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B. Ljudskov, K. Minskij: Tysjacha domashnih melochej = Thousand Little Things A. P. Lavrin: Zerkala: al'manah 1989, vypusk I = Mirrors: Almanac, 1989. Issue No. 1 È. S. Kogan: Materialy po istorii revoljucii 1905--1907 gg. = The History of Revolution, 1905-1907
P. A. Kropotkin: Idealy i dejstvitel'nost' v russkoj literature. Perevod V. Baturinskogo pod redakciej avtora = Ideals and Realities in Russian Literature Archimandrite Constantine: Pravoslavnyj put': cerkovno - bogoslovsko - filosofskij ezhegodnik = Orthodox Life E. Zamjatin: Lica = Faces
Zweig, Stefan: Romain Rolland Seh-Lavan, Yosef: Yitzchak Bashevis-Singer = Isaac Bashevis-Singer Zeitlin, Aaron: Literarishe und Filosofishe Essain = Literary and Philosophical Essays
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Hamaftach = The Key Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Hachozer B'Teshuva = The Penitent Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Mazel and Shlimazel
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: The Wife Killer and Other Stories. (Nan'un-do's Contemporary Library) Bryks, Rachmil: Ghetto Factory 76 Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Mevarsah ad New York = From Warsaw to New York
Miller, David Neal: Bibliography of Isaac Bashevis Singer 1924-1949 Hamsun, Knut: Die Vogler = The Bold (Geklibene Werk = Collected Works) Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Die Familia Moskat = The Family Moskat
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Milosc i wygnanie = Love and Exile Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Sztukmistrz z Lublina = The Magician of Lublin Alcalay, Reuben: The Complete Hebrew-English Dictionary
Zeitlin, Aaron, and Trunk, J.J.: Antologye fun der Yidisher proze in Poyln = An Anthology of Yiddish Prose in Poland Glaser, Leon S: Fun Moskva Beyz Yerusahalyim = From Moscow to Jerusalem Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Mayses Fun Hintern Oyvn = Stories from Behind the Stove
Remarque, Erich Maria: Ojfn Majrew-Front Kejn Najs = All Quiet on the Western Front Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Ha'achoza = The Estate Mann, Thomas: Der Tsoyberbarg = The Magic Mountain
Hamsun, Knut: Die Vogler = The Bold (Geklibene Werk, 13 = Collected Works 13) Singer, S.D: Dikhter Un Prozayiker: Eseyen = Poets, Novelists, and Critics: Essays Hamsun, Knut: Pan = Pan (Geklibene Werk = Collected Works)
Remarque, Erich Maria: Der Veg oyf Tsurik = The Road Back Bird, Thomas, Singer, Isaac Bashevis, and Heschel, Abraham, et al: Vegn Mordkhe Shekhter un zayn verk: tsu zayn zekhtsikstn geboyrn-tog = Mordkhe Schaechter and His Work: On the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Der Satan in Goray = Satan in Goray and other stories
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, et al: Inostrannaya Literatura = Foreign Literature, Vol. 4 Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Der Knecht = The Slave Singer, Isaac Bashevis, et al: The Menorah Journal, vol. 69, nos. 1&2
Singer, Isaac Bashevis., et al: Akhtsik Yor H. Lang = A Tribute to H. Lang on his 80th Birthday Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Yentl Horovitz, Israel: Our Father's Failing: A Play in Three Acts (The Wakefield Plays, Part Two)
Lindsay, Howard and Russel Crouse: Mr. President Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Yentl, the Yeshiva Boy Singer, Israel Jordan: The Family Karnowski
Reverend Abrahamsons, The: Schaare Tephillah = Daily Prayer Book Bamberger, Selig: Machzor Le'arbeit Yom Kippur = Prayer book for the eve of Yom Kippur Abramsky, Chimen: Machzor Le'arbeit Yom Kippur = Prayer book for the eve of Yom Kippur
American Schools of Oriental Research, The: Scrolls from the Wilderness of the Dead Sea Podhoretz, Norman (Ed. ); Oz, Amos: Commentary: Vol. 52, No. 2 (August, 1971) Podhoretz, Norman (Ed. ); Oz, Amos: Commentary: Vol. 58, No. 2 (August, 1974)
Bartov, Hanoch: Daddo - 48 Shena ve'od 20 Yom = Daddo - 48 Years and 20 More Days Teitelbaum, Dora: Mit Oign Ofene = Con ojos abiertos = With Eyes Open Wiesel, Elie: All Rivers Run to the Sea: Memoirs
Cahan, Abraham: Bleter fun Mein Leben = Pages from My Life Gotlib, N. J.: Lita Mein Heimland = Lithuana, My Savior Urbas, Joshua: Der Onheib = The Beginning
Potash, Rikudah: Molad iber Timna: Lider = Born by Will: Poems Cogan, Sara G.; Rischin, Moses: The Jews of San Francisco & The Greater Bay Area 1849-1919. (Western Jewish Americana Series, 2) Maugham, W. Somerset: Masolois = First Person Singular
Gora, Jacob: Dos iz der emes = This is the Truth Bas-Meltzer, Esther: In di Negl fun Umkum = In the Claws of Destruction Teitelboim, Dora: Die Balade fun Little-Rock = La Ballade de Little-Rock = The Ballad of Little Rock
Myers, David N., and Rowe, William V. (eds. ): From Ghetto to Emancipation: Historical & Contemporary Reconsiderations of the Jewish Community Orenstein, Benjamin: Dos lebn un shafn fun Dr. Philip Fridman: Kurtser biyo-biblioyografisher iberblik = The Life and Writings of Dr. Philip Friedman: short bio-bibliographical survey Singer, Israel Joshua: Dertzeilungen = Collected Stories
Asch, Sholem: Dertzeilungen = Short Stories Gotlib, N. J: Drei poemen = Three poems Singer, Israel Joshua: Chaver Nachman = Friend Nachman
Tajtelbaum, Benjamin: Oyfn Shul = In School Fayyad, Tawfig: al-Sharic al-'Asfar = The Yellow Street Gotlib, N. J: Chalutzim = Pioneers
Myers, David N: Derrida's Yerushalmi, Yerushalmi's Freud: History, Memory and Hope in a Post-Holocaust Age Baeck, Leo: Types of Jewish Self-Understanding Vosper, Robert: Hebraica and Judaica: The Theodore E. Cummings Collection
Rago, Henry., Halkin, Simon. (eds. ); Mintz, Ruth Finer. (tr. ): Poetry Magazine: Contemporary Israeli Verse. Vol. 92, no. 4, July 1958 Bamberger, Fritz: The Leo Baeck Memorial Lecture 1: Leo Baeck: The Man and the Idea Baeck, Leo: Jewish Mysticism
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