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PLOEGER, Jan; BOSMAN, F.C.L.; PUNT, W.H.J.; BAGNALL, A. Gordon (Editorial Board);: Conservation of Our Heritage. Part 1 - Preservation of old buildings and historic Relics DE RACHEWILTZ, Boris: Introduction to African Art BERMAN, Esme: The South African Art Market 1971/72
GOSSE, Edmund: Gray JEBB, R.C: Bentley TRAILL, H. D: Sterne
STEPHEN, Leslie: Swift OLIPHANT, Mrs: Sheridan MINTO, William: Defoe
HUXLEY, T.H: Hume CHURCH, R.W: Spenser SHAIRP, Principal: Burns
PATTISON, Mark: Milton MORISON, J. Cotter: Gibbon FOWLER, Thomas: Locke
COLVIN, Sidney: Landor WARD, A.W: Chaucer SYMONDS, J.A: Shelley
SAINTSBURY, George: Dryden BLACK, William: Goldsmith MYERS, F. W. R: Wordsworth
TROLLOPE, Anthony: Trollope KOOMEN, Pieter: Binnenhuis: Karakter en Sfeer. Het Werk van Bas van Pelt HARTE, Bret: Colonel Starbottle's Client and Some Other People
NORTHFIELD, Benjamin John (Edited by): Cheering Words VOLUME LI GREEN, E.M: The Child of the Caravan or the Boy Musician HARTHAN, John P: Victoria & Albert Museum. Bookbindings
BLUNT, Wilfrid: The Golden Road to Samarkand WILSON, Henry: Benares MASSEY, Reginald (Edited by): All India A Catalogue of Everything Indian
STERBA, Editha & STERBA, Richard: Beethoven and His Nephew: A Psychoanalytic Study of Their Relationship THACKERAY, William Makepeace: The Newcomes: Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family edited by Arthur Pendennis Esq COMBES, Simon: An African Experience: Wildlife Art and Adventure in Kenya
BOTTOMLEY, John (Edited by): New Contree VOLUME 39 BOTTOMLEY, John (Edited by): New Contree VOLUME 50 VAN EEDEN, Elise S. (Edited by): New Contree VOLUME 52
CLEVERLY, Les: W. J. Burchell: Special Agent Or Naturalist? : a Short Biography HAMBLY, Gavin: Cities of Mughal India : Delhi Agra and Fatehpur Sikri HYDE, H. Montgomery: The Life of John Law. The History of an Honest Adventurer
CLEYMANS, J. (Edited by): Phase Structure of Strongly Interacting Matter - Proceedings of a Summer School on Theoretical Physics Held at the University of Cape Town, South Africa January 8-19, 1990 CADELL, Elizabeth: Be My Guest REYNIES, Nicole De: Le Mobilier Domestique. Principes d'analyse scientifique. Inventaire général des monuments et des richesses artistiques de la France
DOWDING, Lord: Many Mansions HOOPER, Jim: Bloodsong!: An Account of Executive Outcomes in Angola MUSIKER, Reuben: Aspects of Johannesburg History
COLLUM, V. C. C: The Tressé Iron-Age Megalithic Monument (Sir Robert Mond's Excavation). Its Quadruple Sculptured Breasts and Their Relation to The Mother Goddess Cosmic Cult INGLES, Eliizabeth: Bakst: The Art of Theater & Dance BATTISS, Walter: Kunsbewegings in Suid Afrika Vandag. Art in a Mixed-up World: Inaugural Lecture Delivered on 20th May 1965..
TRUPP, Fritz: Last Indians: South America's Cultural Heritage VAN GELDER, Patricia: Wildlife Artists At Work POLI, Doretta Davanzo: Arts & crafts in Venice
HASTINGS, Max (Intro. by): The British Army - The Definitive History of the Twentieth Century JENCKS, Charles: The Language of Post-Modern Architecture DONALDSON, Ken (Edited by): South African Who's Who 1954
DONALDSON, Ken (Edited by): Who's Who in Southern Africa 1960 ANONYMOUS: Angkor KARCHER, Karl: Handzeichnungen für die Mythologie und Archäologie des klassischen Alterthums., 1. Heft: Mythologie. 2. Heft: Kriegs- Schifffahrts- und Fuhrwesen. 3. Heft: Hauswesen. 4. Heft: Bauwesen. 5. Heft: Festliche Spiele
BASSETT, Stephen Townley: Rock Paintings of South Africa:Revealing a Legacy BIZLEY, A.C: The Slate Figures of Cornwall MACGREGOR, Alasdair Alpin: Percyval Tudor-Hart (1873-1954), Portrait of an Artist
PAVEL, Amelia (Translated By Viviane PRAGER): Pictori Evrei Din Romania: Jewish Painters in Romania 1848-1948 HILDYARD, John; DART, John; DRAKE, Francis: An Accurate Description and History of the Metropolitan and Cathedral Churches of Canterbury and York, from Their First Foundation to the Present Year: Illustrated with One Hundred and Seventeen Copper-plates, Consisting of Different Views, Plans,....... PIENAAR, Antoinette: The Griqua's Apprentice: Ancient Healing Arts of the Karoo
PIVIN, Jean Loup; and Others (Edited by): Revue Noire. African Contemporary Art. Art Contemporain Africain No.16 Mars Avril Mai 1995 (Indian Ocean) PIVIN, Jean Loup; and Others (Edited by): Revue Noire. African Contemporary Art. Art Contemporain Africain No.17 Juin Juillet Aout 1995 (Mali Burkina Faso Niger) PIVIN, Jean Loup; and Others (Edited by): Revue Noire. African Contemporary Art. Art Contemporain Africain No.18 Sept Oct Nov 1995 (Benin)
PIVIN, Jean Loup; and Others (Edited by): Revue Noire. African Contemporary Art. Art Contemporain Africain No.19 Dec 95 Jan 96 Fev 1996 (Les Artistes Africains et Le Sida / Aids and African Artists ) GLANVILLE, E: Farm Lands of the Rich South-West. Being notes prepared on behalf of the Cape Peninsula Publicity Association with the object of making more generally known the advantages and good prospects offered to intending settlers by the various branches of Farming ROSSOFF, Dovid: Safed the Mystical City
LUST, Benedict (Transl. Walter SOMMER): Die Jungmühle. Das Bad der Blutwäsche durch die Dauerbrause. The fountain of youth or the biological Bloodwash BROPHY, John: Britain's Home Guard A Character Study BELL, Gertrude: The Letters of Gertrude Bell
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Railway Convention Between the Cape Colony and the Orange Free State CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the General Manager of Railways for the Year 1895 (with appendices) CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the General Manager of Railways for the YEAR 1903 (with appendices)
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