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BALLESTEROS, Seve & DOUST, Dudley: Seve: The Young Champion
BELL-CROSS, Graham: The Fishes of Rhodesia
CAMOES, Luis De: Os Lusiadas. Nova Edicao Illustrada
ZUQUETE, Afonso Eduardo Martins & DE FARIA, Antonio MacHado (Edited by): Armorial Lusitano Genealogia e Heraldica
MUHAMAD (Translated byBento DE CASTRO): Alcorao
HERCULANO, Alexandre: História de Portugal Desde O Começo da Monarquia até o Fim do Reinado de Afonso III -
DE BARROS, Joao & DE COUTO, Diogo: Decadas da Ásia de João de Barros e Diogo do Couto dos Feitos que os Portugueses Fizeram nos Descobrimentos e Conquista dos Mares e Terras do Oriente
PEREIRA, Alberto Feliciano Marques,: A Arte em Moçambique. Art in Mozambique. 1ª Parte de: A Arte e a Natureza em Moçambique. Part one of Art and Nature in Mozambique
SANTOS, Jose De Almeida: Luanda D'outros Tempos
LIMA, Maria Helena de Figueiredo: Paisagens e Figuras Tipicas do Cuanhama
COMMISSAO DOS MONUMENTOS NACIONAIS DE MOCAMBIQUE: Monumenta. Publicac¸a~o da Comissa~o dos Monumentos Nacionais de Moc¸ambique. No 1
SILVA, G.G. Conceicao: I Centenario Do Nascimento Do Almirante Gago Coutinho: Comemoracoes Offioais (Provincia De Mocambique)
MONTEZ, Caetano Varvalho: Apontamentos Para o Roteiro Dos Monumentos Militares Portugueses
DA FONSECA, Pedro Quirino: Pesquisas Arqueologicas Sumarinas Em Aguas De Mocambique // A Nau S. Luiz a Recupracao De Duas Ancoras Na Barra De Quelimane
DE LIMA, A. Pereira: Vestigios Do Trato Do Comercio Dos Fumos No Alte Mae
MONTEZ, Caetano Carvalho: Apontamentos Para o Roteiro Dos Monumentos Militares Portugueses
BOLEO, Doutor Oliveira: A Decantada Questao Da Riqueza Mineira e Exploracao Do Ouro e Prata Nos Reinos Do Monomotapa
FERNANDES, Maria Regina Pinto: Apontamentos Para a Historia De Inhambane Sob D. Miguel
BARRADAS, Lereno: O Venerado Dente De Buda
MONTEIRO, Amaro: Pesquisas Arqueologicas Nos Estabelecimentos De Kiuya, M;Buezi e Quisiva
TOLSTOI, Leo: Obras Completas De Tolstoi
DOSTOIEVSKI, Feodor: Obras Completas de Dostoievski - 10 Volumes
GORKI, Maxim: Obras De Maxim Gorki. 12 Vols
GAMA, Arnaldo: Obras De Arnaldo Gama
BOCAGE, Mauel Maria Barbosa De: Obras
VICENTE, Gil: Obras de Gil Vicente
CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel De: Dom Quixote De La Mancha
DUMAS, Alexandre: Obras De Alexandre Dumas
PESSOA, Fernando: Fernando Pessoa Obra Poetica volume Unico
HUGO, Victor: Obras De Victor Hugo
ECA DE QUEIROZ, José Maria ( EDITED By Helena Cidade Moura ): Obras De Eca De Queiroz
DE CASTRO, Ferreira: A Volta Ao Mundo
CAMOES, Luis De (Edited By PIMPAO, Alvaro Julio Da costa): Os Lusiadas De Luis De Camoes
PERES, Damiao: Historia Dos Descobrimentos Portugueses
DIRECTORY: Rhodesia Directory Including Beira, P.E.A. 1930
HYAMS, Edward & JACKSON, A.A: The Orchard and Fruit Garden: a New Pomona of Hardy and Sub-tropical Fruits
VALSECCHI, Marco: Minguzzi
RIGHI, Federico: Federico Righi Dipinti e Disegni
MORALES, Dario: Dario Morales Sculpture, Paintings, Pastels, Drawings, October Thru December, 1982
BASILE, Franco; RESCA, Franco; BO, Carlo: Borgonzoni
HOFMANN, Will; RAUCHE, G.A.; BINDER, H: Mechtildis Muschick-Zweiniger
ANTOHI, Richard: Antohi
HOBBS, Jenny: John Meyer in Retrospect
ZEIDLER, Hans: Sommer Mit Andrea
OGUNBIYI, Yemi: Drama and Theatre in Nigeria: a Critical Source Book
SPINSANTE, Vittorio & PERRUCCI, Maurizio: Ankon: Una Civilta Tra Oriente Ed Europa Volume I
BERINSTAIN, Valerie (and others): Great Carpets of the World
BOYS FRIEND: The Boys Friend Illustrated Boxing Annual and Guide
BOWKER, JOHN MITFORD: Speeches, Letters , and Selections from Important Papers of the Late John Mitford Bowker, Sometime Resident and Diplomatic Agent with Certain Kaffir and Fingo Tribes
ISSAR, T.P: The Royal City : A Celebration of the Architectural Heritage and City-Aesthetics of Mysore
MUROVE, Munyaradzi Felix: African Ethics: An Anthology of Comparative and Applied Ethics
BIEBER, Jodi: Between Dogs and Wolves: Growing up with South Africa
HOLLMANN, Eckhard: Maria Sibylla Merian. The St. Petersburg Watercolours
AMINI, Iradj: The Koh-i-noor Diamond
LWANDA, John Lloyd Chipembere: Promises, Power, Politics & Poverty. Democratic Transition in Malawi (1961-1999)
LIEBERMAN, William (Edited by): Twentieth-Century Modern Masters: The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection
FREEMAN, Judi: The Fauve Landscape
OJEDA, Oscar Rieda (Edited by): The New American House 2: Innovations in Residential Design and Construction
KEVERNE, Roger: Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art. Summer Exhibition 2003
KEVERNE, Roger: Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art and ceramics Winter Exhibition 2006
KEVERNE, Roger: Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art and ceramics Winter Exhibition 2003
KEVERNE, Roger: Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art and ceramics Winter Exhibition 2000
KEVERNE, Roger: Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art and ceramics Winter Exhibition 2002
KEVERNE, Roger: Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art and ceramics Winter Exhibition 1999
HAWKINS, J.B: Thomas Cole & Victorian Clockmaking
FOA, Edouard: After Big Game in Central Africa
LYELL, Denis D: Memories of an African Hunter
LYELL, Denis D: African Adventures: Letters from Famous Big Game Hunters
PATTERSON, J.H: The Man Eaters of Tsavo
DUYZINGS, Martin W. (and Numerous others) (EDITED BY): To the Point. World News in Depth. COMPLETE SET VOL.1 No.1 To VOL.9 No.52
RAMSEY, Tom: 25 Great Australian Golf Courses and How to Play Them
RAMSEY, Tom: Golfer's Gift Book
RAMSEY, Tom: Discover Australia's Golf Courses
GRAHAM, David: Your Way to Winning Golf
CALDWELL, Oliver; SNYDER, Susan; MUSCO, Ralph: Thomas Pradzynski: Modern Realist
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