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Christie, Manson and Woods (New York): Modern prints and illustrated books. May 13, 1986. Sale 6126 Christie, Manson and Woods (New York): Contemporary Art (Part I and II). November 12 and 13, 1986. Sale 6238, and 6242 Christie, Manson and Woods (New York): Impressionist and modern drawings, and watercolors. November 20, 1986. Sale 6278
Christie, Manson and Woods (New York): Impressionist and modern paintings, and sculpture (Part 1). November 19, 1986. Sale 6268 Christie, Manson and Woods (New York): American watercolors, drawings, paintings, and sculpture of the 19th and 20th centuries. September 26,1986. Sale 6208 Christie, Manson and Woods (New York): Modern and contemporary paintings, drawings, watercolors, sculpture and prints. November 14, 1986. Sale 6231
Sotheby's (New York): Contemporary Art (Part 1). November 10, 1986. Sale 5507 Dorda, Enrique: The Black Mantilla Cucuel, Edw: Rowing Party
Église et couvent royal à Bethlem = Templym. et Monasterium Regium Bethlemi. Plate XX No. 3 Houston, Robert (after J. Pollard): A Day's Hunting. The Death Coin: Remise de locomotives
Coin: Maisons hollandaises Johnnson, G: Niles. (Fremont, California) Maurus, Edmond: Europe. Air France
Cochran, J: Blanch Somerset, Baroness Arundell of Wardour Gavin, H: Bishop of Cambray Harding, E. after Oliver: La Comtesse de Buchan
Richardson, William, publisher: Portrait of Puritan Woman Honthorst: Lucy Harrington, Countess of Bedford T. Wright after Van Dyke: Lucy Percy, Countess of Carlisle
Anonymous: Jean-Baptiste de Gondi Harding: Marie, Duchesse de Chevreuse Thomson, J. after Van Dyke: Charlotte de la Tremouille, Countess of Derby
Wright, Thomas after Van Dyke: Elizabeth Cecil, Countess of Devonshire Bocquet: Anne, Countess of Morton Guilli: Frances Stuart, Duchess of Richmond and Lenox
Caldwell, J: Catherine Knevet, Countess of Suffolk Richardson, William, publisher: Frances, Countess of Somerset Anonymous: Mary Stanley
Anonymous, after Caldwell: Catherine Knevet, Countess of Suffolk Steven: Lady Mary Vere Anonymous: Eleanor Temple
Gardiner, W. N. after Harding: Henry Jermyn, Earl of St. Albans Manset, Régis: Paris. Air France Heusden, J. van: New York. Far East. KLM. Royal Dutch Airlines
Sotheby's (New York): Old Master prints November 20, 1986. Sale 5515 Sotheby's (New York): Property from the Estate of the late James Johnson Sweeney. November 18, 1986. Sale 5544 Sotheby's (New York): The John R. Gaines Collection. November 17, 1986. Sale 5537
Sotheby's (New York): Latin American art. November 25 and 26, 1986. Sale 5517 Sotheby's (New York): Expressionist watercolors from the collection of Charles Tabachnick. November 19, 1986. Sale No. 5745 Sotheby's (New York): Faberge Russian works of art objects of vertu, English continental and American silver. June 12, 1986. Sale 5475
West, J: Lord Byron Christie's (New York): American Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries Christie's (New York): American Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture
Christie's (New York): American Paintings, Drawings and Watercolors Christie's (New York): Important American Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture Christie's (New York): Modern Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings
Sotheby's (London): Decorative, Modern British and Old Master Prints Sotheby's (London): Nineteenth Century European Paintings; Nineteenth Century European Drawings; Twentieth Century European Paintings, Drawings, Watercolours and Sculpture Sotheby's (London): Old Master Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts
Sotheby's (London): Russian Books and Books on Russia Comprising Literature, Including Avant-Garde and Illustrated Editions, Politics and Philosophy, Illustrated Satirical Newspapers, Travel, Art, Thetare, Reference Books, etc Sotheby's (London): German Expressionist Paintings and Watercolours from the Collection of Gustav Ferd, Jung Sotheby's (London): Important Impressionist and Modern Paintings and Sculpture
Sotheby's (London): Important Impressionist and Modern Drawings and Watercolours Sotheby's (London): British Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings and Drawings and Modern British Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture Sotheby's (London): British Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings and Drawings
Sotheby's (London): Nineteenth Century European Paintings; Nineteenth Century European Drawings and Watercolours; Twentieth Century European Paintings, Drawings, Watercolours and Sculpture Sotheby's (London): Modern British Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture Sotheby's (London): Impressionist and Modern Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings
Sotheby's: Asta di Dipinte e Disegni di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Sotheby's: Fine 19th and 20th Century American and European Paintings Sotheby's (London): Old Master, Modern and British Prints
Sotheby's (London): Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture from the Collection of Monsieur Alfred Daber of Paris Sotheby's (London): Fine Decorative and British Prints Sotheby's (New York): 18th, 19th and 20th Century Latin American Paintings, Drawings, Sculpture and Prints
Sotheby's (London): Ballet, Theatre & Music Hall Material Sotheby's (New York): Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture from the Julien Levy Collection Sotheby's (New York): Important British Paintings and Drawings from 1840 to 1960
Sotheby's (London): Highly Important Victorian Paintings and Drawings Christie's (New York): The Saul P. Steinberg Collection, Part I Christie's (New York): American Paintings, Sculpture and Prints
Christie's (New York): Important Modern Paintings Christie's (New York): Impressionist and Modern Drawings and Sculpture Christie's (New York): Modern and Old Master Prints
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