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Orchard, Thomas Nathaniel: Milton's Astronomy: The Astronomy of "Paradise Lost ' Bray, William C: Laboratory Directins in Chemistry I-A William Adolph: The Simplicity of the Creation
Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis De: The Mechanics of Laplace William Holmes Chambers Bartlett: Elements of Natural Philosophy Giorgio Gallesio: Orange Culture: a Treatise on the Citrus Family
James Bridge Davidson: The Conway in the Stereoscope Burnam, John M: A Classical Technology W. F Hillebrand: Our Analytical Chemistry and Its Future
Bessey, Charles E: The Botany of the Apple Tree Crehore, Albert C: The Atom Ormerod, Eleanor Anne: The Hessian Fly: Cecidomyia Destructor, in Great Britain being Mainly Reports of British Observations with Illustrations from Life and Some Means of Prevention and Remedy
Bamford, Mary Ellen: The Second Year of the Look-about Club Jameson, Robert: An Outline of the Mineralogy of the Shetland Islands, and of the island of Arran: Illustrated with Copper-plates; with an Appendix; Containing Observations on Peat, Kelp, and Coal C. W. C Fuchs: Practical Guide to the Determination of Metals by the Blowpipe
Cooke, Matthew: Teachers' Manual, or, the Best Method of Teaching the Natural History of Injurious and Beneficial Insects C. H. Tyler Townsend: Scale-insects in New Mexico Isabella Macfarlane: A Royal Knight: A Tale of Nuremburg
M. W Blackman: Report on the White Pine Weevil Charles V Riley: Parasitic and Predaceous Insects in Applied Entomology Frederick Dunlap: Growth of the Oak in the Ozarks
Milner, Thomas: Relics from the Wreck of a Former World, or, Splinters Gathered on the Shores of a Turbulent Planet, Proving to a Demonstration, the Vast Antiquity of the Earth, and the Existence of Animal Life, of the Most Fantastic Shapes, and the Most Elgent Colors Ernest H. Schwarz: South African Geology Smith, Joshua Toulmin: The Ventriculidae of the Chalk: Their Microscopic Structure, Affinities and Classification
William Chauvenet: New Method of Correcting Lunar Distances: And Improved Method of Finding the Error and Rate of a Chronometer by Equal Altitudes Frank H Bigelow: A Treatise on the Sun's Radiaion and Other Solar Phenomena: In Continuation of the Meteorological Treatise on Atmospheric Circulation and Radiation, 1915 Gilbert Dennison Harris: New and Otherwise Interesting Tertiary Mollusca from Texas
Henry Carvill Lewis: Papers and Notes on the Genesis and Matrix of the Diamond British Museum: An Introduction to the Study of Meteorites : with a List of the Meteorites Represented in the Collection John Merbecke: An English Kyriale
Maude, F. W: A Merciful Divorce Hull, Edward: The Triassic and Permian Rocks of the Midland Counties of England Lobley, James Logan: The Age of the World
William Bassett Walker: Cyclical Deluges: an Explication of the Chief Phenomena of the Globe, by Proofs of Periodical Changes of the Earth's Axis: Embracing a Theory Founded on Geographical Facts, on the True Geological Formation of Carboniferous Mineral Dawson, J. W: Air-breathers of the Coal Period: Descriptive Account of the Remains of Land Animals Found in the Coal Formation of Nova Scotia Merriam, John C: Significant Features in the History of Life on the Pacific Coast
Milner, Henry Brewer: Methods in Practical Petrology: Hints on the Preparation and Examination of Rock Slices Heinrich Behrens: A Manual of Microchemical Analysis Francis William Rolt-Wheeler: The Monster-Hunters
Portland Cement Association: Manual Training Course in Concrete; Concrete for Permanence Carl Ewald: The Pond Rutley, Frank: The Felsitic Lavas of England and Wales, with an Introductory Description of the Chief Characters of this Group of Rocks
Rutley, Frank: The Eruptive Rocks of Brent Tor and its Neigbourhood, included in Sheet 25 of the One-inch Map of the Geological Survey, with Some Introductory Remarks on the Application of the Microscope to Petrological Research Hyland's Mammoth Hibernian Songster: A Collection of Over 500 Songs that are Dear to the Irish Heart, including Sheets of Selected Music and Numerous Toasts and Sentiments Kepler, Frank Roy: Mechanical Drawing: Standards and Conventions
Suetonius M Tod: Trout Fishing in the Isle of Man: Where to Go and What Baits to Use, with a Few Practical Hints on Trout Fishing in General Francis Francis: The Angler's Register: A List of the Available Fisheries in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Brittany, Belgium, Germany, and the Tyrol With an Angler's Almanack for 1861 Augustus D Waller: Physiology: the Servant of Medicine [Chloroform in the Laboratory and in the Hospital]
Lowne, Benjamin Thompson: Descriptive Catalogue of the Teratological Series in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Turton, John: The Angler's Manual, or, Fly-fisher's Oracle, With a Brief Compendium of Bottom-Fishing Adams, H. G: The Sweet Songsters of Great Britain: With Useful Hints for the Rearing and Management of Cage Birds
Webb, John Joseph: Municipal Government in Ireland, Mediæval & Modern W. C. L Martin: Cattle: Their History and Various Breeds, To Which is Added the Dairy (Books for the Country) Piscator: Observations on the Public Right of Fishing by Angle or Nets in Public Navigable Rivers in General, and the River Thames in Particular
Boys of England Angling Guide Watkins, William: The Boy's Own Handbook: Angling Stewart, William C: A Caution to Anglers,or, 'The Practical Angler' and 'The Modern Practical Angler' Compared: With Remarks Upon the Decrease of Trout and Proposed Remedies
Chambers, Charles E. S: The Woodhouselee Ms.: A Narrative of Events in Edinburgh and District During the Jacobite Occupation, September to November, 1745 J. E. Harold Terry: General Post: a Comedy in Three Acts J Laukis: Lithuanian Self-Instruction
C.R (Cockerell, Samuel Pepys, [ed]) Cockerell: Travels in Southern Europe and the Levant, 1810-1817: The Journal of C. R. Cockerell Murray, Gilbert: A Comparison of the Aims of the Anti-slavery Society T. A Schneer: The History of Vesuvius from A.D. 79 to A.D. 1907
Ballantyne, R. M: Mee-a-ow!, or, Good Advice to Cats and Kittens Millie Andrews Bell: Melodies of the W.C.T.U. Mother Goose: Dedicated to the Children of the Crusade State Ingram Cobbin: Memoirs of My Dog: Interspersed with Original Anecdotes of Animals: Designed to Cherish, in the Youthful Mind, Kindly Feelings Towards the Brute Creation
Dudley, Robert: Monthly Maxims: Rhymes and Reasons to Suit the Seasons, and Pictures New to Suit Them Too James Edwards Rogers: Mores Ridiculi Walter Saterlee: Mother Goose in a New Dress
Mother Goose's Melodies for Her Little Goslings Lucas, E. V: Mr. Punch's Children's Book H.A.H: Mrs. Gander's Story
Treglohan, Thomas P: Frictional Electricity Albert Wells Buel: General Specifications for Steel Railroad Bridges and Structures: With a Section Making Them Applicable to Highway Bridges and Buildings Read, David: Nathan Read His Invention of the Multi-tubular Boiler and Portable High-pressure Engine, and Discovery of the True Mode of Applying Steam-power to Navigation and Railways: A Contribution to the Early History of the Steamboat and Locomotive Engine
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