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Dawson, Philip, Sir: Germany's Industrial Revival Lindley, Nathaniel Lindley: A Treatise on the Law of Partnership, Including its Application to Companies : Volume I Jonathan Swift: A Whig's Remarks on the Tory History of the Four Last Years of Queen Anne
John Howard Payne; Pixérécourt, R.-C. Guilbert de (René-Charles Guilbert): Adeline, the Victim of Seduction: a Melo-dramatic Serious Drama in Three Acts Altered From the French of Monsieur R.C. Guilbert Pixérécourt, and Adapted to the English Stage Casson, Herbert Newton: Ads and Sales: A Study of Advertising and Selling, from the Standpoint of the New Principles of Scientific Management Starch, Daniel: Advertising: Its Principles, Practice, and Technique
Jackson, Richard Charles: Alfred the Great of Blessed Memory: Memorials Concerning England Long Anterior to the Reign of King Alfred to His Epoch Dug Outof Long Forgotten Lore Boguet, Henri: An Examen of Witches: Drawn from Various Trials of Many of This Sect in the District of Saint Oyan de Joux, Commonly Known as Saint Cloude, in the County of Burgundy, Including the Procedure Necessary to a Judge in Trials for Witchcraft Hartshorne, Charles Henry: Ancient Metrical Tales
Lilienthal, Otto: Birdflight as the Basis of Aviation, a Contribution Towards a System of Aviation, Comp. from the Results of Numerous Experiments Made by O. and G. Lilienthal Mahoney, J.S: Charles Stewart Parnell and What He has Achieved for Ireland Jaroslav: Diary of an Embassy from King George of Bohemia to King Louis XI of France in 1464
H. R. H. The Prince of Wales: Dinner to Sir Abe and the Hon. Lady Bailey at the Mansion House, on July 8th, 1929, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., in the Chair Montin, H.D: Hawarden Castle: The Home of Mr. Gladstone Kaiser, Thomas E: Historic Sketches of Oshawa
Arnold, Benjamin William: History of the Tobacco Industry in Virginia from 1860 to 1894 Pim, Frederic W: Home Rule Through Federal Devolution Gorrell, Joseph Hendren: Indirect Discourse in Anglo-Saxon
Vaughan, Floyd Lamar: Marketing and Advertising: an Economic Appraisal Schreber, Daniel Gottlieb Moritz: Medical Indoor Gymnastics or A system of Hygenic Exercises for Home Useto be Practised Anywhere Without Apparatus or Assistance by Young and Oldof Either Sex for the Preservation of Healthe and General Activity Bailey, Samuel: On the Received Text of Shakespeare's Dramatic Writings and Its Improvement
Austen, Jane: Plan of a Novel According to Hints from Various Quarters, with Opinions on Mansfield Park and Emma, Collected and Transcribed by Her, and Other Documents Printed From the Originals Politics in Brief: the Elector's Guide to Present-day Problems Lee, Ivy Ledbetter: Publicity: Some of the Things It Is and Is Not
Bailey, Samuel: Questions in political economy, politics, morals, metaphysics, polite literature, and other branches of knowledge, for discussion in literary societies or for private study, with remards under each question, original and Selected Pigou, A. C: Robert Browning as a Religious Teacher: Being the Burney essay for 1900 Roof Coverings: Their Manufacture and Application
Whitney, Milton: Soils of the United States, based upon the work of the Bureau of Soils to January 1, 1908 Linebarger, Paul Myron Wentworth: Sun Yet Sen and the Chinese Republic Parrott, James Edward, Sir,: The Aims of Liberalism
The Canvasser's Handbook Dodd, George: The Curiosities of Industry and the Applied Sciences Jones, W. H. S. (William Henry Samuel): The Doctor's Oath: an Essay in the History of Medicine
Khan, Shafa'at Ahmad, Sir: The East India Trade in the 17th Century, in Its Political and Economic Aspects Shearin, Hubert Gibson: The Expression of Purpose in Old English Prose Friedrichsen, G. W. S. (George Washington Salisbury): The Gothic Version of the Gospels: a Study of Its Style and Textual History
James A. Montgomery (translated from the Syriac and Annotated by): The History of Yaballaha III Kollock, Margaret R: The Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London During the Tudor Period Perceval, A.P. (Arthur Philip): The Original Services for the State Holidays
Wilde, Oscar: The Oscar Wilde Calendar: a Quotation from the Works of Oscar Wilde, for Every Day in the Year, with Some Unrecorded Sayings Cooley, Arnold James: The Pharmaceutical Latin Grammar, Being an Easy Introduction to Medical Latin, the London Pharmacopoeia, and the Perusal of Physicians' Prescriptions Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr Von: The Philosophical Works of Leibnitz : Translated from the Original Latin and French
Holtom, Daniel Clarence: The Political Philosophy of Modern Shinto, a Study of the State Religion of Japan Bailey, Samuel: The Rationale of Political Representation Pulitzer, Joseph: The School of Journalism in Columbia University: The Power of Public Opinion
Bale, Christian Emil: The Syntax of the Genitive Case in the Lindisfarne Gospels Hakluyt, Richard: The Texts and Vesions of John de Plano Carpini and William de Rubruquis, as printed for the first time by Hakluyt in 1598, together with Some Shorter Pieces Plunkett, Horace, Sir: The United Irishwomen: Their Place, Work and Ideals
Johnson, Valentine Edward: The Uses and Triumphs of Mathematics: Its Beauties and Attractions Popularly Treated in the Language of Everyday Life Pinchot, Gifford: The White Pine: a Study, with Tables of Volume and Yield Wolff, Alfred R: The Windmill as a Prime Mover
MacColl, Malcolm: Three years of the Eastern Question U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey: Tides and Currents in Delaware Bay and River McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay): Treatise on Metallic and Paper Money and Banks, Written for the Encyclopaedia Britannica
William Harbutt Dawson: Protection in Germany: A History of German Fiscal Policy During the Nineteenth Century Lucien Davesiès de Pontès: Poets and Poetry of Germany: Biographical and Critical Notices Salomon, Alice: Labour Laws for Women in Germany
Tingle, Edward W. S: Germany's Claims Upon German-Americans in Germany: a Discussion of German Military and Other Laws Which May Affect German-Americans Temporarily in Germany, Together with Some Comment Upon Existing Treaties Karol Edmond Chojecki: Louis Blanc [1811-1882: Among the Most Influential Early Socialist Political Theorists Henry Cornelius Agrippa: Female Pre-eminence, Or the Dignity and Excellency of that Sex, above the Male; An Ingenious Discourse Written Originally in Latine
Allison, Leonard A: The Rev. Oliver Arnold, First Rector of Sussex, N.B., with Some Account of His Life, His Parish and His Successors and the Old Indian College Potvin, Damase: The Saguenay Trip: Historical, Legendary, Descriptive Petch, Virginia Phyllis: The Salt-makers of Manitoba: a Study of the Use of the Natural Saine Deposits
Anderson, James: Sawney's Letters ; or, Cariboo rhymes from 1864 to 1868 Baulch, S. Fred: The Braunds of Bucks: Containing Some Account of the Lives Saved During a Series of Years, by Means of a Small Boat only, in Bideford Bay [with a copy of Verses] Chambers, E. T. D: The Matane and Gaspé Railway: An Attractive and Scenic Route to the Newest Seaside Resorts and the Most Prolific of Fish and Game Territories
A Detection of Damnable Driftes, Practized by Three Vvitches Arraigned at Chelmifforde in Essex Scott, John M: Dwarf Essex Rape as a Winter Forage in Florida Mason, Harrison Denning: Archibald Dale Mason: His Life, Ancestry and Descendants
Mellon, Thomas: Army "Y" Diary Whitehead, Cortlandt: The Capture of Fort Duquesne Grice, George W. [George Cogan (pseudonym)]: Characters of steel and Steel
John W. Boileau: Coal Fields of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Washington and Greene Counties : fields of coking coal located in eastern Greene and southeastern Washington Counties, Owned and Largely Controlled by J.V. Thompson Harrington Emerson: Col. J. M. Schoonmaker and the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad: A Study of Personality and Ideals Walter L. Riggs: The Early History of McKeesport
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