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Osborn, James M: Spence, Natural Genius and Pope
Bowman, Karl M. and Alice F. Raymond: Physical Findings in Schizophrenia
Wortis, Joseph, Karl M. Bowman, and Walter Goldfarb: Human Brain Metabolism
Robles, Jaime: Illustration
Point San Pablo Yacht Club Richmond, Calif.): Point San Pablo Yacht Club Directory 1972
Myers, Albert Cook: Gilbert Cope 1840-1928: Historian, Genealogist
Christopher Books & Tree Books (Santa Barbara, Calif.): Christopher Books & Tree Books, Fall 1971
Fjelstrup, August: Dr. Peter Payngk: Kong Kristian IV's Hofkemiker
France-Lanord, Albert: Les illustrations du psautier d'Utrecht. Étude archéologique
Zerovnik, Greg (ed.): Egg. Vol. 2, No. 2, February 10, 1969
Miklas, Wilhelm: Austellung Ostasiatischer Maleriei und Graphik 12. bis 19. Jahrhundert
Ernst , R: Austellung Ostasiatischer Maleriei aus dem Museum V. D. Heydt, Eysden, Holland; Chiesisches Lackgerät aus Verschiedenem Besitz. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie, Frühjahr 1937
Vail, R. W. G: The Literature of Book Collecting: A Selective Bibliography
Ferguson, Alan D: A Bibliography of the Works of Professor George Vernadsky
Matthews, William and Ralph W. Rader: Autobiography, Biography, and the Novel
Willard Gallery (New York, N.Y.) and Richard O'Hanlon: Richard O'Hanlon. Willard Gallery, May 5-30, 1953
Fryberger, Betsy G: Gavarni: Prints from the Collection of R. E. Lewis. Stanford Art Book 12
Naso, P. Ouidius: The Story of Pomona and Vertumnus
California Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco, Calif.) and Jason Schoener: Jason Schoener
M.M., Grand Duke of Russia: Graf Kromskoy = [Count Kromskoy]. Volumes, 1 and 2 of 2
Tairova, A., G. Shpera, P. Markova, et al: Masterstvo teatra = [Mastery of the Theater]. No. 1
Ostrovskiy, A. Ed: Epigramma i satyra; po istorii literaturnoi bor'by XIX veka = [epigram and satire]
Karpov, V.N., Shypov, N: Russkie memyari, dnevniki, pis'ma i materialy = [Russian memoirs, diaries, letters and materials]. Karpov: Vospominaniya, Shipov: Istoriya moei zhizni]
Karonin, S: Sochineniya; Russkie pisateli XIX vek = [Essays]
Mamontov, V.S: Vospominaniya o russkih hudozhnikah = [Memories of Russian Painters]
Mastuin, V: Tomas Buik; 1753-1828 = [Thomas Buick]
Alpatov, M.V: Vseobshaya istoria isskustv = [General history of art]. Volume III only
Literaturnoe nasledstvo: Literaturnoe nasledstvo = [Literary heritage]. Vol 9-10 only
Del'vig, Andrei Ivanovich: Polveka russkoi zhizni. Vospominaniya Delviga 1820-1870 = [A Half Century of Russian Life Recollections]
Beliy, Andrey: Stihotvoreniya i poemy = [Poems]
Amfiteatrov, Aleksandr: Gorestnye zamety: Ocherki krasnago Petrograda
Kuzmin, Michajl A: Glinyanie golubkli: Tret'ya kniga stihov = [Clay doves]
Krolenko, Y.A .Ed: Chehovskiy sbornik = [A collection of Chekhov's works]
Usova, P. Ed: Polnoe sobranie sochineni P.I. Melnikova; Andreya Pecherskago = [Full collection of essays by Melnikov]. Volume 1
Meye, A: Vvedenie v sravnitelnoe izuchenie indoevropeiskih yazikov = [Introduction into comparative learning of Indo-European languages]
Arkin, D: Monumental'naya skulptura leningrada = [Monumental sculptures of Leningrad]
Artemova, V.A. Prof: Voprosy metodiki obucheniya inostrannym yazykam v yazykovoi vysshei shkole = [Methodology on teaching foreign language in language school]
Pushkin, A.S: Povesti pokoinogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina; izdannie A.P. = [Tales of the late Ivan Belkin]
Stelleckiy, V.I: Slovo o polku Igoreve = [A word on the army of Igor]
Berkov, P.N. Ed: V mire psevdonimov, anonimov i literaturnih poddelok = [In the world of pseudonyms, anonyms and literary fakes]
Orlova, V.G: Istoriya affrikat v russkom yazike v svyazi s obrazovaniem russkih narodnyh govorov = [?]
Vysheslavcev, B.P: Hristianstvo i socialniy vopros = [Christianity and the social question]
Pravoslavniy put' = [The Christian Orthodox Way]
Elchaninov, Aleksandr. Priest: Zapisi = [Notes]. Third Edition
Alliluev, S: Proydenniy put' = [The way traveled]
Amfiteatrov, V: Ocherki istorii russkoi literaturi = [Essays on the History of Russian Literature]
Sunik, O.P: Obshaya teoria chastei rechi = [General speech theory]
Zhilina, A.D., Zhilkin, V.F: Rukodeliya = [DIY]
Suetin, A: Kak igrat' debut = [How to play a debut]
Yung, P: Yarche tysyachi solnc = [Brighter than a thousand suns]
Druzin, Valeriy: V blizi i na rasstoyanii = [Closer and from a distance]
Bradbury, Ray: 451 po Farengetu: Rasskazy = [451 Fahrenheit: Stories]
Efremov, Ivan: Tumannost' Andromedy, Zvezdnie Korabli = [Andromeda in the Fog, Star Ships]
Obolensky, Dimitri. Ed: The Penguin Book of Russian Verse
Yevtushenko, Yevgenii: Selected poetry. Edited by R. Milner-Gulland B.A.
Nikulin, Lev: Chehov, Bunin, Kuprin; literaturniy portrety = [Chekhov, Bunin, Kuprin; literary portraits]
Zimin, A.A: Oprichnina Ivana Groznogo = [The Soldiers of Ivan Grozniy]
Dostoevskiy, F.M: Prestuplenie i nakazanie = [Crime and Punishment]
Vilenkin, V.Y. Ed: Rezhisserskie ekzemplyary K.S. Stanislavskogo = [Directing Examples of Stanislavkiy]
London, Jack: Croc-Blanc = [White Fang]
Woolman, John: The Journal of John Woolman; and a plea for the poor
Korolenko, V.G: Istoriya moego sovremennika = [The history of my contemporary]
Gogol, N.V: Sochineniya = [Essays]
Dynnikov, M. A: Istoriya filosofii = [The History of Philosophy]. Vol. 1
Grant, Rena V: The Localized Vocabulary of California Verse
Nock, Arthur Darby: Deification and Julian
Stoll, Elmer Edgar: "Multi-Consciousness" in the Theatre
Higonnet, Margaret R: Organic Unity and Interpretive Boundaries: Friedrich Schlegel's Theories and Their Application in His Critique of Lessing
Pearce, Roy Harvey: Toward an American Epic
Alpers, Paul J: Pope's To Bathurst and the Mandevillian State
Simon, Irène: Innocence in the Novels of George Eliot
Gibian, George: C. G. Carus' Psyche and Dostoevsky
Vernadsky, George: The Prijutino Brotherhood
Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc. (Chicago, Ill.): Rare Books, Catalogue Thirty-Three
Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc. (Chicago, Ill.): Rare Books, Catalogue Thirty-Two. Maps & Prints of the American Revolution
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