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Karquel: Champagne. Les Caves Milles, Carl: Carl Milles' Open Air Museum of Sculpture. An Artist's Art Museum Gainsborough, Thomas: Miss Siddons
Labrouche, Pierre: Women Embroidering Legenisel, Alexandre: L'Occupation Illman Brothers: Les Modes parisiennes
Illman Brothers: Les Modes parisiennes: The Rail Road Train Illman Brothers: Les Modes parisiennes: At the Sea-side Chavanne, E., after De Launay: Le Lever
Gavarni: Le jeune et beau Dunois Ward W., after Morland: No. 6. The Dram Watteau: Leçon d'amour = Amoris Documentum
Dutch Old Master: Man smoking a pipe and being served a drink Gainsborough, Thomas: Morning Walk Young, after Hoppner: Domestic Happiness
Le Feevre: Daphnis and Chloë Dambrun, after Queverdo.: Le Levé de la mariée Storks, K.(?): Andalusian Couple with a Horse
Sovlanger, G: Persian Dancing Girl Canals, R: Fiesta Zamponi, I. Stetti(?): View Through a Tree Lined Avenue
Corcos, Vittorio (after): Rival Queens Thew, Robert, after John Opie: Shakspeare. Timon of Athens, Act IV, Scene III Schiavonetti, L., after Angelica Kauffman: Shakspeare. Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act V, Scene III
Tily, Eugene: Children Picking Fruit Crawford, T. Hamilton: Gypsy Encampment Banziger: Girl in a Traditional Hungarian Dress
Goodman, Maude: Love's Young Dream Lawrence, T. and F. Bartolozzi: Miss Farren Adams, Ansel: Images: 1923-1974. (Moonrise, Hernandez), New Mexico
Adams, Ansel: The Camera. Book 1. (Birch trees) Ossorio, Alfono: Alfono Ossorio, Paintings 1954-56 Okamura: Okamura
Gavarni: Woman viewing a small sculpture Alken, Henry: Symptoms Longshanks, E: To Sooth the Savage Beast
Longshanks, E: Music has Charms Martinet (publisher). G. de Ca..: Musée Grotesque No. 5. "L'Arrivée." Alken, Henry: Country squire, horses and dogs
Pigal: Scènes populaires. "Grand Savoyard!..." Alfsen, A. Van: Nightmare with device Alken, Henry: Racing and country sports. Scraps from the Scrap books of Henry Alken
Alken, Henry: Carriage horses. Scraps from the Scrap books of Henry Alken Hogarth, William: The Royal Charter Hédouin, Pierre Edmond (1820-1889): From the portfolio "Voyage autour de ma chambre"
Hédouin, Pierre Edmond (1820-1889): Untitled portrait From the portfolio "Voyage autour de ma chambre" Avril, Paul: Les Amours du chevalier de Faublas par Louvet de Couvray avec une Préface par Hippolyte Fournier. Dessins de Paul Avril gravés à l'eau-forte par Monziès Raffet, August Denis: Group of seven images of Napoleon
Hogarth, William (After): Analysis of Beauty, plate II Hogarth, William (After): Analysis of Beauty, plate I Hogarth, William: Two Plates for Milton
Kroin, Inc. (Cambridge, Mass.): Kroin Catalog 1989. A Selection of Products Reflecting the Highest Standards of Quality, Workmanship and Design Bruller, Jean (Vercors): Nouvelle clé des songes Hitchcock, George: The Dolphin with the Revolver in Its Teeth
Unitarian Church: Seventh Service; from the Orders of Worship for Use in Unitarian and Christian Congregations Lacroix, Paul: The Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the Period of the Renaissance International Collection of Interior Design: International Collection of Interior Design
"The Studio": The Studio Annual of Fine Art in Color, Compiled by the Editors of "The Studio" Esten, John & Gilbert, Rose Bennett: Manhattan Style Huxford, Sharon & Bob: The Collectors Encyclopedia of McCoy Pottery
Safeway Stores: Uno Animo (Of One Mind). Volume Six Safeway Stores: Uno Animo (Of One Mind). Volume Seven Lacroix, Paul: Vie militaire et religieuse au moyen age et à l'époque de la renaissance
Pissarro, Camille: Camille Pissarro. Letters to His Son Lucien Cooper, Roy & Witte, Randy: Calf Roping Singer, David: American Jewish Year Book 1994
Anthony, Carl Sferrazza: The Kennedy White House. Family Life and Pictures, 1961-1963 Roth, Philip: Sabbath's Theater Taylor, Ronald J: Sagebrush Country. A Wildflower Sanctuary
Johnson, Virginia Weisel: The Heavenly Horses War Department: Leadership Courtesy and Drill Lewis, C. Day: Revolution in Writing
Clark, Elizabeth Allerton: Peoples of the China Seas Menhennet, Alan: The Romantic Movement Thomajan, P. K: Handbook of Designs and Motifs
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