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ANKUMAH, Evelyn A. & KWAKWA, Edward K. (Edited by): The Legal Profession and the Protection of Human Rights in Africa DE VILLIERS, Ingrid (Edited by): Collective bargaining, deregulation & democracy :proceedings of the Labour Law Conference 1990 WAISMAN, Viviana (Edited by): Women of the World: Laws and Policies Affecting Their Reproductive Lives - Anglophone Africa
MEER, Fatima (Edited by): Treason Trial 1985 OTAKI, Tadao & DRAEGER, Donn F: Judo For Young Men Basic and Intermediate An Interscholastic and Intercollegiate Standard SKELTON, Ann & BATLEY, Mike: Charting Progress, Mapping the Future: restorative justice in South Africa
MAREE, Charles (Edited by): The Independent Trade Unions, 1974-1984: Ten Years of the South African Labour Bulletin (Ravan Labour Studies, 2) FRANZSEN, R C D (Edited by): Regional And Local Taxation In A Future South Africa WIEHAHN, Nic (and others): The Independent Trade Union Guide '88
ALPERSON, Myra: Foundations for a New Democracy Corporate Social Investment in South Africa CATHOLIC INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: South Africa in the 1980's: State of Emergency McCLAIN, Charlotte V: Report of the International Seminar on "Children in Trouble with the Law" Cape Town 15 to 17 October 1993
LETSOALO, Essy: Land Reform in South Africa: A Black Perspective SACHED / EWE STUDY PROGRAMME / BLACK SASH: Staying Strong in Detention MOTSHEKGA, Mathole & DELPORT, Elize (Edited by): Eomen and Children's Rights in a Violent South Africa
SIMBI, Peter T. & NGWA, Jacob N: Admistrative Justice in Public Services. American and African Perspectives CHEADLE, Halton & MOLAHLELI, Edwin: Labour Relations Act of 1956 BEKKER, Gina (Compiled by): A Compilation of Essential Documents on the rights to food and Nutrition
MASHAVA, Lawrence V (Compiled by): A Compilation of Essential Documents on the Right to Education BEKKER, Gina (Compiled by): A Compilation of Essential Documents on the Right to Food and Nutrition HORNBY, Donna (Edited by): Traditional Leaders. A KwaZulu-Natal Study 1999-2001
SCHONTEICH, Martin: Lawyers for the People - The South African Prosecution Service MAYER, Claude-Helene: Artificial Walls. South African Narratives on Conflict, Difference and Identity. an Exploratory Study in Post-Apartheid South Africa MANJI, Firoze & BURNETT, Patrick: African Voices on Development and Social Justice: Editorials from Pambazuka News 2004
ALI, Tariq: The Clash Of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity PILLAY, Shunna: Shadow People CHAPMAN, Audrey & RUSSELL, Sage (Edited by): Core Obligations. Building a Framework for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
SANPAD: Cooperating For Science: An Inventory Of Research And Education Partnerships Between South Africa And The Netherlands VON MITZLAFF, Ulrike: Maasai Women: Life in a Patriarchal Society - Field Research Among the Parakuyo Tanzania HARRINGTON, Julia: Compilation of Decisions on Communications of the African Commission on Human and People's Rights : Extracted From the Commission's Activity Reports 1994-2001
MUSEO DE LA PAZ GUERNICA: Artea Eta Giza Eskubideak =: Arte y Derechos Humanos = Art and Human Rights TISCHHAUSER, Anthony: 10 X SA Fashion Week: Images and Voices from Ten Years of South African Fashion Week ZAIDEL-RUDOLPH, Jeanne: Fanfare Festival Overture; Tempus Fugit; the Fugue That Flew Away; Virtuoso 1; Kaleidoscope; Three Dimensions; Sonata No.1 (EMCJ A 4061831)
ROURKE, J.P: Taxonomic Studies on Leucospermum (Publisher series: Journal of South African Botany Supplementary Volume No.) GORDON-BROWN, A: Christopher Webb Smith-An Artist at the Cape of Good Hope 1837-1839 NKOMO, Mokubung; SWARTZ, Derrick; MAJA, Botshabelo (Edited by): Within the Realm of Possibilty: From Disadvantage to Development at the University of Fort Hare and University of the North
KABEMBA, Claude (Edited by): Swaziland's Struggle with Political Liberalisation DAYS, Drew S.' JONES, Nathaniel R.; BLANCHARD, Marc-Andre; KLAAREN, Jonathan: Justice Enjoined. The State of the Judiciary in Kenya CAMAY, Phiroshaw & GORDON, Anne J. (Edited by): Advocacy in Southern Africa: Lessons for the Future
RAYNER, Mary: Turning a blind eye?: Medical accountability and the prevention of torture in South Africa COETZEE, Erika & STREAK, Judith (Edited by): Monitoring Child Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa: Achievements and Challenges RICHTER, Linda; DAWES, Andrew; HIGSON-SMITH, Craig (Edited by): Sexual Abuse of Young Children in Southern Africa
MARTIN, Linda: Crisis in crossroads: A report on human rights in South Africa KROG, Johs. F: Geslagsregister Van Die Krog-Familie in Suid-Afrika DE MORGAN, Sophia Elizabeth: Memoir of Augustus De Morgan, with Selections from His Letters
DE MORGAN, Augustus: A Budget of Paradoxes WILKINSON-MAPOSA, Susan; FOWLER, Alan; OLIVER-EVANS, Ceri; MULENGA, Chao F. N: The Poor Philanthropist: How and why the poor help each Other WOMEN AND LAW IN SOUTHERN AFRICA: Maintenance in Zimbabwe
ADEBAJO, Adekeye: Liberia's Civil War: Nigeria, ECOMOG, and Regional Security in West Africa MARI, Pete (Edited by): Look at Me: Women Artists and Poets Advocate Children's Rights BUDLENDER, De3bbie (Edited by): The Second Women's Budget
TAMELE, Viriato & VILANCULO, Joao Armando: Algumas danças tradicionais da zona norte de Moçambique PRAH, K. K. (Edited by): Social Science Research Priorities for Namibia MANOR, James: The Political Economy of Democratic Decentralization
AAWORD: Gender and HIV / AIDS in Africa. Genre et VIH / DIDA En Afrique MURRAY, Christina & O'SULLIVAN, Michelle: Advancing Women's Rights. The First Decade of Democracy MATUSSE, Renato & BUCUANE, Juvenal: Igreja de Malehice : construção e Impacto
CAMAY, Phiroshaw & GORDON, Anne J: Poverty Reduction Through Improved Regulation : Perspectives on South African and International Experience HALLOWES, David & MUNNIK, Victor: Poisoned Spaces: Manufacturing Wealth, Producing Poverty HAIR, Penda T: Louder Than Words: Lawyers, Communities and the Struggle for Justice : A Report to the Rockefeller Foundation
STEINOEL, Theo: Stoffmalerei. Mit Stempel-Schablonen und Spritztechnik. Eine Einführung in Ihre Praxis KENYA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION: Tensions of Transition: democracy in a closed Society HOPWOOD, Graham: Guide to Namibian Politics 2006 Edition : Including A-z of Political Personalities
LEGAL EDUCATION ACTION PROJECT: Working for Justice: The Role of Para-legals in South Africa MILLS, Greg: Security Intersection: The Paradox Of Power In An Age Of Terror NAIDOO, Ravi (Edited by): Unions in Transition: Cosatu into the New Millennium
MARONGWE, Nelson: Conflicts over land and other natural resources in Zimbabwe KALULA, Evans (Edited by): Labour Relations in Southern Africa. Proceedings of a Conference on Labour Relations in South Africa MIFTAH (Introduction By Yasser ARAFAT): The Palestinian Expert Conference on Final Status Issues: Papers and Proceedings - Ramallah Palestine, September 16 - 18, 1999 --
CHANDA, Alfred: Non-formal Education for Human Rights in Zambia JOOMA, Ahmed: Migrancy After Influx Control CLOETE, Nico; FEHNEL, Richard; MAASSEN, Peter; MOJA, Teboho; PEROLD, Helene; GIBBON, Trish (Edited by): Transformation in Higher Education: Global Pressures and Local Realities
PATEL, I.G. (Edited by): Policies for African Development: From the 1980s to the 1990s SARTORI, Giovanni: Comparative Constitutional Engineering: An Inquiry into Structures, Incentives and Outcomes ALEXANDER, Amanda & PITHOUSE, Richard (Edited by): yonk' Indawo Umzabalazo Uyasivimela. New Work from Durban (Centre for Civil Society Research Reports 2006 VOL i)
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