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Dubash, Sorabji Edalji: The Zoroastrian Sanitary Code, with Critical and Explanatory Notes
Thomas Walford: The Scientific Tourist through England, Wales & Scotland, by which the Traveller is Directed to the Principal Objects of Antiquity, Art, Science & the Picturesque including the Minerals, Fossils, Rare Plants, and Other Subjects of Natural History [Vol II
Fauth, Philipp: The Moon in Modern Astronomy: A Summary of Twenty Years Selenographic Work, and a Study of Recent Problems
Leo Tolstoy: Tolstoy on Art
G. Holterhoff: Historical Review of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company (with Particular Reference to California lines)
O. F. Cook: A Synopsis of the Palms of Puerto Rico
Preston Fitzgerald: The Spaniard and Siorlamh: A Traditional Tale of Ireland, in the Fifteenth Century, with Other Poems
Barlow Cumberland: History of the Union Jack and Flags of the Empire: Their Origin, Proportions and Meanings as Tracing the Constitutional Development of the British Realm, and with References to other National Ensigns
Benjamin Langwith: Observations on Doctor Arbuthnot's Dissertations on Coins, Weights, and Measures
Cumberland Clark: Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of English Coins of the Reign of Charles I in gold, Silver and Copper, including a Few Medals of the Same Period, the Property of Cumberland Clark
Abraham Booth: The Stranger's Intellectual Guide to London for 1839-40:
John Poulter: The Discoveries of John Poulter, Alias Baxter: Who was Apprehended for Robbing Dr. Hancock of Salisbury on Clarken-Down, Near Bath, and Thereupon Discovered ... Many of Which Have Been Already Taken
Leo Lesquereux: On Fucoides in the Coal Formations
Samuel Bailey: Money and Its Vicissitudes in Value;: As they Affect National Industry and Pecuniary Contracts: with a Postscript on Joint-stock banks
Hilda A. Wrightson: Games for Children's Development
Thomas Holford: The Cave of Neptune: A Dramatic Poem on the Victory Gained by the English Fleet Under the Command of Lord Howe in 1794
James S. Russell: The Rational Arithmetic in Which the Science is Fully Developed, the Art Clearly Explained, and Both Combined in Numerous Illustrations To Which is Appended a Key
Eiffe, John Sweetman: Account of Improvements in Chronometers, Made by Mr. John Sweetman Eiffe
William Bowie: Geodesy: Effect of Topography and Isostatic Compensation upon the Intensity of Gravity
J. L. Edmonds: Feeding Pure-bred Draft Fillies
Batters, Edward: A Catalogue of the British Marine Algae: being a List of all the Species of Seaweeds Known to Occur on the Shores of the British Islands
Walter Croker (Capt.): The Cruelties of the Algerine Pirates, Shewing the Present Dreadful State of the English Slaves and Other Europeans, at Algiers and Tunis
Curtis P. Clausen et al: Biology of Some Japanese and Chosenese Grub Parasites [Scoliidae]
Clausen, Curtis P: The Citrus Blackfly in Asia, and the Importation of Its Natural Enemies into Tropical America
Ralph U. Cotter: Factors Affecting the Development of the Aerial Stage of Puccinia Graminis
J. R. Douglass: Habits, Life History, and Control of the Mexican Bean Beetle in New Mexico
Irvin C. Feustel: The Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Certain American Peat Profiles
L. L. Harter: A Monographic Study of Sweet-Potato Diseases and Their Control
E. J. Newcomer: Biology of the European Red Mite in the Pacific Northwest
Edmund C. Shorey: Some Methods for Detecting Differences in Soil Organic Matter
Floyd F. Smith: Biology and Control of the Black Vine Weevil
W. W. Yothers: The Citrus Rust Mite and Its Control
Mather, Cotton: The A. B. C. of Religion
M.M. Saleeby: Abaca [Manila Hemp] in the Philippines
William Sauer: Illustrated Atlas of Kalamazoo County, Michigan
Charles Rollin Buckalew: An Examination of the Constitution of Pennsylvania: Exhibiting the Derivation and History of its Several Provisions, with Observations and Occasional Notes ... the Constitutions of other American States
John Edwards: A Select Collection of One Hundred Plates, Consisting of the Most beautiful, Exotic and British Flowers which Blow in our English Gardens
C. Montgomery Stevens: The Amazons of South America: Thrilling Adventures of Reckless Buccaneers and Daring Freebooters
A. C. Whitehead: Makers of Georgia's Name and Fame
George A. Preble: A Complete Schedule of Vessels Built and Registered in the District of Bath, Maine, Commencing at 1783, Giving Rig, Name, Tonnage, Where Built, First Master, Registering Owner, and Hailing Port
A. MacDonnell: Fighting Men of Highland Catholic Jacobite clan who fought in Canada to gain it for, and preserve it to, the Crown, and for the Honour of the Name of Glengarry
J. P. Postgate: Dead Language and Dead Languages with Special References to Latin
Japanese Fairy Tale Collection: The Old Man Who Made the Dead Trees Blossom
Emerson, Bettie Alder Calhoun: Historic Southern Monuments: Representative Memorials of the Heroic Dead of the Southern Confederacy
William Milligan: The Resurrection of the Dead: an Exposition of 1 Corintians 15
Helleberg, Carl Gustaf: A Book Written by the Spirits of the So-Called Dead
Thomas Parker Boyd: Borderland Experiences, or, Do the Dead Return? A Study of Spirit States and Activities
John Stewart MacCorry: Limbo, or, An Apology for Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead
Howard Aston: History and Roster of the Fourth and Fifth Independent Battalions and Thirteenth Regiment Ohio Cavalry Volunteers: Their Battles and Skirmishes, Roster of the Dead, Etc
David Levi: Dissertations on the Prophecies of the Old Testament: Containing All Such Prophecies as are Applicable to the Coming of the Messiah, the Restoration of the Jews, and the Resurrection of the Dead, Whether So Applied by Jews or Christians
Sanders Dewees Bruce: The Horse-Breeder's Guide and Hand Book
George H. Woodruff: Fifteen Years Ago, or, The Patriotism of Will County, Designed to Preserve the Names and Memory of Will County Soldiers, both Officers and Privates - both Living and Dead
Herbert Cushing Tolman: Guide to the Old Persian Inscriptions
Guide to Pompeii: Illustrated
The British Motor & Cycle Standard Catalogue [1923-1925]
Righini, Vincenzo: Righini's Celebrated Vocal Studies
Ernest Victor Jones: Tellurium: a Spectrographic Study
John Milton: A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes, Shew ing that it is Not Lawful for Any Power on Earth to Compel in Matters of Religion
The History of Whittington and his Cat . Shewing, How from a Poor Country Boy, Destitute of Parents or Relations, he Attained Great Riches, and was Promoted to the High and Honourable Dignity of Lord Mayor of London
John Leighton: The Ancient Story of the Old Dame and Her Pig
R. Harris: Scriptural Researches on the Licitness of the Slave-Trade Shewing its Conformity with the Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion, Delineated in the Sacred Writings of the Word of God
Hodgskin, Thomas: An Essay on Naval Discipline, Shewing Part of its Evil Effects on the Minds of the Officers, on the Minds of the Men, and on the Community
Thomas Hunt Morgan: The Theory of the Gene (Genes Cells and Organisms)
Reginald Arthur Lorrain: The Wonderful Story of the Lakher Pioneer Mission,: Founded on prayer, launched in faith, February 11th, 1905, Evangelical & Inter-Denominational
Robert Jones: Talhaiarn
Tyrtaeus: Martial Effusions of Ancient Times
Brooks, Charles Wolcott: Early Migrations: Arctic Drift and Ocean Currents, Illustrated by the Discovery on an Ice-floe Off the Coast of Greenland of Relics from the American Arctic Steamer "Jeannette"
Horatio C. Wood: On the Chilopoda of North America: With a Catalogue of all the Specimens in the Collection of the Smithsonian Institution
John Tollemache: Captain Tollemach's Journal of the Proceedings of H. M. S. Scorpion,
Kalpashnikov, Andrei: A Prisoner of Trotsky's
Mabel P. Malter: Errors of Thought in Science, Religion and Social Life and Their Evil Influence from Pre-Alphabetic Ages to the Present Day with particular Regard to the Question of the Hour and the Dangers of Modern Civilization
John Edward Bennett: Alaska: Its Waters, Land and Life
H. F. Fairweather: Peace Songs
Thomas Jefferson Jackson See: Dynamical Theory of the Capture of Satellites and of the Division of Nebulae Under the Secular Action of a Resisting Medium
Eleanor Prescott Hammond: On the Text of Chaucer's Parlement of Foules
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