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Arnold, Matthew: The Poems of Matthew Arnold, 18401867
Arnold, Matthew: Poetical Works
Russell, George W. E. (ed.): Letters Of Matthew Arnold, 1848-1888. Volume I
Arnold, Matthew: Friendship's Garland: Being The Conversations, Letters, and Opinions of the Late Arminius, Baron von Thunder-Ten-Tronckh
Bickersteth, Edward Henry: The Two Brothers, and Other Poems
Greenhill, W. A. (ed.): Sir Thomas Browne's Hydriotaphia And the Garden of Cyrus
Wentworth, May (ed.): Poetry Of the Pacific: Selections and Original Poems from the Poets of the Pacific States
Watson, Roderick, Valerie Simmons, Paul Mills: Trio: New Poets From Edinburgh
Castro, Rene (ed.): Homenaje A Neruda: Homage To Neruda
Bergman, Denise (ed.): City River Of Voices
Hughes, Hal, Stephanie Mines, Alice Rogoff (ed.): Quasar: Poems From the Noe Valley Poets Workshop
Austin, Waddell (editor, et al): Best Poems Of 1975: Borestone Mountain Poetry Awards 1976
Crosson, Robert, John Thomas, Paul Vengelisti: Abandoned Latitudes
Sklar, Morty (ed.): Nuke-Rebuke: Writers & Artists Against Nuclear Energy & Weapons
Sansom, Clive (ed.): The World of Poetry: Poets and Critics on the Art and Functions of Poetry
Rahv, Philip (ed.): Modern Occasions 2: New Fiction Criticism Poetry
Strode, Hudson (ed.): Immortal Lyrics: An Anthology of English Lyric Poetry from Sir Walter Raleigh to A. E. Housman
Palgrave, Francis Turner (ed.): The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs & Lyrical Poems in the English Language
Hine, Daryl, and Joseph Parisi (ed.): The Poetry Anthology 1912-1977. Sixty-Five Years of America's Most Distinguished Verse Magazine
Berlandt, Herman, & Neeli Cherkovski (ed.): Peace Or Perish: A Crisis Anthology
Schimanski, Stefan, and Henry Treece (ed.): A New Romantic Anthology
Schulman, Howard (ed.): Pa'lante: Poetry, Polity, Prose Of a New World
Lucie-Smith, Edward (ed.): Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse
Dyment, Clifford, Roy Fuller, & Montagu Slater (ed.): New 1952 Poems: A P.E.N. Anthology
Lindsay, Maurice (ed.): Poetry Scotland, No. 4
Cambon, Glauco (ed.): The Inclusive Flame: Studies in American Poetry
Hamblett, Charles (ed.): I Burn For England: An Anthology of the Poetry of World War II
Losev, A.F: Istoriya antichnoi filosofii = [History of ancient philosophy]
Veydle, V: Umiranie isskustva; razmishlenie o sud'be literaturnogo i hudozhestvennogo tvorchestva = [The death of art]
Kavafn, K.P: Poihmata (1919-1933) = [Poihmata]
[?]: Starinnaya russkaya istoriya = [Ancient Russian History]
Kamenskiy, Vasiliy: Poemy = [Poems]
Zvegincev, V.A. Ed: Novoe v lengvistike; matematicheskie aspekti strukturi yazika = [New in linguistics]
Hlebnikova, A.V: Nekotorie voprosi prepodovaniya russkogo yazika v shkole = [Some questions on the teaching of Russian language in schools]
Komissarov, V.N., Rezker, Y.I., Tarhov, V.I. Ed: Posobie po perevody = [A guide to translating from English to Russian]
Zakozhurnikova, M.L. Ed: Uchebnik russkogo yazika = [A textbook to the Russian Language for the 3rd grade]
Sherbatskiy, B.M: Uprazhneniya po stilistike = [Textbook on the stylistics of Russian]
Chukovskiy, K: Ego-futuristi i kubo-futuristi = [Eco-futurists and cubo-futurists]
Krymov, V: Sidorovo uchen'e = [The education of Sidorov]
Erinburg, Ilya: V protochnom pereulke = [In an alley]
Hue, McLennan: Dva odinochistva = [Loneliness in two]
Lukashevich: Skazki rodnoi ukrainy = [Fables of dear Ukraine]
Kuprin, A.I: Granatoviy braslet; polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Granat bracelet]. Volume 5 only
Eihenbaum, B.M. Ed: Russkaya poeziya XIX veka = [Russian poetry of the XIX Century]
Bezzola, Reto R. (ed.): The Curly-Horned Cow: Anthology of Swiss-Romansh Literature
Causley, Charles: Secret Destinations: New Poems
Fowler, Gene, Sam Cornish, Irene Schram, Theodore Sloane, Charles Wyatt, Karen Swenson, Jonathan Morse: The Smith Poets
Golino, Carlo L. (ed.): Contemporary Italian Poetry: An Anthology
Siepmann, H. A. (ed.): Verse In Translation
Gode, Alexander, and Frederick Ungar (ed.): Anthology Of German Poetry Through the 19th Century: in English Translations with the German Originals
Barbato, Joseph, and Lisa Weinerman (ed.): Heart Of the Land: Essays on Last Great Places
Manning, Clarence A. (ed.): An Anthology of Czechoslovak Poetry
Jensen, Peter, Erik Muller, & David Johnson: Confluence: Selected Poems
Stibitz, E. Earle (ed.): Illinois Poets: A Selection
Nathan, Leonard (ed.): The Formalist. Summer 1949, Vol. 1, No. 1
Phillips, William (ed.): Partisan Review, 1983, Volume L, No. 1
Phillips, William (ed.): Partisan Review, 1979, Volume XLVI, No. 2
Astre, Georges-Albert: Anthologie de la Poesie Anglaise Contemporaine
Conquest, Robert (ed.): Back To Life: Poems from Behind the Iron Curtain
Hamburger, Michael, & Christopher Middleton(ed.): Modern German Poetry: 1910-1960
Plumpp, Sterling (ed.): Somehow We Survive: An Anthology of South African Writing
Oates, Joyce Carol: The Hostile Sun: the Poetry of D. H. Lawrence
Bly, Robert (ed.): Leaping Poetry: An Idea with Poems and Translations
Waverly Writers: Fresh Hot Bread
Peters, Nancy J. (ed.): War After War: The New Corporate/Military Order, The Middle East, Insurgencies on the Home Front. City Lights Review Number Five
Gordi, Tooni (ed.): Contemporary American Women Poets: An Anthology of Verse by 1311 Living Writers
Boyle, Bill, Jane Deverson, Michael J. Hussey, Brian Patten: Words Broadsheet, Twenty Four
Gottesman, Leslie, Hilton Obenzinger, Alan Senauke: Beyond Up and Down
Koch, Peter (ed.): Dead Start: A Journal of Letters, Design, and Typographic Printmaking
Petrie, Flinders (ed.): Ancient Egypt, 1920, Part I
Deverson, H. J. (ed.): Journey Into Night: An Anthology of the Night in Words and Pictures
Molloy, Paul (ed.): Beach Glass And Other Poems
Morrow, Bradford (ed.): Conjunctions: I. Bi-Annual Volumes of New Writing. Inaugural Double-Issue. A Festschrift in Honor of James Laughlin, Publisher of New Directions
Morrow, Bradford (ed.): Conjunctions: 6. Bi-Annual Volumes of New Writing
Morrow, Bradford (ed.): Conjunctions: 8. Bi-Annual Volumes of New Writing
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