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Oakland Forum of the California League of Women Voters (Oakland, Calif.): The Oakland Forum of the California League of Women Voters: Directory of Membership, 1930 Holmes Book Company (Oakland, Calif.): Bag from The Holmes Book Company, Oakland, California Paul Elders' Books (San Francisco, Calif.): Bag from Paul Elders' Books, Sutter and Stockton, San Francisco
United Nations (New York, N.Y.): Visitors Guide to the United Nations Great Northern Railway: Straight East: Train Service-Routes, Pacific Northwest to Chicago San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco, Calif.): Sunday Punch: A Special Section of the San Francisco Chronicle, January 14, 1990
Time Magazine (New York, N.Y.): Time Magazine. Man on the Moon. July, 1969 London, Jack: Short Stories Machen, Arthur: The Chronicle of Clemendy; or, the History of the IX. Joyous Journeys
Ellsworth, M. W: Successful Housekepper: A Manual of Universal Application. Especially Adapted to the Every Day Wants of American Housewives Merchie-Pède (Bruxelles): Guide illustré de Bruxelles et renseignements en vente chez Merchie-Pède Kushner, Lawrence and Jo Gershman: Kabbalah: The Way of Light
Foster, Genevieve: George Washington: An Initial Biography Francis, Edward: Weber: A Short Account of His Life and Works San Francisco Lover: The Chapter in Your Life Entitled San Francisco. Some Notes of Introduction with 81 Photographs
Institut d'urbanisme de l'Academie de Paris: Institut d'urbanisme de l'Academie de Paris. Année universitaire 1975-1976 Kingston, C. S. (ed.): Grassroot Cuttings: Sources of History of the Territory of Washington Cave, Roderick, et al: Private Press Books, 1970
Chambers, David, et al: Private Press Books, 1976 Chambers, David, et al: Private Press Books, 1974 Cave, Roderick, et al: Private Press Books, 1972
Donati, Enrico and Umbro Apollonio: Donati: Sei Tavole a Colori Fetters (New York and London): Fetters. Dealers in Antique and Reproduction Manacles, Locks & Houdiniana Miller, Juanita J: ALS to Florence E. Smith (Mrs. J. Winter Smith) about Ruth Le Prade and Edward Markham
Smith, Florence E: ALS to Mrs. Wilson inquiring about her literary activities Eureka Theatre Company (San Francisco, Calif.): The Unseen Hand by Sam Shepard, Directed by Richard E. T. White Kyger, Joanne, Clive Matson and Chris Chafe: Joanne Kyger, Clive Matson with Chris Chafe on Cello, Poetry at Cody's
Currier, Sue (ed.): Slate. Supplement to the General Catalog. Vol. III, No. 1 J. E. Reynolds, Bookseller (Van Nuys, Calif.): Catalog 141, Fall 1974. Southern California Printing from the Personal Library of Ward Ritchie Hauptmann, Gerhart: Der weisse Heiland: Dramatische Phantasie
Harmon, Maurice (ed.): Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies. Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1976. Seán O'Faoláin Special Issue Barry, Kevin, et al. (eds.): The Irish Review. No. 1 Ryan, Lawrence V: The Haddon-Osorio Controversy (1563-1583)
Utley, Francis Lee: Conflict and Promise in Folklore United States Department of the Interior: Fiftieth Annual Report of the Director of the Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1929 Murdock, Eleanor E: Oscar Levertin: Swedish Critic of French Realism
Keller, Abraham C: Ancients and Moderns in the Early Seventeenth Century Barricelli, Jean-Pierre: Romantic Writers and Music: The Case of Mazzini Williamson, George: The Design of Donne's Anniversaries
Clarke, Dorothy Clotelle: Cancionero de Baena No. 237: "Cativa muy triste" Institut de France: Musée Jacquemart-André: Catalogue itinérare Landry, Hilton (ed.): Magistri Terrarum: A Selection of Old and Rare Books, 1497-1798
Reichner, Herbert (ed.): Philobiblion: Zeitschrift für Bücherliebhaber - A Magazine for Book-Collectors = Revue des Amateurs du Livre. 8. Jahrgang, Heft Nr. 10, 1935. Dem Gedenken Rainer Maria Rilkes Grolier Club: Gazette of the Grolier Club. Vol. II, No. 8, May 1949 Memphis Artesian Water Department: Thirteenth Annual Report, Memphis Artesian Water Department, 1916
McMahon, Joseph H. (ed.): Yale French Studies. No. 35. The House of Sade Pütz, Wilhelm: Altdeutsches Lesebuch mit Sprach- und Sach- Erklärungen für Höhere Lehranstalten und zum Selbstunterricht Baltrusaitis, Jurgis: Lilia i Serp (Lilija i Serp)
Heine, Henrich: Songs of Love Edward Morrill & Son (Boston, Mass.): American Fiction: A New Collection Including a Magnificent Collection of First Issues of the Beadle's Dime Novels. Catalog 7 Arne Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner (København): Impressionister Moderne Malerier, Tegninger, Skulpturer, Grafik, Tilhørende Forskellige Boer og Rekvirenter
Remington Arms Co. (St. Louis, Mo.): Peters Sporting Ammunition. Price List Effective February 19, 1952 Thorson, W. B. (ed.): American Book Collector. Vol. XVIII, No. 2, October 1967 Nogee, J. A: American Book Collector. Vol. 25, No. 1, September-October, 1974
Lord John Press (Northridge, Calif.): Lord John Press. 1990 Catalogue Intertype Corp. (Brooklyn, N.Y.): Intertype Faces, Book No. 5. One-Line Specimens Arranged by Point Size Wunderlich, Paul: Maîtres-Graveur Contemporains 1968
Ogilvy, David: Confessions of an Advertising Man Michaelis Publishing Co: Ruins of San Francisco Pieder, Cardinell & Co: San Francisco and Vicinity Before and After the Big Fire. April 18th, 19th, and 20th, 1906
Parsons, Edward L: Lo, the Poor Liberal! University of Southern California Libraries: The University of Southern California Libraries' Endowed Collections Program d'Orsay, Adele and Francesco B. DeLeone: Only the Beat of My Heart
Miller, Henry: Paris de Luxe. (Opus Pistorum or Under the Roofs of Paris) Kroch's Bookstores (Chicago, Ill.): This Christmas at Kroch's: A Selection of the Best Books for 1951 Stone, Irving: The Biographical Novel
ABC Diaper Service (Berkeley, Calif.): My Baby Book [for Linda Foley] Beasley Books and Charles H. Kerr Pub. Co. (Chicago, Ill.): The Charles H. Kerr Company Archives 1885-1985: A Century of Socialist & Labor Publishing Gullans, Charles: A Bibliography of the Published Works of J. V. Cunningham
Glenn Horowitz Bookseller, Inc. (New York, N.Y.): Henry James: First Editions by and about the Master from the Collections of Adeline R. Tintner, New York City, and Ronald L. Dzierbicki, Detroit Birney, Earle and Margerie Lowry: Malcolm Lowry Checklist Kirshenbaum, Sandra (ed.): Fine Print: A Review for the Arts of the Book. Vol. IV, No. 1, January 1978
Edizioni Amodulo (Milano): Edizioni Amodulo 1968-1972 Oliemeulen, Lambert (ed.): Transformation. Surrealism Issue Kearney, Patrick J: A Bibliography of the Publications of Jules and Jean Gay
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