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VOET (Translated and Annotated By A J McGREGOR): Voet Book XXXVI. Titles I. and II. Ad S. C. Trebellianum and Therein Mainly of Fidei-Commissa and the Vesting of Legacies and of Fidei-Commissa HAZAN-ARAMA, Fortunee: Saveurs de mon enfance: La cuisine juive du Maroc PARTRIDGE, Tim: Marilyn A Tribute
SABINO, J. C. B. & HAFFTER, Peter: Praktiese Portugees DIEDERICHS, N: Die Volkebond FABER, Tobias: New Danish Architecture
POUND, Ezra: Ezra Pound Reading His Cantos III, XVI, XLIX, LXXXI, , XCII, CVI, CXV (Festival of Two Worlds Spoleto Italy) YEATS, W.B: Prefaces and Introductions. Uncollected Prefaces and Introductions by Yeats to Works by other Authors and to Anthologies YEATS, W.B: The Poems
BIANCHINI, Francesco and CORBETTA, F. PISTOIA, Marilena: Fruits of the Earth PERIODICAL: Journal of the South West African Scientific Society / Joernaal van die Suidwes-Afrikaanse Wetenkaplike Vereniging / Veröffentlichungen der Wissenschaftl. Gesellschaft für S.W. Afrika, VOL. XX 1965/66 FIGGIS, N.P: Prehistoric Preseli: A Field Guide
NAMIS, Sakki: Sossusvlei. Gateway to Planet Namib CAMPBELL, J.R: Soviet Policy and Its Crirtics HALDANE, J. B. S: A. R. P
SCHMIDT, Carl T: The Corporate State in Action: Italy Under Fascism MEW, Charlotte: Collected Poems SCHAM, Paul; SALEM, Walid; POGRUND, Benjamin: Shared Histories: A Palestinian-Isreali Dialogue
SCHIMANSKI, Stephen & TREECE, Hery (Edited by). (Contributors Insclude Edith Sitwell; Gertrude Stein; Henry Moore; Herbert Read; Paul Nash; Mulk Raj Anand): Transformation Three POUND, Ezra (Edited By D. D. PAIGE): The Letters of Ezra Pound 1907-1941 SKUES, G. E. M: The Way of a Trout with a Fly and some further Studies in minor Tactics. Fourth Edition
PARRY, J.H: The Spanish Seaborne Empire SOMERVILLE, W: Rottnest Island - Its History and Legends, Its Discovery and Development, Natural Beauties, Fauna and Flora RILKE, Rainer Maria (Translated J. B. LEISHMAN): New Poems (Neue Gedichte 1907 Der Neuen Gedichte Anderer Teil 1908)
PERIODICAL: Fancy Needlework Illustrated VOLUME 3 (nos. 25-36) WELCOMME, Bernard: French Landscape Design BUSCH, Brigitta; BUSCH, Lucijan; PRESS, Karen (Edited by): Interviews With Neville Alexander: The Power of Languages Against the Language of Power
RUSSELL, Bertrand: Mortals and Others. Bertrand Russell's American Essays 1931-1935. Volume 1 TUROK, Ben: Development and Economy in South Africa - A Reader HORN, Peter: An Axe in the Ice
DOMONE, Peter & ILLSTON, John: Construction Materials: Their Nature and Behaviour L'POE (Introduction By Robert BROOM): A New Era (Realism Not spiritualism) MARLOTH, R.A: The Chemistry of Some Vegetable Products of South Africa
KOHLER, O: A Study Of Grootfontein District (South West Africa) MIDDLEBROOK / VAN HOEPEN: A Sepia Boer War Photograph German Duitsche Corps at Ladysmith SCHREINER, William Philip: An Autograph Legal Opinion Signed and Dated 16 Feb 1914
CAMOES, Luis De (Edited with introduction and notes by J.D.M. Ford.): Os Lusiadas WEBSTER, David & FRIEDMAN, Maggie: Suppressing Apartheid's Opponents ; the state of emergency June 1987 - March 1989. In Memory of David Webster Assassinated 1 May 1989 BURROWS, Raymond: Sociqal Security and the National Income
RHODESIAN AIR TRAINING GROUP: Rhodesia and the R. A. F PIROW, O: Nuwe Orde Vir Suid Afrika STOKES, C.S.; OLIVER, A.E.; MILES, H.; TREADWELL, G.B.; GOLDSTONE, H.; KIRKLAND, S.; KNOX, P.F: The Other Seven Wonders of Southern Africa....As a Tribute to Mr. A. H. Tatlow on His Retirement.....13 May 1930
CILLIERS, A.C: Gen. Hertzog And Hereniging (Re-Union) ASHTON, Hugh (Introduction by)`: Yesterday Today & Tomorrow: A Guide to the African Village GRAVES, Philip: The Truth About "The Protocols": a Literary Forgery. From THE TIMES of August 16, 17, nd 18 1921
LEYDS, W.J: Een Geschrift Van Dr. H. P. N. Muller NYERERE, Mwalimu Julius K: Tanzania policy on foreign affairs; address by the President, Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere at the Tanganyika African National Union National Conference, 16th October, 1967 GALPIN, Ernest E: Native Timber Trees of the Springbok Flats
MALAN, D; VAN ROOYEN, E.E.; MOORREES, A: Na 300 Jaar 1619-1919 Toespraken Gehouden....op 30 October 1919, Ter Herdenking Van De Synode Van Dordrecht 1619 NTSEBEZA, Lungisile & HALL, Ruth (Edited by): The Land Question in South Africa: The Challenge of Transformation and Redistribution DE LAET, Fr: Catalogue General Cultures Speciales De Cactees
CARVER, M. F: The New Roof. A Paper on Federal Union of the Democratic Peoples JOCHUM, K.P.S: W.B. Yeats : A Classified Bibliography of Criticism Including Additions to Allan Wade's "A Bibliography of the Writings of W B Yeats" and a Section on the Irish Literary and Dramatic Revival JOCHUM, K.P.S: W.B. Yeats : A Classified Bibliography of Criticism
YEATS, William Butler (Edited By Curtis BRADFORD): W. B. Yeats: The Writing of The Player Queen, AUBREY, John: Aubrey's Brief Lives: Edited from the Original Manuscripts and with an Introduction By Oliver Lawson Dick COLE, Desmond T: Lithops: Flowering Stones
ADLER FIELDING GALLERY: South African Painters Past and Present 1818 to 1962 NIENABER, P.J: Ds S. J. du Toit, Die eensame Ismael: n beskouing oor sy letterkindige Werk BREWIS, Lulu: Marietjie
COETZEE, J. Albert: Die Swerwers. Sketse Uit Die Dorsland Trek VAN DEN HEEVER, F: Gedigte STEPANOV, A: Port Arthur
COCKING, Reg (Edited by): The Reef VOLUME 56 January 1970 - December 1970 COCKING, Reg (Edited by): The Reef VOLUME 57 January 1971 - December 1971 CAPSTICK, Fiona: Between Two Fires. The African Saga of Margarete Trappe
HUGHES, Edan Milton: Artists in California, 1786-1940 KAPLAN, Alec; LEGATOR, Sam; SHEFFIELD, William (AND) BERRY, T.B.; HAGGER, S.J.; LEGATOR, Sam; SHEFFIELD, William N. (Edited by): Handbook / Catalogue Union of South Africa Stamps (AND) Handbook / Catalogue Union of South Africa Stamps VOLUME II DUNN, E.J: The Bushman
HOPKIN-JENKINS, K: Basic Bantu TOMASELLI, Ruth; TOMASELLI, Keyan; MULLER, Johan: Currents of Power. State Broadcasting in South Africa WEBSTER, Eddie; ALFRED, Laura; BETHLEHEM, Lael; JOFFE, Avril; SELIKOW, Terry-Ann: Work and Industrialisation in South Africa: An Introductory Reader
HAAS, Robert B: Through the Eyes of the Gods: An Aerial Vision of Africa GORAK, Jan: Critic of Crisis. A Study of Frank Kermode GORAK, Jan: The Making of the Modern Canon: Genesis and Crisis of a Literary Idea
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