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Padel, William: ALS to Geoffrey Robinson praising Norman Demuth's book The Symphony Kahan, Herbert: TMs regarding The Albatross by W. H. Dawes Robinson, Geoffrey: TMs notes from editorial conference regarding books being considered for publication by Rockliff
Savage, George: TLS to Geoffrey Robinson regarding Mr. Fisher's book on decoration Robinson, Geoffrey: Anonymous TMs regarding Mr. Ferguson's book on Christopher Fry Robinson, Geoffrey and Helen Scott: Correspondence between Helen Scott and Geoffrey Robinson regarding Henry Fairlie and a biography of Butler
Mullens, Hugh: TLS and TMs to Geoffrey Robinson regarding the typescript for a book on Greek dance called Parodos by Ruby Ginner Scott, Helen: TMsS report on a book about names in Hebrew scripture called Names, by L. Goodman Robinson, Geoffrey: TMsS memo on the book The Popes by Gontard
Robinson, Geoffrey: TL to Helen Scott soliciting an opinion of Dr. Ruth Gilbert's manuscript Scott, Helen: TLS to Geoffrey Robinson regarding a children's book by Eve Garnett and a book on ancient Greece Victor Gollancz, Ltd: Brief TLS to Geoffrey Robinson regarding Ulrich Simon's book
Robinson, Geoffrey and Rev. Peter Hammond: Correspondence regarding a book on the theme of 'nature into art' by Jennifer Gray; A Portrait of Holderness; a series of art Books for children; and Modern Architecture and the Church Walker, Ray: TMsS regarding The Fate of the Fool by Charles Hardman London Library: Small card requesting return of Calvin Hoffman's Man Who Was Shakespeare
Robinson, Geoffrey: TL to Rosa Hobhouse rejecting her lectures for publication Robinson, Geoffrey: Brief TL to Rev. Peter Hammond regarding Nature into Art by Jennifer Gray; a book about modern architecture for children; and Vladimir Lossky Harrison-Gray, M: Brief TLS to Geoffrey Robinson regarding two books he might be interested in
Hilscher, Eberhard: TLS regarding Hilscher's books on Thomas Mann and Charles Darwin Robinson, Geoffrey: TMs promoting Arms, Weapons and Armour, an Entirely New Account for Collectors, edited by J. F. Hayward and Claude Blair, including table of contents Scott, Helen: Brief TMsS regarding The Way of Isolation by Ralph Harper dealing with Stendhal, Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche
Scott, Helen: Brief TMsS regarding The White Heron and Other Stories by J. M. D. Hardwick Robinson, Geoffrey: TLS to Mr. Rockliff regarding TV Inventor's Club by Leslie Hardern Robinson, Geoffrey, Geoffrey Heawood and Sydney Evans: Correspondence regarding Mr. Heawood's work
Heawood, Geoffrey L., Sydney Evans, et al: Correspondence regarding Mr. Heawood's work Hill, Ronald: ALS to Geoffrey Robinson regarding his book David Higham Associates, Ltd: TLS to Geoffrey Robinson regarding his departure from Rockliff
Ehrler, Hans Heinrich and Josua L. Gampp: Und Warum ist die Blume Schön? Anderson, Hans Christian: Zwei Märchen Holz, Heinrich: Heinrich Holz zum Gedachtnis with a menu for the Maximillian Gesellschaft dinner in 1925
Renker, Armin: Klang der Städte, eine Gedichfolge Orleans, Charles, Duc d': Priez pour paix Nortdeutscher Lloyd Steamship Co: Amerikafahrt der Bibliophilen
Gebr. Klingspor: Calendar, ca. 1930s Haebler, Konrad: Wie ich Inkumabelforscher wurde: Ein Stückchen Lebensgeschichte Various authors: Announcements for various book and pamphlets of German fine printing
Sotheby's (New York): Seven Dubuffets from the Collection of Hope and Abraham Melamed Johnson, Doris Miller: Oakland Street Scene Johnson, Doris Miller: Paths Near Lake Merritt
Johnson, Doris Miller: Two Nudes Johnson, Doris Miller: Around the Campanile Johnson, Doris Miller: Lake Merritt, Oakland
Johnson, Doris Miller: Winter Landscape with Stars Johnson, Doris Miller: Filling Station, Oakland, California Johnson, Doris Miller: Boat Launch, Lower Lake, Lake County
Johnson, Doris Miller: Sunset, Lower Lake, Lake County Johnson, Doris Miller: Lake and Hills, Lower Lake, Lake County Johnson, Doris Miller: Native American Portrait
Johnson, Doris Miller: Watercolor Portrait Johnson, Doris Miller: Three African American Nudes Johnson, Doris Miller: Seated Nude
Johnson, Doris Miller: Grove of Trees Johnson, Doris Miller: Boat House, Lower Lake, Lake County Johnson, Doris Miller: Church in Oakland
Johnson, Doris Miller: Chemistry Shacks, Berkeley Johnson, Doris Miller: Abstract Lake View, Lake County Johnson, Doris Miller: Woman Smoking
Johnson, Doris Miller: Sunset 4, Lower Lake, Lake County Johnson, Doris Miller: Narrow Street, Berkeley Johnson, Doris Miller: Military Airplane
Johnson, Doris Miller: Lake Merritt, Oakland. Highrises Johnson, Doris Miller: Cruise Ship Johnson, Doris Miller: Bridge and Canal
Johnson, Doris Miller: Two Nudes 2 Johnson, Doris Miller: Two Nudes 3 Johnson, Doris Miller: Portrait of a Woman
Johnson, Doris Miller: Church in Oakland 3 Johnson, Doris Miller: View of Oakland and San Francisco Bay Johnson, Doris Miller: Staircase and Class of 1900 Arch. University of California. Berkeley
Johnson, Doris Miller: Rooftops in Berkeley Johnson, Doris Miller: House in Berkeley Johnson, Doris Miller: Red Church with Palms
Johnson, Doris Miller: Stockholm Johnson, Doris Miller: Around the Campanile 2. University of California. Berkeley Johnson, Doris Miller: Woman and Stars
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