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Frederick Stearns: List of Mollusca and Other Forms of Marine Life Collected in the Years 1889-1890, in Japan S. Sakurai: Old and New Japan: Samurais and Their Decendants Masanobu Ishizaka: Christianity in Japan, 1859-1883
Albert W. Pontius: Protection Extended to patents, Designs, Trade-marks, and Copyrights in China, Japan, and Korea Tsunezo Kishinami: The Development of Philosophy in Japan Allen Klein Faust: Christianity as a Social Factor in Modern Japan
Ernest Wilson Clement: Constitutional Imperialism in Japan Mabel Hyde: Jingles From Japan Yoishiro Hirase: Catalogue of Land Shells of Japan to Be Had of Y. Hirase
James Lemoine Denman: Wine and Its Counterfeits Dixon, B. Homer: Brief Account of the Family of Homer or de Homere of Ettingshall, County Stafford, Eng. and Boston, Mass Gilbert, Bernard: Gone to the war and other poems in the Lincolnshire Dialect
Mitchell, Charles L: The Early Introduction of Bogus Freemasonry in the United States of America and Texas Among Colored Masons Alfred Perceval Graves: The Irish poems of Alfred Perceval Graves: Countryside songs; songs and Ballads Alfred Perceval Graves: Father O'Flynn And Other Irish Lyrics
Philip Allwood: A Key to the Revelation of St. John, the Divine Heinrich Egher von Kalkar: Het tractaat "Ortus et decursus Ordinis Cartusiensis" van Hendrik Egher van Kalkar: met een biographische inleiding Samuel Cox: The Private Letters of St. Paul and Saint John (Philemon, John's Epistle to Kyria, and John's Epistle to Caius)
S. Mattoon: The Gospel According to Matthew Diogo Antonio Feijo: Demonstration of the Necessity of Abolishing a Constrained Clerical Celibacy: Exhibiting the Evils of That Institution, and the Remedy Buckner, H. F: The Gospel According to John: Opunvkv Hera Chanichuyvten, Oksumkvlki Irkinvkv
William Lockton: Certain Alleged Gospel Sources: a Study of Q, Proto-Luke and M Trench, Richard Chenevix: The Star of the Wise Men: Being a Commentary on the Second Chapter of St. Matthew Clinton Kelly: A Condensed Body of Scriptural Facts and Truths Essential to Salvation
Reinke: Die weissagung Jacobs über das zukuenftige glueckliche loos des stammes Juda William Newton Clarke: Mystery in Religion Dauber, Zacharias A: Die Thora im Lichte der Wissenschaft
Charles Lincoln White: Lincoln Dodge, Layman Israel Robords: The Convert's Guide to First Principles, or Evangelical Truth: Sustained by the United Testimony of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Apostles and Our Pedobaptist Brethern J. H. Rutherford: Christianity Versus Secularism: A Public Discussion in Newcastle-on-Tyne, Between the Rev. J.H. Rutherford and Mr. G.J. Holyoake, on the Evening of 1st, 3rd, and 5th August 1853
A. C. Buchanan: The Faith and Conduct of a Churchman Theodore Gerald Soares: Studies in Comradeship [From the New Testament] C. H. Martell: Historical Sketch of the United Baptist Woman's Missionary Union of the Maritime Provinces
Frank Grant Lewis: Sketch of the History of Baptist Education in Pensylvania Frank Harris Beals: One Hundred Years with Cornwallis Baptists;: Centenary of the First Cornwallis Baptist Church Edwin Wilbur Rice: A Short History of the International Lesson System
C. Goodspeed: Baptism: An Argument and a Reply Edwin Abbott Abbott: Contrast, Or, A Prophet and a Forger John Whitehead: A Method of Transliteration of the Proper Names of Scripture Into Congo Languages
J. Dyer Ball: Macao, the Holy City: The Gem of the Orient Earth Archibald Watson: Memoir of the Late David Scott Alfred William Nicholson: Brief Sketch of the Life and Labors of Rev. Alexander Bettis: Also an Account of the Founding and Development of the Bettis Academy
Tututni Indians: Treaty Between the United States and the Rogue River Indians Neil W. Carothers: The Fifty-cent Dollar: A Brief History of the Financial Agitation, Legislation and Condition of the United States, from 1890 to 1895 Stewart Culin: Chinese Drug Stores in America
Isaac Ingalls Stevens: War expenses of Washington and Oregon Territories William Price Shreve: The Story of the Third Army Corps Union J. Gwenogbryn Evans: Facsimile & text of the Book of Taliesin
William Blades: The Gouernayle of Helthe with the Medecyne of Ye Stomacke Collations, Titles, Colophons and Descriptions of Some Editions of the Sarum Breviary Robert Southwell: Fovre-fovld Meditation, of the Foure Last Things
The Moral Light, Or, Reproductions of Articles From the Old Files of "Awr Ameth" -- The Light of Truth On Moralised Judaism--its Holidays, External Religious Observances, the Synagogue, Prayers &c. and Other Subjects Arthur Ransome: The Souls of the Streets and Other Little Papers Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Works of Dante Alighieri
H. C. Hoskier: A Full Account and Collation of the Greek Cursive Codex Evangelium 604 (with two facsimiles) Francis Burgess: The Rudiments Of Gregorian Music Georges Jean-Aubry: An Introduction to French Music
Florence Trail: Meanings of Music Alexander Graham Bell: The Telephone William Morley Egglestone: John Askew, the Stanhope Violin-maker: With Notes on the Coming of the Violin, the Fiddle in the North,& c
Louis Elsberg: The throat and its functions in swallowing, breathing and the production of the Voice Bradley Tyler Johnson: The Constitution of the Confederate States, Montgomery, 1861 Ernest Ashton Smith: The History of the Confederate Treasury
Gates Phillips Thruston: The numbers and rosters of the two armies in the Civil War M.M. Granger: A Fair Answer to the Confederate Appeal at Richmond India W. P Logan: Kelion Franklin Peddicord of Quirk's scouts,: Morgan's Kentucky cavalry, C.S.A.; biographical and autobiographical, together with a general biographical outline of the Peddicord Family
John Brown Gordon: The Old South (United Confederate Veterans. Georgia Division. Confederate Survivors' Association Camp) Gustavus Woodson Smith: Generals J.E. Johnston and G.T. Beauregard at the battle of Manassas, July 1861 Nancy Bostick De Saussure: Old Plantation Days
J. R. Simmons: Older Forest Plantations in Massachusetts: Conifers Arthur Smith Tuttle: Engineering Notes on Hawaii E. J. Bartelink: The Cacao Planters' Manual
Frances Anne Kemble: The Views of Judge Woodward and Bishop Hopkins on Negro Slavery at the South Illustrated from the Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation David Ernest Hutchins: Forestry in South Africa George S. Boutwell: The Reciprocity Treaty with Hawaii: Some Considerations Against its Abrogation, with Official Documents Relating to the Treaty
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