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Santner, Eric L: On the Psychotheology of Everyday Life: Reflections on Freud and Rosenzweig Spinoza, Baruch ; Dagobert D. Runes (ed. ): New York: Philosophical Library, 1957 Gewurz, Elias: Mysteries of the Qabalah
Goodman, Philip (comp. ): Essays on Jewish Booklore Silver, Daniel Jeremy ; Martin, Bernard: A History of Judaism (Vols. I & II) Dubnov-Erlich, Sophie: The Life and Work of S. M. Dubnov
Bloom, Harold: Ruin the Sacred Truths: Poetry and Belief from the Bible to the Present Darwin, Charles: Die Opshtamung fun Menschen = The Descent of Man Wright, Arnold and William Lutley Sclater: Sterne's Eliza: Some Account of Her Life in India, with Her Letters Written between 1757 and 1774
Dilworth, Ernest Nevin: The Unsentimental Journey of Laurence Sterne Thomson, James: Poetical Works (Oxford Standard Authors) Berington, Joseph: The Memoirs of Gregorio Panzani. Birmingham 1793
Sichel, Walter: Sterne: A Study. Includes the Journal to Eliza Barrett, Elizabeth Barrett: Diary by E. B. B. The Unpublished Diary of Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, 1831-1832 Loftis, John: Comedy and Society from Congreve to Fielding
Secker, Martin: The Eighteen-Nineties: A Period Anthology in Prose and Verse Halpenny, Francess G: Editing Twentieth Century Texts Foerster, Norman, et al: Literary Scholarship: Its Aims and Methods
Marks, Emerson R: Relativist & Absolutist: The Early Neoclassical Debate in England Brooks, Douglas: Number and Pattern in the Eighteenth-Century Novel; Defoe, Fielding, Smollett and Sterne Hough, Graham: Reflections on a Literary Revolution
Tindall, William York: Forces in Modern British Literature, 1885-1946 Meyers, Jeffrey: The Biographer's Art: New Essays Ginter, Donald E: Whig Organization in the general Election of 1790: Selections from the Blair Adam Papers
Worcester, David: The Art of Satire Nashe, Thomas, et al: Recit et roman. Formes du roman anglais du XVIe au XXe sičcle Lucas, F. L: The Greatest Problem and Other Essays
Lloyd, L. J: John Skelton: A Sketch of His Life and Writings Kail, J: Twenty-Six Political and Other Poems (Excluding 'Petty Job') from the Oxford Mss. Digby 102 and Douce 322. Part I Furnivall, Frederick J: Caxton's Book of Curtesye, Printed at Westminster about 1477-8 A.D
Jewish Publication Society (Philadelphia, Pa.): The Torah: The Five Books of Moses I. Gessen; Č.Metner et al: Logos: mezhdunarodnyj ezhedgodnik po filosofii kul'tury. Russkoe izdanie. 1911g. - kniga pervaja = Logos: The Philosophy of Literature. Russian Edition; Book I V. V. Zen'kovskij: Osnovy christianskoj filosofii, tom II: christianskoe uchenie o mire = Foundations of Christian Philosophy, vol. 2
P. N. Berkov et al: XVIII vek, sbornik 4 = 18th Century. Vol. 4 Petar, Crna Gora Vladika II: Gorckij vienac: istoricheskoe sobytie pri svrshetku XVII. vieka = The Mountain Wreath Maksimovic, Vojin: Savremena vrhovna vojna uprava
Jeromonah Justin; A. Jevtic: Dogmatika pravoslavne crkve (kniga prva) Potochnjak, Franko: Savremena pitanja, no. 9: Jugoslovensko pitanje Radonic, Jovan: Srbi u Ugarskoj
I. S. Shajkovic: Pesma i vojevanju igorovu: ruski epski spev iz XII veka. Drugo izdanje Esih, Ivan: Slovo o polku Igora: hrvatsko-srpski i slovena ki prijevodi V. S. Kiselkov: Slavjanskite prosvetiteli. Kiril i metodij: zhivot i dejnost
Dimitrije (Dushan) Bala : Istorijska prava srpskog naroda na krajeve: Dalmaciju, Krbavu, Liku, Gorski Kotar, Zhemberak, Kordun, Baniju i Slavoniju J. Juran i : Ju noslovanski jeziki Fourth Imperial Memorandum: Bosansko - Hercegovachki Zbornik VI: chetvrti carski memorandum Srpsko-pravoslavnog naroda Bosne i Hercegovine
I. Mitrovic: Osmesi zhivota: dechje i druge pesme Popovic, Justin: Hrishcanski zhivot: mesechni chasopis za Hrishcansku kulturu i cerkveni zhivot; godina V, broj 3 i 4, 1927 M. Dobuzhinski: Pravoslavna veronauka
Nastas Petrovic: Nezavisnost Crne Gore V. Kudrjavcev: Nachal'nyja osnovanija filosofii. Izdanie shestoe = Foundation For Philosophy; vol. 6 Vlad. Stanojevic (Dr. Trnski): O Rusji i Rusima
Svet. Stefanovic: Pogledi i pokushaji Erlich, Victor: Russian Formalism: History - Doctorine (Slavistic Printings and Reprintings) Jovan Skerlic: Pisci i knjige II
Dushan M. Pantic: Spoljna trgovina i trgovinska politika nezavisne srbije: prvi period 1878 - 1892 S. B. Cvijanovic: Rechi o svechoveku J. P. Tatter et al: Husuv lid: Organ narodni Jednoty Ceskoslovenskych Protestantu v Americe a v Kanade. Cis. - No. 6-7 = The People of John Hus: Published monthly by the National Union of Czechoslovak Protestants in America, No. 6-7, 1949
Milivoje V. Knezhevic: Nasha narodna poezija N. A. Kondrashov: Slavjanskie jazyki; vtoroe izdanie = Slavic Languages. 2nd edition Dim. Burovic: A. S. Pushkin: kak voc u riznicu maternjega jezika i tumach ruske misli
L. A. Matveev: O vere: kratkaja istorija religii = On Faith: A Brief History of Religion A. Ju. Galushkin and A. P. Chudakov: V. B. Shklovskij: gamburgskij schet. Stat'i - vospominanija - čsse (1914 - 1933) = V. B. Shklovsky: Collected Works (1914-1933) Koulomzin, Sophe, et al: One Church. Vol. XVI, No. 2. March - April, 1962
Koulomzin, Sophe, et al: One Church. Vol. XVI, No. 3. May - June, 1962 Koulomzin, Sophe, et al: One Church. Vol. XVI, No. 4. July - August, 1962 D. von Mohrenschiiildt; M. Karpovich et al: The Russian Review: An American Quarterly Devoted to Russia Past and Present, vol. 10, No. 1, January 1951
D. von Mohrenschiiildt et al: The Russian Review: An American Quarterly Devoted to Russia Past and Present, vol. 23, No. 2, April 1964 Episkop Nikolaj; Ljubomir Rankovic: Biblioteka "Slovesnik", knjiga IV: Kosovo i Vidovdanl; trete izdanje Svetislav Voj. Vulovic: Biblioteka za pravne i drushtvene nauke, No. 11: Problem smrtne kazne
Aleksa Ivic: Matica Srpska 1826-1926 B. A. Starostin: Transkripcija sobstvennyh imen: prakticheskoe posobie; izdanie vtoroe = Transcription of Proper Names I. N. Vinogradskaja, I. N. Solov'eva: Teatral'noe nasledie. Rezhisserskie čkzempljary K. S. Stanislavskogo, tom vtoroj 1898-1901 = K. S. Stanislavsky, Vol. 2 (1898-1901)
I. P. Chetverikov: Jurodstvo, kak podvig i obshchij put' v Christianstve = Foolishness as an Act of Bravery and a Common Path in Christianity F. Sologub: Zakljatie sten. Skazochki i stat'i = A Collection of Short Stories and Articles Ob'edinennye Biblejskie Obshchestva: Biblija; knigi svjashchennago pisanija vethago i novago zaveta kanonicheskie v russkom perevode s parallel'nymi mestami = Bible in Russian Translation
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