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Payne, John: Book store
Pim: My Sister
Huaugen, C: The Wave
Emegè: Two Roses
Ware, Charles M: Artist's Proof #3. (Butterfly with Crying Gnomes)
Engel, Nissan: Horseback soldiers
Engel, Nissan: U.S. Quarter-dollar, with Knight
San Lazzaro, G.di. (ed.) and Magneili: XXème Siècle. XXIXe Année. N° 29.Vers un nouvel humanisme?
Bartlett: Cattails (Typha)
Poon: Near Park
Barbacci: Eggs (Abstract)
Urbach: Blue Guitar
Busim, C: Abstract
Brugge, Jan: Amsterdam window scene. (No. H 809)
Partee: Minimalistic Voyeurism
Abstract artist: Oil paint boxes
Parker, A: Ankhs
Parker, A: Face (Abstract)
Kunic, Helen: Musicians
Wolff, William: Maria T
Trowbridge, Gail: Ancient Wood Forms
Amason, Jayne: The Blue Vase
Amason, Jayne: Colored Bottles
Arme e: Abstract
Hower, Marianne and Auck, Carol E: My Golden Hours. A Record of My School Days
Mayer, O: TLS to Dr. Carl Landauer regarding life in Bavaria post-WWII
Cohn, Arthur and the Loyalty Committee: Certificate of Participation in the Loyalty Committee of Victims of Nazi-Fascist Oppression
Various Publishing Houses: Collection of Publisher's Catalogs
Landauer, Carl: Photographic print collection of Carl Landauer
Brunner, Edmund deS: McCarthy-era Statement of Innocence and correspondence
Landauer, Carl: TL to Raymond Fisher, Ph.D
Landauer, Carl: Correspondence re: "Communism and Democracy."
Freeman, Samuel T: Fine Books, Manuscripts, Prints & Maps
Heritage Auction Galleries: Heritage Fine & Decorative Arts Auction. The Crow Art Partnership Collection. October 13, 2007. Dallas, Texas
Bonhams & Butterfields (San Francisco, Calif.): Modern and Contemporary Art. Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Los Angeles and San Francisco
Bonhams & Butterfields (San Francisco, Calif.): Made in California. Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Los Angeles and San Francisco
Cantinflas (Mario Moreno): Un Día con el Diablo
Cantinflas (Mario Moreno): No te engañes Corazón. [Movie poster / Cartel de la película]
Dean & Son: Ten Little Nigger Boys. Dean's Gold Medal Series [No. 3]
Fitzgerald, Kathleen; illustrated by Gilbert James: Recueil de contes d'Andersen. Deuxième édition
Fales, Brigadier General. E.W: Calligraphic Design for a Sign for the General
Schnapper, A: Jean Jouvenet, 1644-1717
Frugé, August: TLS from A. Frugé to C. Landauer re: publication of history of modern socialism
Shuster, George N: TLS from G. Shuster to C. Landauer re: American Council on Germany
Meyer, Henry Cord: TLS from Meyer to C. Landauer re: manuscript
Lantos, Thomas Peter: TLS from Tom Lantos to C. Landauer re: workshop of SFSC
Gessner, Paul: Man walking next to a creek with enclosed grounds on either side
Kaltschmidt, Roy: A Baby after Nine Months of Pregnancy
Wolf Schulz Gallery: Pablo Picasso. United States Premiere Exhibition of 45 Etchings from the Picasso Estate, 1919-1955 [electronic file]
Hay, John: TLS from John Hay to C. Landauer re: U. S. State Dept. Bureau of German Affairs
Federoff, P: Jewish Man
Berthoud, M. M: Study near Schenectady
Leslie, R. F: Landscape with cow
Advertising Artist: William Tell marker drawings
Village Artist: Native village at sunset
Gibson (Style of): Four women about to pin a tiny man
Cat Artist: Black cat on a chair
California Watercolor Artist: Country road with houses
M.S.D: Portrait of a clown
Rose, F: While stands the Coliseum, Rome shall stand (Coliseum)
Luxton, Bobbie: Popeye
Buel, Hubert: Portrait of Francis V. Keesling, Sr
Reyes: A San Francisco Intellectual
A. B: Portrait of bearded man
Hamilton, Lynne: Path through forest
B: Schwaebishes Kind
Garfield, Sid: Sid Garfield. NAAN Creative Awards June, 1953
Odell, Cary: Wedding cake cartoon. Bride sticking out her tongue at the groom
Emmet, E. L: Portrait of a woman sitting
Cheney, Warren: Ely Cathedral
Donald Art Co., Inc: Ballet Pastels. (1060A - 1061A)
Donald Art Co., Inc.; after Lucha: Caribbean Panorama by Lucha. (925 - 928)
Donald Art Co., Inc.; after Nikolas Takis: New York Vignettes by Nikolas Takis
Donald Art Co., Inc.; after Nikolas Takis: Exotica by Nikolas Takis. (1261, 1263 - 1265)
Donald Art Co., Inc.; after Nikolas Takis: Junior Misses by Nikolas Takis (1270 - 1273)
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