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DAUVERGNE, Peter: Shadows in the Forest Japan and the Politics of Timber in Southeast Asia STEPHENSON, John W: Drapery Cutting and Making MIENY, C.J. (and others) (Edited By D. H. HEYDENRYCH): UP Geneeskunde 50. 'n Geskiedenis Van Dir Fakulteit Geneeskunde Van Die Universiteit Van Pretoria 1943-1992
SMITH, Jim & CHARTER, Edward (Edited by): Functional Food Product Development PABST, Emmie (Edited by): Dreaming of Africa featuring South African Floral Art Designs MEINTJES, Shaun: SAID: A Celebration of 50 Years Dedication to Animals
SPIES, G.M. (Edited by): Sexual Abuse: Dynamics, Assessment, Healing SEWPAUL, Vishanthie & HOLSCHER, Dorothee: Social Work in Times of Neoliberalism: A Postmodern Discourse HENNING, Elizabeth; VAN RENSBURG, Wilhelm; SMIT, Brigitte: Finding Your Way in Qualitative Research
DE VOS, A.S.; STRYDOM, H.; FOUCHE, C.B.; DELPORT, C.S.L: Research at Grass Roots: For the Social Sciences and Human Service Professions VAN SCHALKWYK, Rex: Panic for Democracy KASTNER, Erich: Lottie and Lisa
MANTEL, D.G: The Manufacture and Applications of Portland Cements, Cement Additives and Blended Cements ADDIS, Brian: Cement Concrete & Mortar MATTHEWS, Alison & WILSHAW, Colin: Fodya: The Malawi Tobacco Handbook
HERRINGTON, Mike; KEW, Jacqui; KEW, Penny: Tracking Entrepreneurship in South Africa: A Gem Perspective VOGEL, Dr. (Introduction by): Ludwig Richter - zehn farbige Kunstblätter VOLUMES 1 and 2 STREETER, Tal: The Art of the Japanese Kite
KEENE, Donald: Bunraku Art of Japanese Puppet Theater CHATWIN, Terrence & KUKIMOTO, Nobuo (Edited by): Sulfur Dioxide Control in Pyrometallurgy GIBBON, Edward: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: 8 Volume Set
AGAR, Jon: Science in the Twentieth Century and Beyond PINKER, Steven: The Better Angels of Our Nature: The Decline of Violence in History and Its Causes DESMOND, Adrian & MOORE, James: Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist
DENNETT, Daniel C: Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life BRINK, Andre: Philida BARKER, Pat: The Regeneration Trilogy : Regeneration,The Eye In The Door, The Ghost Road
WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig (Translated By Gertrude E M Anscombe; Peter M S Hacker; Joachim Schulte): Philosophical Investigations POPPER, Karl: After the Open Society: Selected Social and Political Writings KEMP, Alan: The Birds of Southern Africa
STURMEY, S.G: The Economic Development of Radio EPPERSON, A. Ralph: The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History RITCHKEN, Herbert: I Remember it Well
SALAR, Tanjo: The Book of Spells, Charms & Entertainments BOREL, France: Orfèvres Lointains: Bijoux d'Asie, d'Afrique, d'Océanie et d'Amérique ST. ANGE, Alain: Seychelles Enters the World of Carnival
LEWIS, C.S: Briewe Aan Bitterals (The Screwtape Letters) SCHOLTZ, G.D: Die Oorsake van die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog 1899-1902. Eerste Band (EN) Tweede Band BAKKES, C.M: Die Britse Deurbraak aan die Benede-Tugela op Majubadag 1900
PRETORIUS, Fransjohan: Die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902 PERIODICAL: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine Volume XCV (95) January-June 1864william Blac PERIODICAL: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine Volume XCVI (96) July-December 1864
PERIODICAL: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine Volume XCVII (97) January-June 1865 PERIODICAL: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine Volume XCVIII (98) July-December 1865 PERIODICAL: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine Volume XCIX (99) January-June 1866
PERIODICAL: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine Volume C (100) July-December 1866 PERIODICAL: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine Volume CI (101) January-June 1867 PERIODICAL: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine Volume CII (102) July-December 1867
SMILES, Samuel: Lives of the Engineers. Complete Set Revised Edition D'ASSONVILLE, V.E: Generaal de Wet in die Vredefortkoepel KLOPPERS, P.J: "Alles Zal Recht Kom!" Schetsen Uit Den Strijd Tusschen Boer En Brit
SCHOLTZ, G.D: Die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog 1899-1902 DE WET, C.R: De Strijd Tusschen Boer en Brit : De Herinnering van Den Boeren-Generaal C.R. De Wet STATHAM, P.B. (Compiled by): The Natal Automobile Club Route Book
ODENDAAL, Andre: Black Protest Politics in South ALEXANDER, Sam: Photographic Scenery of South Africa GINGRICH, Arnold: The Fishing in Print. A Guided Tour Through Five Centuries of Angling Literature
WESSELS, Elria: Veldslae. Anglo Boereoorlog 1899-1902 THORPE, S.A: African Traditional Religions FULTON, F.S. (ADDIS, B.J.., Edited by): Fulton's Concrete Technology
EDE, D.J: The Golden Spoon; A History Of St. Andrew's School for Girls 1902-2002 VISSER, E.E: Breiboek No. 1. 'n Versameling Van 240 Verskillende Patrone Geillustreer Met 300 Foto's VISSER, E.E: Die Breiboek Vir Die Huisgesin. Breiboek No.2
VISSER, E.E: Brei En Hekelboek Nr.3 TUNNICLIFFE, C.F: Shorelands Winter Diary VAN EVERDINGEN, W: De Oorlog in Zuid Afrika: Eerste En Tweede Tijdvak
RENFREW, Colin & MORLEY, Iain (Edited by): Becoming Human: Innovation in Prehistoric Material and Spiritual Culture WOLHUTER, Louis (edited by): The FOSAF Guide to Fishing Destinations in Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean TERMINOLOGY COMMITTEE FOR SOCIAL WORK: New Dictionary of Social Work: Nuwe Woordeboek Vir Maatskaplike Werk
SPICER, Newton; BARNES, Richard; TIMBERLAKE, Jonathan: Acacia Handbook: Growing and Managing Acacias in South Central Africa McCAFFREY, Anne: The Worlds Of Anne McCaffrey: Restoree, Decision At Doona, The Ship Who Sang CHARGAFF, Erwin: Heraclitean Fire: Sketches from a Life Before Nature
SPARRMAN, Anders (Edited By Vernon S FORBES): A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, Towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, Round the World and to the Country of the Hottentots and the Caffres, from the Year 1772 - 1776. Based on the English Editions of 1785 - 1786 Published by Robinson, London [Van Riebeec SHILO-COHEN, Nurit (Curated by): Stork, Stork, How is Our Land? Works By Newly Arrived Ethiopian Immigrant Children GAY, Ruth: The Jews of Germany: A Historical Portrait
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