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Bredvold, Louis I: The Rise of English Classicism: Study in Methodology
Kim, Kichung: Thoreau's Science and Teleology
Tuveson, Ernest: An Essay on Man and "The Way of Ideas": Some Further Remarks
Polhemus, James H: Oregon, Its Resources, Its People, and Its Future!
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York, N.Y.): Autographs & Manuscripts: The Distinguished Collection of the Late Ogden L. Mills...Letters of American Presidents & Statesmen, etc
Johnson, Clifton H: American Missionary Association Archives as a Source for the Study of American History
Siberell, Lloyd Emerson: Miniatures to Murals: A Brief Biography of Mathias Noheimer
Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. (New York, N.Y.): Modern First Editions and Avant-Garde. Faulkner, Hemingway, Steinbeck, the Beat Generation, Concrete Poetry, Black Mountain Poets, etc
Selby, Spenser: Sink. No. 1
Lafuente, Modesto, et al: Spanish Literary Gens: Trozos Escogidos de las Obras de Lafuent, Rojas, Solís, Alarcón, Calderón, Cervantes, Fernández, Guerra, Valera, Bécquer; El Poema del Cid, Lazarillo de Tormes
Lang, Hans-Joachim: Classic American Writers and Jacksonian Democracy: Some Preliminary Remarks and Case Studies
Evans, B. Ifor: English Literature. (British Life & Thought, No. 15.)
Reid, Frederick W: A Swell of Poems
Arizona Legislative Assembly: Acts, Resolutions and Memorials Adopted by the Sixth Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona. Session begun on the Eleventh Day of January and Ended on the Twentieth Day of February, 1871, at Tucson
Alexander, James: Eturnature
Merrill, James: Two Poems from the Cupola and the Summer People
Millman, Mary and David Bohn: Master of Line: John W. Winkler, American Etcher
Miles, Josephine: The Primary Language of Poetry in the 1740's and the 1840's
Oregon Legistature: The Constitution: Together with the Session Laws of Oregon Enacted During the First Regular Session of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, Begun Sept. 10, 1860
Dwinelle, John W: The Colonial History, City of San Francisco. A Narrative Argument in the the Circuit Court of the United States for the State of California..
Wagner, Henry R. and Robert H. Becker: The Plains & the Rockies. A Critical Bibliography of Exploration, Adventure and Travel in the American West, 1800-1865
Ader & Picard (Paris): Dessins et tableaux anciens par ou attribués à Belin de Fortenay, Boilly, Costa, Crepin, Drolling, Francken, Gadbois, J. Van Goyen..
Kirkconnell, Watson: Our Communists and the New Canadians. An Adress Delivered before a Meeting of the Canadian Club of Toronto, Canada, on February 1, 1943
Bracher, Frederick: Sir George Etherege and His Secretary
Waith, Eugene M: The Poet's Morals in Jonson's Poetaster
Blackwell, Basil: Temporis Filia Veritas
Haeckel, Ernst: Der Kampf um den Entwickelungs-Gedanken
Department of the Interior, National Park Service: General Information Regarding Rocky Mountain National Park, Season of 1918
Tuveson, Ernest: Swift and the World-Makers
Tuveson, Ernest: The Pilot of the Galilean Lake
Duckles, Vincent: The English Musical Elegy of the Late Renaissance
Weintraub, Wiktor: A Duel of Improvisations
Barricelli, Jean-Pierre: Autour de "Gambara"
Bauer, Wolfgang: Icherleben und Autobiographie im älteren China
Trendall, A. D: The Felton Painter and a Newly Acquired Apulian Comic Vase by His Hand
Torres, Luis Lloréns: 10 Poetas Puertorriqueños
Wildgans, Anton: Sonette aus dem Italienischen
Kuenstler, Frank: The Seafarer, B.Q.E., and Other Poems
Binoche Rinaud Giquello (Paris): Livres anciens et reliures romantiques, éditions originales des XIXe et XXe siècles, livres illustrés modernes
Sotheby's (London): Catalogue of Nineteenth Century & Modern First Editions, Presentation Copies, Autograph Letters & Literary Manuscripts
Young, Andrew H: Ways Back: Historical Societies and Their Resources in Contra Costa County
Bridgman, Richard: Leskov under the Bushel of Translation
Wiggins, Robert A: Ambrose Bierce
Franks, A. Wollaston: Address of Sir A. Wollaston Franks...President of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Delivered at Their Anniversary Meeting, April 23, 1896
Harper, Henry Howard: The Fruit of Experiment, Part II
Pennell, Joseph: San Francisco: The City of the Golden Gate. Being Twenty-Five Reproductions in Photo-Gravure from Etchings & Drawings
Arthur Rogers (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England): Arthur Rogers' Autumn Catalogue. No. 26. November 1930
Swamp Press (Amherst, Mass.): Catalogue 1987
Cleland, Robert G: Westward the Course of Empire
Woodbridge, Benjamin M: The Role of Illusion in Leopardi's Pessimism
Siebert, Donald T: A Letter to the Editor of the Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism, &c. (William Warburton, 1749) and A Familiar Epistle to the Most Impudent Man Living (Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke, 1749)
Bredvold, Louis I: Some Basic Issues of the Eighteenth Century
Franklin, Benjamin: Benj. Franklin, Republican Printer, January 17, 1706-April 17, 1790
Gorey, Edward: New Books from Edward Gorey, with a Quote from John Locke
Loewenberg, Peter: Antisemitismus und jüdischer Selbsthaß. Eine sich wechselseitig verstärkende sozialpsychologische Doppelbeziehung
Loewenberg, Peter: The Flowering of Vienna
Clark, ,W. C: Business Cycles and the Depression of 1920-1
Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.): National Museum and Indians. Price List 55
Loewenberg, Peter: Review of Heinz Höhne's The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's S.S
Barricelli, Jean-Pierre: Balzac and Beethoven: The Growth of a Concept
Willcox, G. Buckingham and Chapin, A. L: The Pastor for Our Time: An Address, with The Charge
Ronchi, Oliviero: Un documento inedito del 9 gennaio 1305 intorno alla Capella degli Scrovegni
Kibre, Pearl and Nancy G. Siraisi: Texts and Documents. Matheolus of Perugia's Commentary on the Preface to the Aphorisms of Hippocrates
Ducornet, Rikki: The Illustrated Universe
Calvin, Melvin: Über die Entstehung des Lebens auf der Erde
Barish, Jonas A: Yvor Winters and the Antimimetic Prejudice
Weintraub, Wiktor: Pan Tadeusz: An Antiprophetic Poem
Weintraub, Wiktor: The Paradoxes of Rej's Biography
Galle, J. G: Ueber eine Bestimmung der Sonnen-Parallaxe aus correspondirenden Beobachtungen des Planeten Flora auf mehreren Sternwarten der nördlichen und südlichen Halbkugel im October und November 1873
Kresten, Otto: Zur und zum literarischen Schaffen des Kreters Angelos Gregorios
Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo: Poesias de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Remington, Frederic: Horses of the Plains and A Scout with the Buffalo Soldiers
Morel-Fatio, Alfred: Menéndez Pidal. La Leyenda de los Infantes de Lara
Dillon, Viscount: Address of Viscount Dillon...President of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Delivered at the Anniversary Meeting, April 23, 1902
Appleton, Nathan: Memoir of the Hon. Abbot Lawrence
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