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Wheeler, W.M., 1910 (1960): Ants. Their structure, development and behavior. (Revised edition.) [Columbia Biol. Ser., 9.]
WHEELWRIGHT, Julie: The fatal lover. Mata Hari and the myth of women in espionage
White, C.A., & Nicholson, H.A., 1878: Bibliography of North American invertebrate paleontology, being a report upon the publications that have hitherto been made upon the invertebrate paleontology of North America, including the West Indies and Greenland
White, C.A., 1877: Report upon the invertebrate fossils collected in portions of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, by parties of the Expeditions of 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874
White, C.A., 1883: A review of the fossil Ostreidae of North America; and a comparison of the fossil with the living forms. With appendices by Prof. Angelo Heilprin and Mr. John A. Ryder
White, D., 1893: Flora of the outlying Carboniferous basins of southwestern Missouri. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 98.]
White, H.J.O., 1921: A short account of the geology of the Isle of Wight. [Mem. Geol. Surv. England and Wales.]
Whitfield, R.P., 1892: Gastropoda and Cephalopoda of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of New Jersey
Whitfield, R.P., 1894: Mollusca and Crustacea of the Miocene formations of New Jersey. [Mon. U.S. Geol. Surv., 24.]
Whitfield, W.K., Jr., 1971: An annotated bibliography of dolphins and porpoise families Delphinidae and Platanistidae. [St. Florida Dept. Nat. Sci. Spec. Sci. Rep., 26.]
WHITMAN, William: The Oto. [Columbia Univ. Contr. Anthrop., 28.]
WHITTLE, Tyler: Pflanzenjäger. Die abenteuerliche Suche nach dem grünen Gold
WICKS, Sylvia: Edeksmeden. Het ontwerpen en vervaardigen van sierdaden. [Oorspronkelijke titel: Jewelry making manual. Vertaling: A.J.H. Calame-Huber. Nederlandse bewerking: Marion E. Vegter.]
WIDDEL, Heino, & POST, David L. (editors): Color in electronic displays. [Defense Research Series, 3.]
WIDDER, Felix: Erzherzog Johann und seine Icones Plantarum
Wiebes, J.T., 1963: Taxonomy and host preferences of Indo-Australian fig wasps of the genus Ceratosolen (Agaonidae)
Wiedmann, J., 1960: Zur Systematikl jungmesozoischer Nautiliden, unter besonderer Brücksichtiguing der iberischen Nautilinae d'Orb
Wiedmann, J., 1970: Über den Ursprung der Neoammonoidea. Das Problem einer Typogenese
Wiefel, H., 1997: Bibobibliographische Daten über Geowissenschacftler und Sammler, die in Thüringen tätig waren. [Geowiss. Mitt. Thüringen, Beiheft 8.]
Wiegers, F., 1921: Geologisches Wanderbuch für die Umgegend von Berlin
WIEL, Joseph: Diätetisches Koch-Buch für Gesunde und Kranke, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf den Tisch für Magenkranke. Fünfte, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage
WIEL, Kees van der: Leidse wvershuisjes. Het wisselende lot van zeventiende-eeuwse Leidse arbeidershuisjes. [Tweede druk.]
Wieland, G.R., 1934: Fossil cycads, with special reference to Raumeria reichenbachiana Goeppert sp. of the Zwinger of Dresden
Wielemaker, W.G., & Boxem, H.W. (editors): Soils of the Kisii area, Kenya. [Agric. Res. Rep., 922.]
Wielemakers, W.G., 1984: Soil formation by termites. A study in the Kisii area, Kenya
WIELEN, P. van der: Cacao. Cultuur en bereiding. Een populair overzicht
Wiersum, K.F. (editor), 1984: Strategies and designs for afforestation, reforestation, and tree planting
Wiersum, K.F. (editor): Strategies and designs for afforestation, reforestation, and tree planting. Proceedings of an international symposium on the occasion of 100 years of forestry education and research in the Netherlands, Wageningen, 19-23 September 1983
Wiesemann, G., 1963: Untersuchungen an der Gattung Beisselia Canu 1913 und ähnlichen Bryozoen (Maastrichtien, Danien, Montien)
WIESER, Gabriele (et al.): Die Gewässer des Levanttales. [Carinthia II, Sonderh. 54.]
WIESNER, Julius von (et al.): Die Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreichs. Vierte Auflage. Herausgegeben von Paul Krais und Wilhelm von Brehmer. I. Band: Alkaloide bis Hefen. / II. Band: Hölzer bis Zucker
WIESNER, Julius: Jan Ingen-Housz. Sein Leben und sein Wirken als Naturforscher und Arzt. Unter Mitwirkung von Th. Escherich, E. Mach, R. von Töply und R. Wegscheider
WIGGERS, Marc Ph.M: De NMa en de NZa in de curatieve zorgsector. Een toetsing aan het Europees mededingingsrecht
WIGGERS, Willem J.H. (editor): International commercial law. Source materials. Selected by Willem J.H. Wiggers
WIGGIN, Kate Douglas (1856-1923): Susanna and Sue. With illustrations by Alicia Barber Stephens and N.C. Wyeth
Wight, C.F., 1884: The glacial boundary in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky
Wijkerslooth de Weerdesteyn, P.J.C., 1935: Bau und Entrwicklung des Apennins, besonders der Gebirge Toscanas
WIJNAENDTS FRANCKEN, C.J: Van Kaapstad tot Khartoem. Rhodesia - Oeganda - Soedan
Wilckens, Rudolf, 1909: Paläontologische Untersuchungen triadischer Faunen aus der Umgebung von Predazzo in Südtirol
Wilde, J.J.F.E. de, 1968: A revision of the species of Trinchilia P. Browne (Meliaceae) on the African Continent
Wilde, P.A.J. W. de, 1973: On the ecology of Coenobita clypeatus [Crust. Decap.] in Curaçao, with reference to reproduction, water economy and osmoregulation in terrestrial hermit crabs. [Studies on the fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands, 144.]
Wilde, V., ,1989: Untersuchungen zur Systematik der Blattreste aus dem Mitteleozän der Grube Messel bei Darmstadt (Hessen, Bundesrepublik Deutschland). [Cour. Forshchungsinst. Senckenberg, 115.]
Wilford, J.N: The Riddle of the Dinosaur
Wilk, H., & Medenbach, O., 1977: Zauberwelt der Mineralien. 110 Farbaufnahmen [von] Dr.Olaf Medenbach/ Text Prof. Dr. Harry Wilk
Wilkins, Th., 1988: Clarence King. A biography. Revised and enlarged edition. With the help of Caroline Lawson Hinkley
Wille-Janoschek, U, 1966: Stratigraphy und Tektonik der Schichten der Oberkreide und des Alttertiärs im Räume von Gosau und Abtenau (Salzburg)
Willemsen, F., 1968: Revision of the genera Stenocatantops and Xenocatantops (Orthoptera, Acriidae, Catantopinae). [Monogr. Nederl. Ent. Ver., 4.]
Willemstein, S.C., 1987: An evolutionary basis for pollination ecology. [Leiden Bot. Ser., 10.]
WILLIAMS, Ann: The English and the Norman Conquest
Williams, H.S., & Breger, C.L., 1916: The fauna of the Chapman Sandstone of Maine, including descriptions of some related species from the Moose River Sandstone. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 89.]
Williams, H.S., 1887: On the fossil faunas of the Upper Devonian. The Genesee section, New York
Williams, J.S., 1943: Stratigraphy and fauna of the Louisiana Limestone of Missouri
Williamson, H.C., 1913: Report on diseases and abnormalities in fishes. [Scient. Invest. Fish. Res. Board Scotland, 1911 No. 11.]
Willink, R.J., 1979: The crinoid genera Tribrachyocrinus McCoy, Calceolispongia Etheridge, Jimbacrinus Teichert and Meganotocrinus n. gen. in the Permian of Australia
Willis, E.O., 1967: The behavior of bicolored antbirds. [Univ. California Publ. Zool., 79.]
WILLIS, J.C: A revised catalogue of the indigenous flowering plants and ferns of Ceylon. [Perad. Man. Bot., Ent., Agric. Hort., 2.]
Wills, L.J., 1947: A monograph of the British Triassic scorpions. [Mon. Palaeontogr. Soc.]
WILS, Lode: Vlaanderen, België, Groot-Nederland. Mythe en geschiedenis. Historische opstellen, gebundeld een aangeboden aan de schrijver bij het bereiken van zijn emeritaat als hoogleraar aan de K.U. Leuven
Wilson, Ch.B., 1904: North American parasitic copepods belonging to the family Caligidae. Part 1. The Caligenae
Wilson, Ch.B., 1908: A revision of the Pandarinae and the Cercopinae. (North American parasitic Copepods belonging to the family Caligidae. Parts 3 and 4.)
Wilson, Ch.B., 1913: Crustacean parasites of West Indian fishes and land crabs, with descriptions of new genera and species
Wilson, Ch.B., 1914: North American parasitic Copepoda belonging to the Lernopodidae, with a revision of the entire family
Wilson, Ch.B., 1917: North American Copepods belonging to the Lernaeidae iwith a revision of the entire family
WILSON, David: Penicillin in perspective
WILSON, H.E: Down to Earth. One hundred and fifty years of the British Geological Survey
WILSON, Michael I: Organ cxases of Western Europe
WILSON, P.G., 1975: A taxonomic revision of the genus Maireana (Chenopodiaceae)
WINCHELL, N.H: The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. The First Annual Report for the Year 1872. Second edition
Windels, F., 1949: The Lascaux cave paintings. Personal note by the Abbé Henri Breuil. Preface by C.F.C. Hawkes. Introduction by A. Leroi-Gourhan. Text prepared in collaboration with Annette Laming
Windhausen, A., 1920: Geología Argentina. Un libro para la ensenanza y para aficionados. Primera parte. Geología general y dinámica
Windhausen, A., 1921: Informe sobre un viaje de reconocimiento geológico en la parte Nordeste del Territorio del Chubut [..]. [Bol. Min. Agric. Nac., Ser. B (Geol.), 24.]
Windheuser, H., 1977: Die Stellung des Laacher Vulkanismus (Osteifel) im Quartär. [Sonderveröff. Geol. Inst. Univ. Köln, 31.)
WINDISCH, Hans: Die neue Foto-Schule. 41.-60. Tausend
WINDLE, Bertram C.A: Prehistoric age in England. Archaeological remains from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Illustrated by Edith Mary Windle
Winge, H., 1893: Marsupiaux fossiles et vivants de Lagoa Santa, Minas Geraes, Brésil. Avec un aperçu sur les affinités des Marsupiaux. (E Museo Lundii [...] Bd. 2(1).]
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