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Guggenheim Museum: Guggenheim International Exhibition, 1967. Sculpture from Twenty Nations Barnett, Vivian Endicott: Handbook. The Guggenheim Museum Collection, 1900-1980 Hubbard, L. Ron & Wolverton, Dave: A Very Strange Trip
Bronson, Po: The Nudist on the Late Shift Young, Jeff: Kazan: The Master Director Discusses His Films Art Institute of Chicago: Catalogue of A Century of Progress Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture Lent from American Collections. Second Edition
Sedgwick, Henry Dwight: Pro Vita Monastica. An Essay in Defence of the Contemplative Virtues "Quiet George" & Grandville, J. J: The Diverting Historie of Reynard the Fox Waugh, Alec & Ward, Lynd: Hot Countries
Russell, Hildegard Ott, et al: Daggers in a Star Gould, Cecil: The Sixteenth-Century Italian Schools Galerie Georges Giroux: Tableaux Anciens Antiqués. Catalogue de la Vente No. 355
Galerie Georges Petit: Collection de Madame Dhainaut. Tableaux Modernes. Aquarelles par Corot, Decamps, Delacroix, Diaz, Jules Dupré.. American Art Association: Oil Paintings: Collection of the Estate of the Late Everard Roberts Sotheby Parke Bernet: Important Old Master Paintings and Drawings
Galerie Cailleux: Eloge de l'ovale: Peintures et pastels du XVIIIe siècle Français de Lavergnee, Arnauld; Foucart, Jacques; Reynaud, Nicole: Ecoles flamande et hollandaise. Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du Musée du Louvre Sforzesco, Castello: Museo d'Arte Antica
Walker, John: Old Master Paintings from the Collection of Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza Schab, William H: Prints and Drawings by Old and Modern Masters, 1475-1958 Boerner, C. G: Aus Unseren Mappen: Graphik von Meckenem bis Nolde
Bloch, E. Maurice: The Golden Age of German Printmaking Cramer: Paintings by Old Masters. Catalogue XX Roberts, Jane: A Dictionary of Michelangelo's Watermarks
von Bode, Wilhelm: Die Meister der Holländischen und Vlämischen Malerschulen Philadelphia Museum of Art: Philadelphia: Three Centuries of American Art Parke-Bernet Galleries: Eighteenth to Twentieth Century American Paintings
Richard A. Bourne Co: American Paintings National Gallery of Art: American Naive Paintings from the National Gallery of Art Spanierman Gallery: The Spencer Collection of American Art: An Exhibition of Works for Sale
Bloch, Maurice: Words and Images Wilmerding, John: The Waters of America: 19th-Century American Paintings of Rivers, Streams, Lakes, and Waterfalls Smithsonian Institution: The Capital Image: Painters in Washington, 1800-1915
Dillenberger, Jane and John: Perceptions of the Spirit in Twentieth-Century American Art Rose, Bernice: Drawing Now University of Illinois: University of Illinois Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
Open Studios Press: New American Painting Number 25 Sotheby's (New York): Important American Furniture and Folk Art from the Estate of Andrew D. Wolfe Sotheby's (New York): American Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture
Frederick R. Weisman Foundation: Frederick R. Weisman Foundation, Volume One Columbus Museum of Art: A Nation's Legacy: 150 Years of American Art from Ohio Collections Christie's (New York): American Watercolors, Drawings, Paintings and Sculpture of the 19th and 20th Centuries, Including the Collection of Lucille and Walter Fillin
Mead, Karen Harper: The Preston Morton Collection of American Art Richard A. Bourne Co: American Paintings & Graphics Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts: The American Personality: The Artist-Illustrator of Life in the United States, 1860-1930
Tuchman, Maurice: American Art of the Sixties M.H. De Young Memorial Museum: Exhibition of American Painting Sotheby Parke Bernet: American Folk Paintings and Watercolors
Sotheby Parke Bernet: Modern Prints Fleischer Museum: East Meets West: American Impressionism Museum of Modern Art: Art in Progress
Doezema, Marianne: American Realism and the Industrial Age Gavarni: Affiches Illustrées, no. 3. "Mosieu, quelle est la meilleure troupe de Paris..." Gavarni: Transactions, no. 3. "Il vend sa vie pour vivre."
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