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Fritze, Hans Von: Die Rauchopfer bei den Griechen [The smoke victims with the Greeks] Kern, Otto: Die griechischen Mysterien der klassischen Zeit, nach drei in Athen gehaltenen Vorträgen [The Greek Mysterien of the classical time, after three lectures held in Athens] Schwartzkopff, Paul: Die Weiterbildung der Religion, ein Kaiserwort: ein Beitrag zur Verständigung über "Babel und Bibel" vom religionsgeschichtlichen und religionsphilosophischen Standpunkte Aus
Bloch, M: Der Vertrag Nach Mosaisch-Talmudischem Rechte [The Contract After Mosaisch Talmudischem Right] Vloten, Gerlof Van: Les Hachwia et Nabita [Hachwia and Nabita] Hönn, Karl: Studien zur Geschichte der Himmelfahrt im klassischen Altertum [Studies for the history of the Ascension Day in the classical antiquity]
Teichmeyer, Hermann Friedrich: Magnifico illustri atque experientissimo Domino Domino Hermanno Frider Schlegel, Gottlieb: De Decoro Dei in Vaticiniorvm Obscuritate Commentatio Wichmannshausen, Johann Christoph: Melchisedecum ab Injuria Petri Juriaei Defensum: sub Auspicio Serenissimi Principis ac Domini Friderici Augusti
Bernd, Johann Franz: Joannis Francisci Bernd, Halensis, s. theol., schediasma philologico-exegeticum de primariis quibusdam versionis Syriacæ virtutibus, in quorundam Novi Testam. locorum illustratione Conspicuis Semler, J: De Auctoritate Archaeologiae ad Exercitationem Flavianam Lipsiensem I Spicilegium Critico-Theologicum Delbrueck, Richard: Hellenistische Bauten in Latium [Hellenisti buildings in Latium]
Farnsworth, Edward Clarence: The Heart of Things, Written Down Overbeck, Johannes Adolf: Festschrift für Johannes Overbeck Fergusson, Edmund Morris: How to Run a Little Sunday school
Bigsby, John J: Thesaurus Siluricus: The Flora and Fauna of the Silurian Period, with Addenda Bree, Charles Robert: Species Not Transmutable, Nor the Result of Secondary Causes, Being a Critical Examination of Mr. Darwin's Work Entitled "Origin and Variation of Species" Moberg, Axel: Über einige christliche Legenden in der islamischen Tradition [Over some Christian legends in the Islamic tradition]
Stead, W. T: The Welsh Revival Hopkins, Ira D: History of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Utica The Nellore station and field of the American Baptist Telugu mission, South India, 1922
Coffin, H. W: Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church of Christ in Plymouth, Mass Burrage, Henry S: Religious Liberty in the Sixteenth Century Ebeling, Erich: Das Verbum der El-Amarna-Briefe [The Verb of the El-Amarna-letters]
Thomas Clark: Plain Reasons Why Neither Dr. Watts' Imitations of the Psalms, Nor His Other Poems, Nor Any Other Human Composition, Ought to be Used in the Praises of the Great God Our Saviour but That a Metre Version of the Book of Psalms, Examined Codex Veronensis Scheibel, Johann Ephraim: Codex Quator Evangeliorum Latinus Rehdigerianus: Matthaeus et Marcus Cum Textu Graeco et Editione Vulgata Collatus
Ledwolorz, Adolf Paul: Die das ordensrecht betreffenden vorschläge anlässlich des Vatikanischen konzils und der Codex (Paul) Ledwolorz [Medal quite suggestions concerned on the occasion of the Vatikani council and the Codex (Paul) the Ledwolorz] Hemphill, Wesley Lynn: Codex Coxianus of the Homilies of Chrysostom on Ephesians and His Commentary on Galatians Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill: Evangeliorum Versio Antehieronymiana
Johnson, Johannes: Halvveis: Traek fra missionsarbeidet i Madagaskars Indland Cobb, Lyman: Cobb's Toys Blondlot, R: "N" Rays: a collection of papers communicated to the Academy of sciences with additional notes and instructions for the construction of phosphorescent Screens
Taglioni, Charles: Deux Mois en Égypte: Journal d'un Invité du Khédive [Two Months in Egypt: Newspaper of a Guest of the Khedive] The Revival System and the Paraclete: A Series of Articles from the Church Journal Brandenburg, Erich: Bericht Über Eine Reise in Syrien und Palästina
Schmitthenner, C. J: De Rebus Judaicis: Pt. II; De Origine Gentis Judaicæ Jaulmes, Gédéon: L'idolâtrie dans le royaume de Juda depuis la réforme d'Ezéchias [The idolatry in the kingdom of Juda since the reform of Ezéchias] MacCaffrey, James: The Black Book of Limerick: tudies on the diocese of Limerick based principally upon the manuscript known as "The black book of Limerick"
McConnell, Carl Philip: Clinical Osteopathy Riggs, Wilfred L: Theory of Osteopathy Gordon: I Suggest: Suggestion and Osteopathy
Charles Hazzard: Practice and Applied Therapeutics of Osteopathy Facts About Osteopathy: a Concise Presentation of Interesting Louisa Burns: Studies in the Osteopathic Sciences [4 Vols.]
Wilfred L. Riggs: A Manual of Osteopathic Manipulations and Treatment E. H. Bean: Food Fundamentals: View-Point of an Osteopathic Physician Frederick Payne Millard: Practical Visions: A Book of Inspiration [osteopathy]
Charles Henry Murray: The Practice of Somapathy: Its Practical Application to Various Diseases of The Human Body Notes on Osteo-Malacia (bone-chewing) James Renfrew White: Chronic Traumatic Osteomylitis
Elmer De Vergne Barber: Osteopathy: The New Science of Healing Edythe Florence Ashmore: Osteopathic Mechanics Militz, Annie Rix: Prosperity through the knowledge and power of Mind
John Fount Martin: Two in One: The Story of Two Blended Lives Exemplifying and Illustrating the Meaning and Final Perfected State of Human Existence E. J. Waggoner: Fathers of the Catholic Church: A Brief Examination of the "Falling Away" of the Church in the First Three Centuries J. E. Megson: The Diesel Engine in Practice
Vance Thompson: Drink: A Revised and Enlarged Edition of "Drink and be Sober" George Reed: The Crash of the Gold Combine, or Good Gold Cheap James A. Colligan: The Accent of Latin Words and the Sounds of Latin Letters
Maria Antonia Field: Five Years of Vocal Study Under Fernando Michelena Olive B. Wilson-Dorrett: Language of Music: Interpreted from the Child's Viewpoint Louis Petersen: Statement of truth and scientific Facts [Horshoeing]
Joseph L. Duque: Stock System: A Practical Method for Taking a Balance Sheet at Any Time, without Inventory Al Williams: How to Out-Think Your Opponent, Or, T.N. Tactics for Close-in Fighting Harmon H. McQuilkin: The Evolution of Psychic Healing
Herbert Eugene Sies: The Sies Dahlia Manual M. Fennell: Notes of Lessons on the Herbartian Method (based on Herbart's plan) Waller, Augustus Désiré: Eight Lectures on The Signs of Life From Their Electrical Aspect
Piper, Hans Edmund: Elektrophysiologie Menschlicher Muskeln [Electrical physiology of human muscles] Thomas Willement: A Concise Account of the Principal Works in Stained Glass that Have Been Executed Alexander Petrie: Poems of South African History: A.D. 1497-1910
González Valencia, José Maria: Separation of Panama from Colombia: Refutation of the misstatements and erroneous conception of Mr. Roosevelt in his article entitled "The Panama blackmail treaty" William Walker: Handbook of Drawing The Cabinet-Maker's Assistant
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