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BREYTENBACH, Kerneels (edited by): They Shaped Our Century: The Most Influential South Africans of the Twentieth Century ESACK, Maulana Faried: The Second Desmond Tutu Peace Lecture 13 September 1986 JOHANNESBURG: An Account of the Town Hall and Municipal Offices Johannesburg // Het Stadhuis En De Municipale Kantoren April 1915
FOURIE, S. J: Memoirs VAN LOON, Borin: Geodesic Domes SANDFORD, Christopher; NEWBERY, Francis J.; RUTTER, Owen: Here is Printed for the Exhibition a Biography of the Golden Cockerel Press to Which is Added a List of Books in Print
OMAN, Charles: A History of the Peninsular War LEAN, Vincent Stuckey: Lean's Collectanea. Collections ....of Proverbs (English and Foreign), Folk-lore and Superstitions, Also Compilations Towards Dictionaries of Proverbial Phrases and Words, Old and Disused SHAKESPEARE, William (Edited By Alois BRANDL): Shakespeares Dramatische Werke, Übersetzt von August Wilhelm von Schlegel und Ludwig Tieck,
VILLARS, Jean Bereaud: T.E. Lawrence or The Search for the Absolute ASKEW, John Bertram: Pros and Cons. a Newspaper Reader s and Debater s Guide to the Leading Controversies of the Day (Political, Social, Religious, Etc.) MINISTRY OF OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC SURVEY MISSION: The Development of the Bechuanaland Economy
HIRSCH, P.B. Et al: Electron Microscopy of Thin Crystals BRETT, E.A: Colonialism and Underdevelopment in East Africa : The Politics of Economic Change 1919-39 PROGRAMME (SIGNED BY Tyrrell Team): 1963 Rand Grand Prix Official Programme. Kyalami 14th December 1963
BOSMAN, Paul & HALL-MARTIN, Anthony: Cats of Africa KOTZE, D.A. (Edited by): Development Policies and Approaches in Southern Africa ALDRIDGE, Ron (Compiled and Edited by): South African Rugby Annual Suid Afrikaanse Rugby Jaarboek 1954
BIALIK, H.N: Shirim - Mihadudah Miyuchedet L'shnat Tarpag WEGERIF, Mark; RUSSELL, Bev; GRUNDLING, Irma: Still Searching for Security: The Reality of Farm Dweller Evictions in South Africa BAEDEKER, Karl: Paris et Ses Environs: Manuel Du Voyager
HODGES, John (Edited by): ARK 15: The Jornal of the Royal College of Art DU TOIT, S.J. (Edited by): De Getuige. Godsdienstig Tijdschrift 1892 (DEEL XII) PINHEY, Elliot: A New Approach to African Orthetrum (Odonata)
PLAATJE, Sol T. (Edited By John L. COMAROFF): Mafeking Diary : A Black Man's View of a White Man's War COLLARD, Tai: The Collector's Guide to Art and Artists in South Africa. A visual Journey Into the Thoughts, Emotions and Minds of 558 Artists JORAY, Marcel: La sculpture moderne en Suisse. II: 1954 à 1959
SEIKE, Kiyosi & TERRY, Charles S: Contemporary Japanese Houses PERIODICAL: Ons Taal. DEEL II: 1-12 Jan - Dec 1908 PERIODICAL: De Gezellige. Het Boek Voor Iedereen Vooral Vir Jongelieden. TWEEDE UITGAAF
LIEBENBERG, Ian: Ideologie in Konflik COETZEE, Ampie & WILLEMSE, Heein (Edited by): I Quabane Labantu: Poetry in the Emergeny / Poesie in Die Noodtoestand GERWEL, G.J: Literatuur en Apartheid: Konsepsies van "gekleurdes" in die Afrikaanse roman tot 1948
HEUNIS, Jan: Die Binnekring: Terugblikke Op Die Laaste Dae Van Blanke Regering SETILOANE, Gabriel M: The Image of God Among the Sotho Tswana SINCLAIR, F. D: Lovers and Hermits
SHAKESPEARE, William ( Compiled/edited By Charlton HINMAN): The First Folio of Shakespeare. The Norton Facsimile COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION FERRARI: Ferrari 2012 SAMPSON, Richard (Compiled by): They Came to Northern Rhodesia Being a Record of Persons Who Entered What is Now the Territory of Northern Rhodesia By 31st December 1902
COMPTON, R.H: The Flora of the Whitehill District SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH (W Watkins Pitchford): Statement of Evidence Submitted By the South African Institute for Medical Research to the Low Grade Mines Commission August 1919 GREY, C.G. (Editor): Johannesburg Air Race Report (in THE AEROPLANE October 7 1936)
HANSARD, Peter: Wild Portraits The Wildlife Art of Raymond Harris-Ching HOLLIS, Daniel W. III: The Abc-Clio World History Companion to Utopian Movements DAMBERGER, Christian Frederick: Travel in the Interior Parts of Africa from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco Through Caffraria, the Kingdoms of Mataman, Angola, Bahahara and from Thence Across the Great Desart of Sahara and the Northern Parts of Barbary Performed During the Years 1781
MORRISON, Ken: Marx, Durkheim, Weber: Formations of Modern Social Thought WEST, David: An Introduction to Continental Philosophy SCHOFIELD, Maria (Edited by): Decorative Art and Modern Interiors 1977
WALKER, Clive: African Elephants: A Photographic Celebration KRIGE, Sue & BESWICK, Sarah: Turbine Square. A Heritage of Power LIFAR, Serge: Terpsichore Dans Le Cortege Des Muses
BOESIGER, W: Le Corbusier. Oeuvre complete 1938-46 MOODY, Jan: Shetland Sheepdogs the Sheltie DOBSON, Richard & MOWSZOWSKI, Ruben: Karoo Moons: A Photographic Journey
FROY, W. N. & Sons: W. N. Froy & Sons Ltd., Merchants & Manufacturers General Sales Catalogue No. 53 [1955] GETTLIFFE, R.; BOZZOLI, G.R.; BLEKSLEY, A.E. (and others): The Golden Jubilee of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers KOSTANIAN-DANZIG: Spiritual Resistance in the Vilna Ghetto
SCHNEIDER, Diane & WESTOLL, Hendrina: Experiences in Transformation: Work in Progress PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT: We Build for Tomorrow USHER, Shaun: Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience
JOUBERT, Dian (Compiled by): Oorlogsverklaring 1939 JOUBERT, Dian (Compiled by): Die Naturelle Grondkwessie Uit Die Volksraaddebat 1936 JOUBERT, Dian (Compiled by): Toe Witmense Arm Waas. Uit Die Carnegieverslag 1932
ALBERTS, Andries: Die Afrikaanse Wereldbeskouing PRELLER, G.S: Sketse & Opstelle OBLIVION BOYS, THE Leslie BICKNELL; Derek HUMPHRIES): The Art of Gravitating Upwards
BOTHA, M.C: Premiers Verkiesings Sedert 1910 SMIT, Johannes A.; VAN WYK, Johan; WADE, Jean Philippe (Edited by): Rethinking South African Literary History NIEBUHR, Hermann (Text By Alexander DODD): Hermann Niebuhr Night Shift
CRUMP, Alan: The Everard Phenomenon: An Exhibition of Paintings By the Everard Family STEPHENS, Marguerite: Marguerite Stephens Weaver GROBBELAAR, Pieter W. Edited by); STRYDOM, C. J. Scheepers (Compiled by): Die Afrikaner En Sy Kultuur: DEEL II Spieelbeeld Oorlog 1899- 1902
CHESAINA, Ciarunji: Oral Literature of the Embu and Mbeere SARZIN, Anne & SARZIN, Lisa Miranda: Hand In Hand: Jewish And Indigenous People Working Together POTTER, Beatrix (Transcribed LINDER, Leslie): The Journal of Beatrix Potter from 1881 to 1897
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