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The Cambridge Modern History: An Account of Its Origin, Authorship and Production
S.F. Chapin: Scale Insects on Deciduous and Ornamental Trees
Floystrup, Carl: Den Anglokatholske Bevaegelse
Albert C. Boyle: The Geology and Ore Deposits of the Bully Hill Mining District
Toland, M. B. M: Tisayac of the Yosemite
Geroge Carter Stent: The Jade Chaplet in Twenty-Four Beads
Ogden, Henry Vining: Paper on Cotton-seed Oil and Cotton-seed Oil Mills
Hobart, William Kirk: The Medical Language of St. Luke: a Proof from Internal Evidence that "The Gospel according to St. Luke" and "The Acts of the Apostles" were Written by the Same Person, and that the Writer was a Medical Man
Abd Allah ibn 'Umar, al-Baidawi: Chrestomathia Baidawiana: The Commentary of el-Baidawai on Sura III
Houghton, A. A: Practical Silo Construction: a Treatise Illustrating and Explaining the Most Simple and Easiest Practical Methods of Constructing Concrete Silos of All Types, with Unpatented Forms and Molds
Lea, Henry Charles: A Formulary of the Papal Penitentiary in the Thirteenth Century
Bishara, Kalil A: The Origin of the Modern Syrian
Davidson, J. N: Muh-he-ka-ne-ok: a History of the Stockbridge nation
Traill, Catherine Parr Strickland: The Step-brothers, a Tale
More, Gertrude, Sister: The Writings of Dame Gertrude More
Soto, Juan Bautista: Causas y Consecuencias, Antecedentes Diplomáticos y Efectos de la Guerra Hispanoamericana
Winship, George Parker: Cabot Bibliography
Kemble, Fanny: Notes Upon Some of Shakespeare's Plays
Weatherly, George: The "Little Folks" Nature Painting Book: a Series of Outline Engravings for Water-colour Painting
Wright, Henrietta Christian: Little Folk in Green: New Fairy Stories
Mrs Sherwood: Little Henry and His Bearer
Weir, Harrison [illustrator]: Little Jack Frost's Album
Fitzcook, Henry [illustrator]: Little Lads and Lassies
Kronheim & Co: The Little Lamb: Showing How it Wandered, How it Suffered, and How it Was Saved by the Good Shepherd
Mrs Frederick Brown: Little Margaret's Ride, or, The Wonderful Rocking-Horse
Little Miss Consequence
Meteyard, Eliza: Little Museum Keepers
Mrs R. Lee: Little Nellie's Bird-cage
Valentine, L: Little Peace
Little Paul's Christmas
Dickes, William: The Little Pussy Cats
Crane, Walter: Little Queen Anne and Her Majesty's Letters
W. L. Mershon & Co: Little Ramblers, and Other Stories
Adomeit, Ruth E: Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood
Stahl, P: Little Rosy's Picture Book
Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot: Mrs. Follen's Little Songs
Greene, Mrs: Little Swiss Boy, or, Found at Last
Knight, Edward: Little Tenpenny What She Did and How She Did It
The Little Tin Soldier
Little Tottie's Travels with Papa and Mamma
Clark, Mary Latham: Little White Mice Boy and Other Stories
Lelen, J. M: The Duty of Happiness; Thoughts on Hope
Granniss, Anna J: A Christmas Snowflake: A Rhyme for Children
Howells, William Dean: A Parting and a Meeting
Thompson, Maurice: Lincoln's Grave
Thomas A. Edison : The Life-story of a Great American
Wentworth, Edward N: Progressive Beef Cattle Raising
Berthold, Victor Maximilian: History of the Telephone and Telegraph in the Argentine Republic 1857-1921
Agnes Keith Hanna: Pattern Making
Cheetham, James: Nine Letters on the Subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defection: with an Appendix
Burns, Cumorah Smith: A Child of Love
Baxendale, Esther M: Yours With All My Heart: Her Own Story, as Told by the Beautiful Italian Gazelle-hound Fairy
Spottiswoode, William: Polarisation of Light
Clay, Reginald Stanley: Treatise on Practical Light
Carpenter, Wm. Lant: Energy in Nature: Being, with Some Additions, the Substance of a Course of Six Lectures Upon the Forces of Nature and Their Mutual Relations. Delivered Under the Auspices of the Gilchrist Educational Trust
Newman, Louis I: The Jew as Radical, Liberal and Conservative
Belléli, Lazare: Greek and Italian Dialects as Spoken By the Jews in Some Places of the Balkan Peninsula
Chisholm, Henry William: On the Science of Weighing and Measuring and Standards of Measure and Weight
Millikan, Robert Andrews: The Electron, its Isolation and Measurement and the Determination of Some of Its Properties
Moseley, Henry: Illustrations of Mechanics
Bosanquet, Edwin: A Plain and Easy Account of the British Ferns: Wherein Each Species is Particularly Described Under its Respective Genus and the Characteristics of Those Genera Given in Words of Common Use
Roy Horniman: Lord Cammarleigh's Secret: a Fairy Story of To-day
Hope, C: George Hope of Fenton Barns: A Sketch of His Life
Etheridge, Robert: Catalogue of Works, Papers, Reports, and Maps, on the Geology, Palĉontology, Mineralogy, Mining and Metallurgy, etc. of the Australian Continent and Tasmania
Sara Beaumont Kennedy: One Wish, and Other Poems of Love and Life
Wallbeck, William: Fables Ancient and Modern: After the Manner of La Fontaine
Rose, Edward B: White Labour in the Transvaal
Payne, Daniel Alexander: A Treatise on Domestic Education
Dickey, Paul: The Ghost Breaker: A Melodramatic Farce in Four Acts
Squire, John Collings, Sir: Life and Letters: Essays
Victoria: Its History, Resources and Prospects: An Exhibition Memorial [1888-89]
Evans, Marguerite Florence Hélène Jervis: The Little Mother Who Sits at Home
Hewitt, Charles Gordon: The House Fly Musca Domestica, Linnĉus: a Study of its Strucure, Development, Bionomics and Economy
B. N Peach: Guide to the Geological Model of the Assynt Mountains
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