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Rios, Michael: Embrace your Absoluteness Rios, Michael: Tribute to Seven Masters Rios, Michael: West Fest. Celebrating 40th Anniversary of Woodstock
Rios, Michael: King of the Universe Santana: Poster for Carnaval San Francisco 1987 FESMAN: Poster for Sénégal Third World Festival of Black Arts and Cultures - 3e Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres
Brauner, Hérold, Toyen, Mabille, Jouffroy, Demarne, Baskine, Matta, Randolph, Duits, Tarnaud and Heisler: NEON. N'être rien - Etre tout - Ouvrir l'être .Numero 2, Paris Fevrier 1948 Le Roy, William: A Two Masted Sailing Ship Steward, Donald: Floral Collage
Miller, Chuck: Bookish Living Room with Portrait of Gertrude Stein and Pavlov's Dog Hamilton: HAMILTON'S OLD ENGLISH BLACK OIL. THE GREATEST HEALING LINIMENT OF THE AGE! Adams, Jewett W: [P. E. Shannon, Notary Public]
In the Style of Currier and Ives: City Fire with Firemen Miller, Henry: Quiet Days in Clichy (Photographic poster for the 1970 film) Bonilla, Robert Werner: Street Scene with Motorcycle Cops and Civilian
Commune de Saint-Gilles: Club Colombophile "La Libre Saint=Gilloise", 1908 Commune de Saint-Gilles Goering-Schmidt: Baumwolle [19th Century View of Blacks picking and cleaning cotton] Rodzhdestvensky, Robert and Jack Hirschman (translator): Requiem
Wackenreuder, V: City And County Of San Francisco. Compiled From Official Surveys And Sectionalized In Accordance With U.S. Surveys. Drawn By V. Wackenreuder, C.E. 1861. Published By Henry G. Langley For the San Francisco Directory. Entered ... 1861 By Henry G. Langley ... California. Britton & Co. Print. (with 3 inset maps of the Farrallon Islands) Logue, Christopher (1926-2011): Sleep is a Fountain petrified.. Cassigneul, Jean-Pierre: La Roseraie. The Rose Garden
Pencz, Georg: Der Planet Mars Pencz, Georg: Der Planet Sonne Behan, Hans Sebald: Das Fest der Herodias
Burgkmair, Hans: Hexensasbatt. (Witches' Sabbath) Burgkmair, Hans and Joseph de Negker: Der Heilige Georg zu Pferde I Blake, William: The Reunion of the Sopld and the Body
Dürer, Albrecht: Belagerung einer Festung II Dürer, Albrecht: Die Schutzheiligen von Österreich Mueller, Fred and Mission Grafica: Santana. Twenty Year Retrospective
Sotheby's (New York): The James S. Copley Library. Delegate John Lansing's Notes from the United States Constitutional Convention, 1787. New York, 20 May 2011 L. Leonov: Evgenia Ivanova: povest' = Evgenia Ivanova: Novel Seduro, Vladimir: Dostoevski In Russian Èmigrè Criticism
D. Klenovskij: Prikosnoven'e: pjataja kniga stihov = The Fifth Book of Poems by D. Klenovsky F. M. Dostoevskij (Dostoyevsky); V. V. Akopdzhanov, S. V. Belov, et al: F. M. Dostoevskij: bibliografija proizvedenij F. M. Dostoevskogo i letiratury o nem, 1917-1965 = F. M. Dostoyevsky: Bibliography of Dostoyevsky's Works and Literature (1917-1965) Strassberg, Richard E: The Art of Chang Ta-Chi'en (Chang Dai-Chien): Master of Tradition
Goines, David Lance: Goines. Posters: 1968-1973 [miniature poster] Whyte-Melville, G. J: Songs and Verses White, Henry Kirke: The Remains of Henry Kirke White of Nottingham, Late of St. John's College, Cambridge, with an Account of His Life by Robert Southey
Thompson, Francis: The Poems of Francis Thompson Weyman, Stanley J: The King's Stratagem and Other Stories Hutton, John A: Guidance from Francis Thompson in Matters of Faith
White, Henry Kirke: The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White with Life by Robert Southey Optic, Oliver: Desk and Debit, or, the Catastrophes of a Clerk S. L. Frank: Religija i nauka, No. 1 = Religion and Science, No. 1
F. Stepun: Vstrechi: Dostoevskij - L. Tolstoj; Bunin - Zaicev - V. Ivanov; Belyj - Leonov = Encounters. Dostovsky - L. Tolstoy; Bunin - Zaitsev - V. Ivanov; Bely - Leonov D. I. Zaslavskij: F. M. Dostoevskij: kritiko-biograficheskij ocherk = F. M. Dostoevsky: a Biographical Sketch A. M. Osipov; V. A. Aleksandrov; N. M. Gol'dberg: Afanasij Nikitin i ego vremja = Afanasy Nikitin and His Era
L. N. Tolstoy; T. Il'ina: Voskresenie: roman v trech chastjah = Resurrection: a novel a novel in three parts A. O. Boguslavskij; M. M. Kuznecov: O sovremennike o sovremennosti = A Collection of Contemporary and Modern Drama A. S. Griboedov: Gore to uma: komedija v stihah v 4 dejstvijah = Woe from Wit
S. S. Averincev: Plutarh i antichnaja biografija = Plutarch and Ancient Biography V. Kaverin: Dva kapitana = Two Captains Ju. N. Maleev et al: Slovar' mezhdunarodnogo vozdushnogo prava = International Aviation Law Dictionary
E. I. Parnov: Na perekrestke beskonechnostej = At the Crossroads of Infinities V. Zen'kovsky et al: Russkaja evropija: rossija pri pervyh preemnikah Petra I. Nachalo mansonstva v rosii = European Russia: the Beginning of Freemasonry in Russia V. M. Shimkevich: Budushchee chelovechestve s tochki zrenija naturalista; tret'e dopolnennoe izdanie c 11 risunkami = The Future of Humanity from the Point View of the Naturalist
V. Vejdle: O poètah i poèzii = Poets and Poetry V. Ermilov: F. M. Dostoevskij = F. M. Dostoevsky V. Maljavin: Konfucij = Confucius
Grigor'ev, Apollon; V. S. Krupich: Socinenija: I. Kritika = Works by Apollon Grigor'ev V. Efremov: Ocherki po russkoj literatury XIX veka = Russian Literature of the XIX Century F. Ivanova; M. Ja. Poljakov: I. A. Goncharov v russkoj kritike: sbornik statej = I. A. Goncharov in Russian Criticism
L. I. Timofeev: Teorija literatury: osnovy nauki o literature. Izdanie 3-e, pererabotannoe = Literary Theory, 3rd edition S. Troickij: Christianskaja filosofija braka = Marriage Philosophy in Christianity P. V. Tulaev: Rossija i evropa: opyt sobornogo analiza = Russia and Europe: Conciliar Analysis
Abbot Nikon: Pis'ma duhovnym detjam = Letters to Spiritual Children K. Leontiev: Analiz, stil' i vejanie: O romanah Gr. L. N. Tolstogo. Kriticheskij ètjud. V. Rozanov: neuznanyj fenomen = Analysis, Style and Atmosphere: On the Novels of Count L. N. Tolstoy Leopardi, Giacomo; I. Thorzhevskij: Leopardi: pesni i otryvki; polnoe sobranie stihotvorenij = Leopardi: Poems and Excerpts
Archbishop Ioann Sanfrancisskij: Otkrytoe pis'mo Moskovskih svjashchennikov patriarhu, episkopstvu russkoj cerkvi i zajavlenie grazhdanskim vlastyam = Open Letter to the Priests of the Moscow Patriarch Knut, Dovid: Izbrannye stihi = Collection of Poems by D. Knut V. N. Korablev: Bosnija i Gercegovina: ih proshloe i nastojashchee = Bosnia and Herzegovina: Past and Present
P. Ivanov: Tajna Svjatyh: vvedenie v apokalipsis, Tom I i II = The Mystery of the Saints: an Introduction to the Apocalypse; vol. 1 - 2 N. Berdjaev: Opyt èshatologicheskoj metafiziki (tvorchestvo i ob'ektivacija) = The Significance of Eschatology in the Thoughts of Nikolai Berdyaev P. G. Pustovojt: Roman I. S. Turgeneva "Otcy i Deti": literaturnyj kommentarij = Literary Overview of "Fathers and Sons" by I. Turgenev
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