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BAUSBACK, Peter: Anatolische Knüpfteppiche aus vier Jahrhunderten. Ausstellung vom 28. April bis 27. Mai 1978, YOHE, Ralph S. & JONES, H. McCoy: Turkish Rugs COOTNER, Cathryn M: Anatolian Kilims., The Caroline & H. McCoy Jones Collection
BALPINAR, Belkis & HIRSCH, Udo: Carpets of the Vakiflar Museum Istanbul, Teppiche Des Vakiflar-Museums Istanbul CHASE, Stuart: Men and MacHines CHAMBERLAIN, Basil Hall, & MASON., W.E: A Handbook for Travellers in Japan (including Formosa)
REEVES, E.A. , and Many Others (Alan SILLITOE Association): Hints to Travellers Eleventh Edition Volume One: Survey and Field Astronomy; Volume Two. Organisation and Equipment, Scientific Observation, Health, Sickness and Injury MEURANT, George: Shoowa Design. African Textiles from the Kingdom of Kuba LIPTON, Mimi: The Tiger Rugs of Tibet
FORMAN, Bedrich: Indonesian Batik & Ikat: Textile Art-Threads of Continuity ROSTOV, Charles I. ; GUANYAN, Jia: Chinese Carpets LARSSON, Lennart: Carpets from China, Xinjiang and Tibet
HACKMACK, Adolf: Chinese Carpets and Rugs DESAI, Chelna: Ikat Textiles of India GILLOW, John & BARNARD, Nicholas: Traditional Indian Textiles
ANTON, F: Ancient Peruvian Textiles HYMAN, Virginia D. & HU, W.C.C: Carpets of China and Its Border Regions FISKE, Patricia; PICKERING, W. Russell; YOHE, Ralph S: From the far West: Carpets and textiles of Morocco / De l'Extreme Occident: Tapis et Textiles du Maroc
PICTON, John & MACK, John: African Textiles HITCHCOCK, Michael: Indonesian Textiles TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY: Turkish Handwoven Carpets CATALOG No: 1
DOUGLASS, John M. & PETERS, Sue N: The Lost Language: Value and Symbolism in Oriental Rugs DOCKSTADER, Frederick J: The Song of the Loom: New Traditions of Navajo Weaving EILAND, Murray L: Chinese and Exotic Rugs
HERRMANN, Eberhart: Seletene Orientteppiche V HERRMANN, Eberhart: Seletene Orientteppiche VI HERRMANN, Eberhart: Seletene Orientteppiche VII
HERRMANN, Eberhart: Seletene Orientteppiche VIII HERRMANN, Eberhart: Seletene Orientteppiche X HERRMANN, Eberhart: Seletene Orientteppiche XI
HERRMANN, Eberhart: Seletene Orientteppiche IV HERRMANN, Eberhart: Von Lotto Bis Tekke: Seltene Orientteppiche Aus Vier Jahrhunderten HERRMANN, Eberhart: Von Uschak Bis Yarkand: Seltene Orientteppiche Aus Vier Jahrhunderten
HERRMANN, Eberhart: Von Konya Bis Kokand: Seltene Orientteppiche III POSTCARDS: Bad Cleve. 16 Ausgewahlte Ansichten in Feinem Farbendruck BERTUCHI, M: Toros 10 Postales. Carnet 1
BERTUCHI, M: Toros 10 Postales. Carnet 2 EMERY, Irene: The Primary Structures Of Fabrics: An Illustrated Classification HAUSER-SCHAUBLIN, Brigitta, NABHOLZ-KARTASCHOFF, Marie-Louise & RAMSEYER, Urs: Balines Textiles
OHMS, Margaret: Ethnic Embroidery. An Introduction With Special Reference to the Embroidery of China, India, Palestine and Yugoslavia ROBINSON, Lilian & LOCHNER, Emmarentia: From Beadwork to Embroidery. Designs from Southern Africa ROBERTS, John G: Mitsui. Three Centuries of Japanese Business.,
ROSS, Victor: A History of the Canadian Bank of Commerce with an Account of the Other Banks Which Now Form Part of Its Organization VOLUMES 1 and 2 ANONYMOUS (Illustrated Arthur RACKHAM): Faithful Friends: Pictures and Stories for Little Folk BAINES, Thomas (edited By J. P. R. WALLIS): The Northern Goldfields Diaries of Thomas Baines Volume 1. First Journey 1869-1870. Volume 2. First Journey 1870-1871. Volume 3. Second Journey 1871-1872
HOARE, Henry Peregrine Rennie: Hoare's Bank. A Record 1672-1955. The Story of a Private Bank ERDMANN, Kurt: Kaukasische Teppiche. Ausstellung 17. 11. - 16. 12. 1962., BIRD, Eileen: Introducing Tablet Weaving
O'BANNON, George; WOOD, William A.; IRONS, William; MUSHAK, Paul: Vanishing Jewels: Central Asian Tribal Weavings....from the Collection of Marvin and Frederica AMSTEY BIDDER, Hans & BIDDER, Irmgard: Filzteppiche FORD, P.R.J. & POHL-SCHILLINGS, H.E: Persische Flachgewebe: Bilder Einer Ausstellung
BENARDOUT, Raymond: Turkish Rugs CRAIB, Charles: Geophytic Pelargoniums: Field and Cultivation Studies of the Section Hoarea NDUNGANE, Njongonkulu: A World With a Human Face: A Voice from Africa
PENN, Nigel: Rogues, Rebels and Runaways: Eighteenth-century Cape Characters SCHWARZ, Adam: A Nation in Waiting: Indonesia's Search for Stability ROSS, Don: What People Want: The Concept of Utility
TYRRELL, W.E: History of the Belfast Savings Bank EPSTEIN, Edward J: The Rise and Fall of Diamonds: The Shattering of a Brilliant Illusion SHA, Domei Tsushin (Edited by): Japan Trade Guide 1938 with a Compregensive Mercantile Directory
HOLE, S. Reynolds: Our Gardens BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah: Traveller Tales of China.or the Story-Telling Hongs MORRISON, Pearse: Rambling Recollections
NOTEHELFER, F.G: American Samurai: Captain L.L. Janes and Japan O'KELLY, Eoin: The Old Private Banks and Bankers of Munster. PART 1: Bankers of Cork and Limerick Cities KUZWAYO, Ellen: African Wisdom. A Personal Collection of Setswana Proverbs
OKPALUBA, Chuks: Law and Contemporary South African Society PATEL, Leila: Restructuring Social Welfare: Options for South Africa AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ASVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE: Apartheid Medicine: Health and human rights in South Africa : a report to American Association for the Advancement of Science
PINNOCK, Don: Ruth First KALUNGU-BANDA, Martin: Leading Like Madiba: Leadership Lessons from Nelson Mandela GOSCHEN, George J: The Theory of the Foreign Exchanges
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