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Knowles, F. L: A Kipling Primer Ferró: Ferró: Retour d'Amerique Zavarian, Suzanne, Joachim Neugroschel: extensions No. 1
The Society of Sons of Colorado: The Trail: A Magazine "For Colorado." Volume XIV, Number 7 Morrow, W. C: The Ape and the Idiot. Number Five of Six California Tales Banks, Russell, and William matthews: Lillabulero. A Journal of Contemporary Writing
Friend, Robert, Harold Schimmel, Dennis Silk: Now Long, Tudor S., editor: Sewanee Review, Summer, 1943 Leite, George, Bern Porter: Circle 6
Boyars, Arthur, editor: Mandrake 7, Vol. II, 1950-51 Anonymous: [Fire company responding to a blaze.] Anonymous: Los Angeles Post Office
Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich: Prof. L. Pasternak: Portrait-Album Torres, Luis Llorens and Lorenzo Homar: Cuadernos de poesia 2 Dyson, A. E., et al: Modern Fiction Studies. Vol. 7, No. 1. Spring 1961. F. Scott Fitzgerald Special Number
Michaux, Henri, et al: Mercure de France. Le souvenir d'Adrienne Monnier. Tome CCCXXVI, no. 1109. Janvier 1956 Leymarie, Jean and René Huyghe: Gauguin, créateur de la peinture moderne. Exposition de centenaire Kold, Christen and Johannes Larsen: Historien om Lille Mis
Lamy, Étienne: La langue française Marelle, Charles: Affenschwanz et cetera. Variantes orales de contes populaires français et étrangers Lima, José Lezama and José Rodriguez Feo: Orígenes. Revista de Arte y Literatura. Año II, Num. 7
Villain, Léon: François Villon: Lecture commentée Catalogue de Musée des Antiquités de l'Ouest (Poitiers, France): Catalogue de Musée des Antiquités de l'Ouest à Poitiers Blei, Franz and Carl Sternheim: Hyperion. Zeiter Band, Viertes Heft, 1908
Bonhams (New York, N.Y.): Contemporary Art. Sale No. 19985. November 12, 2012 Orozco y Berra, Manuel: Historia de la Dominacion Española en Mexico. Tomo II National Archives (Washington, D.C.): The Formation of the Union
Baumann, H: Muret-Sanders Encyclopædic English-German and German-English Dictionary, Part II: German-English = Enzyklopädisches englisch-deutsches und deutsch-englisches Wörterbuch, Teil II: Deutsche-Englisch Leibe, Georg: Das Judentum in der deutschen Vergangenheit Agora, Inc. (Baltimore, Md.): The Offshore Money Manual
Gallwitz, Klaus: Charles Meryon: Paris um 1850. Zeichnungen, Radierungen, Photographien Aphthonius and Vojislav Jelic: Progymnasmata of Aphthonius, the Rhetorician: Preliminary Exercises for Orators Kökeritz, Helge: Elizabethan Prosody and Historical Phonology
Förster, M: Altenglisch Stor, ein Altirisches Lehnwort Kökeritz, Helge: John Hart and Early Standard English Hughes, Merritt Y: The Theme of Pre-Existence and Infancy in The Retreate
Bronson, Bertrand H: Chattertonia Wallach, Luitpold: The Roman Synod of December 800 and the Alleged Trial of Leo III: A Theory and the Historical Facts, Marquess of Lothian: Totalitarianism, Democracy and Religion
Langer, William L: Europe's Initial Population Explosion Fruton, Joseph S: The Arts, the Sciences, and Scholarship Longman, Lester D: The Concept of Psychical Distance
Menner, Robert J: Bycorne-Bygorne, Husband of Chichevache Thistleton, Francis (William Henry Fleet): Prospectus for How I Came To Be Governor of the Island of Cacona Serendipity Books (Berkeley, Calif.): Serendipity Books Catalogue 38: American Fiction of the 1960s
Chernaik, Warren L: Waller's Panegyric to My Lord Protector and the Poetry of Praise Winks, Robin W: The Historian as Detective Steffen, Albert: Friedenstragödie: In Fünf Akten
Hjul, James H: Building Plans and Elevations for O. Kramer and T. Speekman, at 1529 Custer Ave., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans and Elevation for Monarch Rubber & Supply Co. Inc., at 227 Pennsylvania St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans and Elevation for Dant and Russell Sales Co. (Wholesale Lumber), at SW of Custer St. 211' SE of Quint, Lot 89'-0" x 104'-6", San Francisco. Current address 1455 Custer Ave
Hjul, James H: Building Plans and Elevation for Structure at NW Corner of 18th St. and De Haro St., San Francisco. Current address 1900-1910 18th St.or 580 De Haro St.) Hjul, James H: Building Plans for Structure on South Side of Howard, 250' East of 6th St., San Francisco. Current address 971 Howard Hjul, James H: Building Plans and Elevation for Structure at 787 Brannan St., San Francisco
Hjul, James H: Survey, Building Plans, Elevations, and Perspective for Otto Kramer, for Structure on Harrison East Side of Harrison St., 125' North of 18th, 560 Alabama St., San Francisco. Current address 2111 Harrison or 560 Alabama Hjul, James H: Building Plans, Elevations, and Perspectives for Structure at 1900-1908 18th St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans, Elevation, and Perspective for Melvin Vick, 1001 Tennessee St., San Francisco
Hjul, James H: Building Plans, Elevation, and Perspective for Structure at 251 South Van Ness Ave., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans, Elevations, and Perspective for Structure on Mississippi St. North of 17th, San Francisco. (Current address either 55 or 99 Mississippi) Hjul, James H: Building Plans and Elevation for Structure on South Side of Harrison 71' 6" East of 1st, San Francisco. Current address: One Rincon Hill.San Francisco's most recognized high-rise
Hjul, James H: Building Plans for Dr. Merton J. Price at 9th St. and Sheridan St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans for Mrs. M. N. Brodie at 1281 Mission St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans for James H. Hjul at Harriet St., San Francisco
Hjul, James H: Building Plans for W. C. Johnson between 9th St. and Dore St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans for James H. Hjul at Alabama St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans for Sanitary Laundry Company at 2140 O'Farrell St., San Francisco
Hjul, James H: Building Plans for Geo. A. Clough and John D. McKee (Chairman of Board American Trust Co.) at Otis St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans for P. B. Yates Machine Co. at 725 Bryant St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans for Annie Kidwell at Mission St., San Francisco
Hjul, James H: Building Plans and Hand Colored Elevation for C. A. Chaquette at 10th St. and Sheridan St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans for Geo. A. Clough, Attorney at Tobin & Tobin, at Hawthorne and Folsom, San Francisco. Current address likely 95 Hawthorne Hjul, James H: Building Plans, Elevation, and Perspective for James H. Hjul, 21st St. and Alabama, San Francisco
Hjul, James H: Building Plans and Elevation for Fredrick C. Busche on Dore St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans and Elevation for Ideal Laundry Co., for W. H. Woodfield, 399 7th St., San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans for James H. Hjul, at 14th St., San Francisco
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