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LOUW, N. P. Van Wyk: Berigte Te Velde LOUW, N. P. Van Wyk: Nuwe Verse LOUW, N. P. Van Wyk: Die Held
LOUW, N. P. Van Wyk: 'n Wereld Deur Glas SOUTH AFRICAN BREWERIES GROUP: Keeping Pace, the Story of the First Seventy-five Years of the S.A. Breweries Group, 1895-1970 SPICER, N. H. D: The Conquerors
REEH, Friedmann (and others): Moraviese Kerk Genadendal. Moeder Gemeente Van Moraviese Kerk in S.A. Jubelfees Kerkgebou 12 Oktober 1991 1891-1991 LANGHAM-CARTER, R.R: Inder the Mountain. The Story of St. Saviour's Claremont LEVER, J.C.G: The Sowar and the Jawan: The Soldiers of the Former Indian Army and Their Homelands
KOTZE, Anne R. & POTTER, W.G: St. Paul's Church Cape Town 1880-1980 IMPERIAL WAR GRAVES COMMISSION: Their Name Liveth Volume II, Part III MALAN, Charles (Edited By) (Contributors Include Andre BRINK; J.M.COETZEE; Nadine GORDIMER; Es'kia MPHAHLELE; Richard RIVE): Race and Literature / Ras En Literatuur
TAYLOR, Gordon: Sopwith Scout 7309 HARRIS, John: Much Sounding of Bugles, The Siege of Chitral, 1895 LEAVIS, F. R: D. H. Lawrence: Novelist
SPACE PROBES: Venus Space Probes RICHARDSON, Robert G: Larrey: Surgeon to Napoleon's Imperial Guard GELDENHUYS, Jannie: At The Front-A General's Account of South Africa's Border War
DOUGLAS, Norman: Alone HUDSON, J.C: The Corrosion of Iron and Steel. Being a General Account of the Work of the Corrosion Committee of the Iron and Steel Institute and the British Iron and Steel Federation ROCKE, Matthias: Das Grosse Mercedes Heckflossen-Buch.,
GUNTHER, Dieter & HUBNER, Johannes: Das grosse Mercedes-SL-Buch., SCHRADER, Halwart: Mercedes-Benz Automobile Vom 170V zum 300SL NICHOLS, Richard & BADRE, Paul: Die klassischen Amerikaner - Eine Parade der außergewöhnlichsten US-Autos.,
LLOYD, Alan: The Drums of Kumasi, The Story of the Ashanti Wars VATCHER, William Henry: White Laager; the Rise of Afrikaner Nationalism GROUSSET, Geoffrey: The Rise and Splendour of the Chinese Empire
MORRIS, H.H: The First Forty Years DEMAUS, A.B: Lionel Martin A Biography JAMES, George Wharton: Indian Basketry and How to Make Indian and Other Baskets
JERUSALEM: A Brief Guide to Al-Haram Al-Sharif Jerusalem BUNNING, L.J: Index to Bokmakierie, 1948-1978 : the general interest magazine of the Southern African Ornithological Society GUNTHER, Dieter & BAUMANN, Hans D: Caddy und Co. US- Autos der 50er und 60er Jahre ein Serrag Buch
DREHER, Konrad: Kirchweih - Gedichte in Oberbayrischer Mundart - Mit 28 Illustrationen von Münchener Künstlern EDWARDS, Lovett Fielding: A Wayfarer in Yugoslavia BARBER, Jasmes & BARRATT, John: South Africa's Foreign Policy: The Search for Status and Security, 1945-198
EVANS, Geoffrey: Tannenberg 1410 and 1914 FURNEAUX, Rupert: The Zulu War; Isandhlwana & Rorke's Drift LARTEGUY, Jean: Die Legioen Van Eer (The Centurions)
KLEIN, F: Über die hypergeometrische Funktion. Vorlesung gehalten im Wintersemester 1893-94. Ausgearbeitet von E. Ritter. Göttingen 1894 SMITH, Benjamin; HELSKOG, Knut; MORRIS, David (Edited by): Working With Rock Art: Recording, Presenting and Understanding Rock Art Using Indigenous Knowledge MANAKA, Matsemela (Edited By Geoffrey V. DAVIS): Beyond the Echoes of Soweto - Five Plays
CHULA OF SIAM, Prince: Road Star Hat Trick Being an Account of Two Seasons of B. Bira the Racing Motorist in 1937 and 1938 COATES, P.R: Tracks and Trackless. Omnibuses and Trams in the Western Cape DAVID, Saul: Zulu - the Heroism and Tragedy of the Zulu War of 1879
GUIMARAES, S. Pinheiro (edited by): South Africa and Brazil. Risks and opportunities in the turmoil of Globalisation FINCH, Karen & PUTNAM, Greta: The Care and Preservation of Textiles ITTEN, Johannes: The Art of Color: The Subjective Experience and Objective Rationale of Color
LIPMAN, Jonathan: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Johnson Wax Buildings SMITH Andrew B (text by) & PHEIFFER R (translations by)): The Khoikhoi at the Cape of Good Hope: Seventeenth-Century Drawings in the South African Library TSURU, Kyuku: Elements & Total Concepts of Urban Street Furniture Design
HAINAUX, Rene: Stage Design Throughout the World Since 1950 HAINAUX, Rene: Stage Design Throughout the World Since 1960 HAINAUX, Rene: Stage Design Throughout the World 1970-75
ALDRICH, Winifred: Metric Pattern Cutting for Menswear Including Unisex Clothes and Computer Aided Design NAMIBIA STUDY GROUP STUDENT AFRICAN MOVEMENT: Namibia Review KNOWLES-WILLIAMS, Gwen: The Broederbond and the English-speakers
GOLDSCHMIDT, Ernest (Director): Quadrum 15.. Revue Internationale d'Art Moderne. Internationale Zeitschrift für Moderne Kunst VON LUTZOW, Franz: Bohemia an historical sketch with a new section by H.A. Piehler covering events since 1879 and the rise and fall of the Czechoslovak Republic FERRARS, Max & FERRARS, Bertha: Burma
BATTISS, Walter; DUBOW, Neville ; WERTH, Albert; (Judges); VAN NIEKERK, J. A. H. (Convenor): South African Breweries Art Prize // Suid Afrikaanse Brouerye Kunsprys 1966 NYATSUMBA, Kaiser: A Vision of Paradise and Other Stories SACHS, A: South Africa: The Violence of Apartheid
FIRST, Ruth: The Barrel of a Gun : Political Power in Africa and the Coup d'Elat FFOLLIOTT, Pamela: From Moscow to the Cape : the story of the Wienands of Waldec WEST, Richard: The White Tribes Of Africa
SPIES, S.B: The Origins of the Anglo-Boer War BOXER, C.R: The Dutch Seabourne Empire 1600-1800 JENTSCHURA, Hansgeorg; JUNG, Dieter; MICKEL, Peter: Warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1869-1945
BLOOMAN, Percy A. (Edited by): 1955-1956 Blue Book of South African Business ELIOT, Elizabeth: Portrait of a Sport. The Story of Steeplechasing in Great Britain and the United States MALAN, F.S.; MAINGARD, L.; HAUGHTON, S.H.; FOUCHE, Leo: The Discovery of Gold on the Witwatersrand: Report of the Committee of Enquiry, appointed by the Commission for the Preservation of Natural and Historical Monuments, Relics, and Antiques: February, 1941 / Die Ontdekking Van Goud Aan Die Witwatersrand
BARBER, Noel: Sinister Twilight: The Fall and Rise Again of Singapore BARBER, Noel: The War of the Running Dogs: How Malaya Defeated the Communist Guerrillas, 1948-60 PRESTON, Antony & MAJOR, John: Send A Gun Boat - A Study Of The British Gunboat
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