgeniya: Krutoi marshrut 2 = [winding route 2]
Korolenko, V. G: Istoriya moego sovremennika, Tom 1 = [The History of my Contemporary, Vol. 1]
Kagarov, E: Perezhitki pervobytnogo kommunizma v obshestvennom stroe drevnih grekov i germancev = [Remnants of ancient communism in general order of the Greeks and Germans ]
Grekov, B.D. Ed: Istoricheskiy arhiv = [Historical archive]
Kant, Emmanuel: Sochineniya v shesti tomah = [essays in six volumes]. Volume 1
Belyaev, Aleksandr: Sobranie sochineniy = [collection of essays]. Volume 2. "Posledniy chelovek iz atlantidy:", "Prodavec vozduha", "Kogda pogasnet svet"
Lem, Stanislav: "Vozvrashenie so zvezd", "Zvezdnie Dnevniki Iona Tihogo", = ["Return from stars", "Star diaries of Ion Tihiy]
Kobo, Abe: "Chetvertiy lednikoviy period", "Totaloskop", = ["The fourth ice age", "Totaloskop"]
Windham, John: "Den triffidov", "Rasskazy", = ["John Windham", "Day of triffod", "Stories"]. Volume 8
Clarke, Arthur: "Bolshaya glubina", "Rasskazy", = ["Big depth", "Stories"]. Volume 8
Andriyasheva, O.M., Pahlavuni, A.V., Sholomovich, T.G., Akulova, L.D., Uspenskaya, N.A. Eds: Nemecko-russkiy slovar' po fizike, = [German-russian dictionary of physics]
Evnin, F.I., Lavreckiy, A.M., Opulskaya, L.D., Foht, U.R., Ceytlin, A.G. Eds: Istoriya russkoi literaturi = [History of Russian literature]. Volume 3
Berkov, P.N. Ed: XIIII vek = [XVIII century]. Volume 3
Forbes, Allan and Ralph M. Eastman: Yankee Ship Sailing Cards
Simon, Oliver: Signature: A Quadrimestrial of Typography and Graphic Arts. 17, New Series, 1953
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