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Mermaid Theatre: Mermaid Poetry Cody's Books, Oyez: Checklists of Separate Publications of Poets at the First Berkeley Poetry Conference, 1965 Maytag, Ken: Flagstaff
Glover, Albert and John C. Clarke (eds.): A Curriculum of the Soul Frog Hollow Press: Frog Hollow Press proudly announces publication of The Beaten-Down Elegies by Shane Neilson Turnbull, Gael: Migrant Press. Bibliographical History
Climenhaga, Joel: ALS to David Meltzer, c/o City Lights Books Letelier, Orlando and Ronni Karpen Moffitt: Memorial posters MacAdams, Lewis: Coconutbread Productions presents Lewis Macadams
John Braden and Diane di Prima: Runesmith Caravan. Being an Evening of Song, Poem, & Frolic with Diane diPrima and John Braden Smith, William Jay: William Jay Smith at Guggenheim Millay, Edna St. Vincent: Paul Posz Presents America's Greatest Woman Poet Edna St. Vincent Millay Reading of Her Own Poems
Ford, Jon (ed.): Poetry Flash Number 68, Nov. 1978. Special Festival issue Ginsberg, Allen, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Michael McClure, et. al: ASUC Presents A Benefit for the Living Theatre Who are Busted & Behind Bars in Brazil Rezanov, Nikolai Petrovich: Rezanov Reconnoiters California, 1806 [prospectus]
Duffy, James O. G: Glass and Gold: A Novel Freud, Sigmund: Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie Moskovskaja Obshchegorodskaja Konferencija Proletarskich Kul'turno-Prosvetitel'nych Organizacij (1, 1918, Moskva): Moskovskij proletkul t tezisy, rezoljucii, ustav Moskovskago Proletkul ta 23-28 fevralja 1918 g.; Pervaja Moskovskaja Obshchegorodskaja Konferencija Proletarskich Kul turno-Prosvetitel nych Organizacji
Ishihara, Shinobu: Ishihara's Tests for Colour-Blindness [incomplete] R. Lechner (Wien): Zone 17 Kol. II. Stuben Joseph Baer & Co. (Frankfurt A.M.): Sammlung des Verstorbenen Herrn Heinrich Stiebel, Frankfurt A.M., Zweiter Teil
U.S. Geological Survey: Kelseyville, Calif. NE/4. Kelseyville 15' Quadrangle U.S. Geological Survey: Dixie Hot Springs, Nevada U.S. Geological Survey: Healdsburg, Calif. 38122-E7-TF-024
U.S. Geological Survey: The Geysers, Calif. SE/4 Kelseyville, Calif. 15' Quadrangle. N845-W122475/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: The Geysers Quadrangle, California, SE/4 Kelsyville 15' Quadrangle - N3845-W12245/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Dixie Hot Springs NE, Vevada, Nevada-Churchhill Co., 39118-H1-TF-024
U.S. Geological Survey: Docs Pass, Nevada - Utah, N3722.5-W11400/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Dow Mountain, Nevada, N3737.5-W11407.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Orthophotoquad - Kumiva Peak 1 NE, Nevada, N4022.5-W11900/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Carvers, Nevada, N3845-W11707.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Tuscan Buttes NE, VCalifornia, N4022.5-W12200/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Tuscan Springs California, N4007.5-W12200/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Upper Lake, California, N3907.5-W12252.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Volcano Peak, California, 35117-H7-TF-024 U.S. Geological Survey: Warren Peak, California, 41120-D2-TF-024
U.S. Geological Survey: Westmorland, California, N3300-W11530/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Whispering Pines, California, 38122-G6-TF-024 U.S. Geological Survey: Whispering Pines, California, N3845-W12237.5/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Desert Peak, Nevada, 39118-G8-TF-024 U.S. Geological Survey: Diamond Canyon, Nevada, N3922.5-W11822.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: California Mountain, Nevada, N4122.5-W11552.5/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Carp. Nevada, N3700-W11422.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Carter Reservoir, Nevada-California, N4137.5-W11952.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Chief Mountain, Nevada, N3737.5-W11430/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: China Camp, Nevada, N4107.5-W11622.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: China Mountain, Nevada, N4030-W11722.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Chokecherry Mountain, Nevada, N3730-W11437.5/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Condor Canyon, Nevada, N3745-W11415.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Crooks Meadow, Nevada-California, N4145-W11952.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Deer Creek Slough, Nevada, N4122.5-W11830/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Deer Lodge Canyon, Nevada-Utah, N3752.5-W11400/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Boyer Ranch, Nevada, 39117-H7-TF-024 U.S. Geological Survey: Buck Wash Well, Nevada, N3807.5-W11407.5/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Bunker Peak, Nevada, N3722.5-W11407.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Caliente, Nevada, N3730-W11430/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Coso Junction, California, 36117-A8-TF-024
U.S. Geological Survey: Convict Lake, California, 37718-E7-TM-024 U.S. Geological Survey: Asi, California, N3845-W12252.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Kelseyville, California, N3852.5-W12245/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Clearlake, California, N3900-W12237.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Cloverdale, California, N3845-W12300/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Alamorio, California, N3252.5-W11522.5/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Asti, California, 38122-G8-TF-024 U.S. Geological Survey: Asti, California, N3845-W12252.5/7.5 (trimmed) U.S. Geological Survey: Avena, California, N3745-W12100/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Bartlett Mountain, California, N3907.5-W12245/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Bloody Mountain, California, 37118-E8-TM-024 U.S. Geological Survey: Bonds Corner, California, N3237.5-W11515/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Bonita Butte, California, 41121-F6-TF-024 U.S. Geological Survey: Aetna Springs, California, N3837.5-W12222.5/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Midvale, Utah, N4030-W11152.5/7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Milford, Utah, N3822.5-W11300/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Milford Flat, Utah, N3815-W11300/7.5 U.S. Geological Survey: Minersville, Utah, N3807.5-W11252.5/7.5
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