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Sotheby, Parke, Benet, London: Impressionist and modern painting and sculpture (part II) 7th December, 1983. Sale St. Louis Sotheby, Parke, Benet, London: British impressionist and post impressionists and modern paintings, drawings and sculpture 2nd November, 1983. Sale Allium Sotheby, Parke, Benet, London: British impressionist, post impressionist and modern drawings and sculpture, 14th November, 1984. Sale Laura
Sotheby, Parke, Benet, London: Impressionist and modern drawings and watercolours, 5th December, 1984. Sale Freres Sotheby, Parke, Benet, London: Nineteenth and twentieth century European paintings, drawings. watercolours, and sculpture. 8th February, 1984. Sale Oresund Sotheby, Parke, Benet, London: Nineteenth Century European Paintings, Drawings, and Sculpture. 22nd November, 1983. Sale Circe
Sotheby, Parke, Benet, London: Nineteenth century European paintings, drawings. and sculpture, 27th November, 1984. Sale Ratapoil Pedretti, Carlo (ed.): Achademia Leonardi Vinci; Journal of Leonardo Studies & Bibliography of Vinciana. Volume 1 Pedretti, Carlo, Editor: Achademia Leonardi Vinci; Journal of Leonardo Studies & Bibliography of Vinciana. Volume 2
Sotheby, Parke, Benet, London: Impressionist and modern paintings, and sculpture (part I), 6th December, 1983. Sale Renat Sotheby, Parke, Benet, New York: Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture November 16, 1983. Sale 5110 Sotheby, Parke, Benet, New York: Impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture Part II. November 17, 1983. Sale 5112
Sotheby, Parke, Benet, New York: Impressionist paintings, Chinese and European ceramics, French and English furniture and decorations from the Estate of Pauline K. Cave. November 1, 1984. Sale 5273 Sotheby, Parke, Benet, New York: Impressionist and modern drawings and watercolors. November 15, 1984. Sale 5240 Sotheby, Parke, Benet, New York: Impressionist and modern Paintings and Sculpture Part II. November 15, 1984. Sale 5239
Sotheby, Parke, Benet, New York: Contemporary paintings, drawings and sculpture November 9 and 10, 1983.. Sale 5109 Sotheby, Parke, Benet, New York: Modern paintings, drawings and sculpture; Dance theatre and opera December 15 and 16, 1983. Sale 5131 Sotheby, Parke, Benet, New York: A selection of contemporary art from the Estate of Robert Elkon. November 9,, 1983. Sale 5136
Sotheby, Parke, Benet, New York: 19th and 20th century , contemporary and old master prints. November 8 and 9, 1984. Sale 5235 Hauswedell & Nolte (Hamburg): Moderne Kunst, 8 and 9 Dezember, 1994. Auktion 308 Buri, Max: Accordian player
Jacottet, Louis Julien: Thoune: Vue prise du pavillion de St. Jacques Villeneuve, Louis Jules Frédéric: Vue prise du chemin de la grande Scheideck à Meyringen (Canton de Berne) Gantier, Felix: Operatic Gems, No. 4: Guillaume Tell. (William Tell's Chapel)
German Artist: Freiburg/Fribourg Dennis, John: Convent of Koningsfelden, ca. 1822 A. W: Swiss landscape
Schmid: A Meyringen Dennis, John: 2nd. scene in the Jura Harding, James Duffield: Brunnen
Bader, A: Pont suspendu en fil de fer: à Fribourg (Suisse) Hubert: Souvenirs: No. 60 (Ancien 76) Deroy, Isidore Laurent: Vue de Suisse: Interlaken: vue prise de Felsenegg, 193
Deroy, Isidore Laurent: Vue de Suisse: cascade de Handeck: chûte de l'Aar Miller, J: Neuchâtel Coignet, Jules: Chute de l'Arve / Falls of Arve: no. 57
Cuvillier, Adrien: Cascade des Pélerins Tirpenne, Jean-Louis: Schillon Cuvillier, Adrien: Cascade de Bérard
Villeneuve, Louis Jules Frédéric: Vue générale du Kloenthal (Canton de Glarus) Bartlett, William Henry: Tell's Chapel and the Meadow of Grutli: Lake of Lucerne Meyer, J.C: Fribourg: Le pont du Gotteron vu de la terrasse de l'Hôtel Zaehringen: longueur 700p. élevation 285
Hering, George E: Castle of Unspunnen & the Jungfrau near Interlachen Aglio, Agostino: View of the Fall of the Rhine at Lauffen near Schaffouse: Canton of Zurich Bibby, H: Thun
Landscape Artist: Mountain landscape in Switzerland Landscape Artist: Mountain landscape with waterfall in Switzerland Täubert, Gustav: Das Prebischthor in der sächsischen Schweiz / Le Portail de Prebisch dans la Suisse saxonne (No. 16)
Warren: A Culprit Exposed to Public Resentment in the Pillory, at Switzerland. Punishment of Prostitutes in Switzerland, by Dragging the Scavengers Cart Villeneuve, Louis Jules Frédéric: Vue de la vallée de Meyringen prise de la descente le Zwirgi (Canton Berne) Perignon, Alexis Nicolas: Vue de la riviere de la Ling et des montagnes de Glaris
Anonymous: Traditional Swiss Costumes Alexandre: Vue des rochers de Moustiers-Travers: Comté de Neuchatel A. B: River scene in Switzerland
Villeneuve, Louis Jules Frédéric: Route de Genève, au Simplon, près Meillerie Brandard: The Herd Song Zimmermann, T: Berne
Füchslin, Johann Friedrich: Untervalde Coindre, Jean-Gaston: Procession à Raperschwyl, Suisse Anonymous: Bonnett of Geneva
Villeneuve, Louis Jules Frédéric: Vue du Lac de Genève, pres St. Gengolph Flos, Claude du (after Pierre Perugin): Jesus Christ au tombeau Chereau, Jacques after Raphaël: Portrait de Jeanne d'Arragon Reine de Sicile
Edelinck, Nicolas after Raphaël: Portrait d'un Jeune Homme Cochin, Charles Nicolas after Raphaël: Alexandre et Roxane Edelinck, Nicolas after Raphaël: Portrait
Edelinck, Nicolas after Raphaël: Portrait du Cardinal Jules de Medicis Edelinck, Nicolas after Raphaël: Portrait du Comte Balthasar Castiglione Flos, Claude du after Raphaël: Saint Michel
Rothmüller, J: Maison à Roche (ancien Evèché de Bâle.) Landscape Artist: Mountain scene in Switzerland Batty, Captain: Mountain scene, woith bridge and river in Switzerland
Chapuy: Pissevache en Vallais Anonymous: Altorf from the Capuchin Convent Landscape Artist: Freiburg
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