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Landau, Madeline: Head Fourth Freilicher, Melvyn: Melvyn Goes to Hollywood Tardieu famille: Homme et femme Hottentots tires d'apres nature
Pasquier: Dom Alvare Roy de Congo donnant Audience aux Hollandois en 1742 Tardieu famille: Village et Hutes des Hottentots Major: Mariage Hottentots. Tire de Kolben
Major: Hottentots Namaquas Tardieu famille: 1. Mouton du Cap. 2. Ane Sauvage. 3. Zebra du Cap. 4. Chevre Sauvage. 5. Loup tigre. 6. Chat musqué ou civette du Cap Tardieu famille: Danse et Musique des Hottentots
Eliot, T. S: T. S. Eliot. The Complete Poems and Plays of T. S. Eliot, a handsome new volume, is published by Harcourt, Brace. Please credit: Photo by Kay Bell Whitman, Walt: American Bard Hjoen, Jon Alfred: The Consultative Eugenics Commission of Norway
Logue, Christopher: War Music, An Account of books 1 -4 and 16-19 of Homer's Iliad Broughton, James: A Keepsake to Celebrate James Broughton's 60th Birthday at his Fete Gala Matuszak, David F: Nelson Point: Portrait of a Northern Gold Rush Town
Freefield, Lawrence: Love-Cycles Maitland, Richard: Dicky Dandies The Playgoer: The Shubert Theatre: The Sound of Music
Nathan, Leonard: The Formalist, Vol. 1, Number 2 Versand, Kenneth: Polyglot's Lexicon: 1943 - 1966 Ruthven, Madeleine: Summer Denial and other Poems
Miller, Perry: Collection of articles: Soloman Stoddard (1941); Jonathan Edwards on the Sense of the Heart (1948); The Romantic Dilemma in American Nationalism and the Concept of Nature (1955) Det Danske Selskab: Danish Music from the Lur to the Vibraphone Curro, Evelyn: Evelyn Curro's First Annual Americana Calendar
Molina, Rodrigo A: Estudios: Francisco Ayala, Antonio Machado, Amado Nervo y otros esayos Wilson, Woodrow: Address by Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, Delivered at the Dinner of the Democratic Club in Philadelphia, on Tuesday Night, February 21, 1911 McKenzie, Edwin V: In the Supreme Court of the State of California in the Matter of the Application of Warren K. Billings for a Pardon
Moore, Geoffrey: American Literature and the American Imagination von Klenze, Camillo: Main Currents in the Intellectual Life of Contemporary Germany Noe, Cotton: Lincoln and the Mother of Lincoln
Powell, Lawrence Clark: Charles Fletcher Lummis and The Land of Sunshine Wilkie, Wendell: Wendell Wilkie emphemera. Various pamphlets, news clipping Siberell, Lloyd Emerson: Miniatures to Murals: A Brief Biography
Morley, Christopher: The Child and the Book Charles W. Eliot: John Gilley of Baker's Island apek, Karel: R. U. R. (Rossum's Universal Robots). A Play in Three Acts and an Epilogue
Hartlaub, Gustav: Die neue deutsche Graphik. Tribüne der Kunst und Zeit. Eine Schriftensammlung Taride, A., editeur: Album Photographique: Exposition 1900 Howells, William Dean : A Hazard of New Fortunes
Mendelowitz, Daniel M., David L. Faber, Duane A. Wakeham: A Guide to Drawing, Seventh Edition Goethe, C. M., Franklin Hichborn, J. Kitaoka, Joseph Lee, Alfred M. Lilienthal, A. J. Sabath: Correspondance to and from C. M. Goethe regarding immigration quotas, eugenics, race Grabski, Jozef, editor: Opus Sacrum: Catalogue of the Exhibition from the Collection of Barbara Piasecka Johnson
"Archie" (Ed Gardner): Duffy's First Reader The Catholic Renascence Society, Inc: Renascence Owen, Maureen, editor: Telephone No. 10
Noon, Patrick J: English Portrait Drawings & Miniatures Schroeppel, Harold S: Lessons in Advanced Perception Graham, Frank P: The Faith and Hope of an American
The University of Texas at Austin: Selected Paintings from the Michener Collection Butler, Frances: Light and heavy Light: Contemporary Shadow Use in the Visual Arts Art Galleries, University of California, Los Angeles: M: John Marin Memorial Exhibition
Bowers, Fredson: A Supplement to the Woodward & McManaway Check List of English Plays 1641 - 1700 Smith, Gerald L. K: The Cross and the Flag. Vol. 24, No. 8. November 1965 Brown, Robert K: The Art Deco Poster
Goines, David Lance: A Basic Formal Hand Manser, A. R: The End of Philosophy: Marx and Wittgenstein Bary, David: Sobre el nombrar poético en la poesía española contemporánea
Brophy, Robert J., editor: Robinson Jeffers Newsletter, Nos. 35 -37, 39--40, 42 -43 Baker, Melville: Seventh Heaven Olson, Charles: Charles Olson: The Special View of History
Alta: Shameless Hussy Books Brakhage, Stan: Dear Jonas Presson, Bill: Five poems
Arnold, Steven: Matrix presents Steve Miller Blues Band The Porpoise Bookshop: Catalog Five: Rare & Unusual Books. With a special announcement of a new magazine Melton, Frank: The Shaman Visions of Frank Melton
Fagin, Larry: Dear Phillip Bauer, Wolfgang: Memory Hotel Durand, Robert, editor: The Yes! Press Anthology
de la Serna, Ramon Gomez, editor: Prometo, Año 4, No. 33 Bates, William: George Cruikshank: The Artist, The Humourist, and the Man Poe, Edgar Allan: Eureka: An Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe
Palmer, Michael: Invitation to release celebration of The Circular Gates Snowden, Ethel: Autograph letter to Philip Snowden The State of New York: The Soldiers' Voting Bill
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